It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

How far can you get?


AMRAP in 20min:
(or How far can you get???)

200 D/U (sub = 500 singles)
100 Air Squats
80 Burpees
60 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
40 TTB
10 Muscle Ups (sub = 5 x 2 Pull Ups + 3 Dips)

Holy Cow!!! I thought the 200/100 would be a nice little warm-up phase to this! It completely burned me out for those burpees (which we knew would be tough, BUT not that tough!!!). the time burpees were finished (5 minutes left), looking down at that ball...I wanted to kick it thru the wall!!! Frickin' wall nemesis! I cannot get more than 10 in a row on longer sets w/o being burned out...

It was a great day of competition... JB got pissed at his rope for D/U's and gave Oz and I a head start by switching ropes and trying to find that rhythm! We both stayed ahead of him till WB... Then I fell terribly behind, and he snuck a set of 5 WB's in on Oz's break and jumped ahead...with a race to TTB for the two of them!!! Tremendous battle!!!

Witt just did work for the full 20 Min... Counting 500 might have been a WOD by itself... When you just want to get the exercise done...counting and keeping track of #'s is a pain in the rear!
"Was that 250 or was that 260...maybe it was 240?!?!? Awww, crap...i forget" ~ that is what goes thru my head anyways...

JB ~ 12 TTB
Oz ~ 11 TTB
Witt ~ 10 Burpees
Daliege ~ 3 WB
tb ~ WB completed!

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