It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

PR's all around!!!

That is right folks...

THIS is what Saturdays are all about!!!

PR's...meaning Personal Records!!!

Breaking barriers...both mentally and/or physically.

Not needing to be anywhere in a to "coach" each other...learn from each each other...encourage each other...and for some ~ even to OUTHINK yourself, only to have someone tell you to "STOP THINKING ABOUT IT AND JUST DO IT!!!"

Great DAY for all....

Warm-Up with some movements and get to work on Snatches (E, Drake & tb), Snatch work (Farris) and Clean & Jerk (Val)...

Burgener Warm Up ~ Snatches (C&J)...
Then (close to OTM) of Snatches or Clean & Jerks:
3 Snatches (C&J), increase wt. every 2 rounds
2 Snatches (C&J) when wt gets heavy
1 Snatch (C&J) when wt gets heavy

Smoke Show
AMRAP in 5-4-3-2-1 (with equal REST):
10 Pull Ups / TTB / K2E (you choose)
10 HR Push Ups
10 Pwr Snatches (C&J-val) (95#/65#)

Val ~ 155 C&J (PR)
(@75# & TTB) 1+27(95#) / 1+28 / 1+8 / 1+4 / 23
E ~ 160# Snatch (Huge PR...115# was previous)
(@95# & Pull Ups) 2+5 / 2+5 / 1+14 / 1+4 / 25
Drake ~ 145# Snatch (+10# from last week)
(@75# / K2E) 2 / 2+5 / 1+24 / 1+10 / 1
Farris ~ Snatch and C&J work
(@45# & Mod. Pull Ups) 2+3 / 2+3 / 1+23 / 1+6 / 1
tb ~ 195# Snatch (PR by 5#)
(@95# & TTB) 3+2 / 2+20 / 1+26 / 1+20 / 1

Danielle Witter did White Lightning from yesterday and was going to use 95# for the Deadlift...
Val was trying to convince her to do 115# and she was being very reluctant...
So she said, " OK, let's just make it 100# or 105# and she was refusing...
Time to get the group to intervene...POSITIVE PEER PRESSURE!!!
E told her she could do it! I told her she could do it! And of course Val was all over her!!!
So with 25# bumpers on each side of the bar (45# Bar + 50# total plates) I said, "OK, lets just goto 105#..."
Reluctantly she said yes... So I put 10# plates on EACH side ( that math)...then said, "OK try 105# and see how it feels..."
She did and it looked easy...
Then I said, "OK, lets just do 115# and threw on another set of 10# plates on EACH side (again, try that math)!!!"
She tried it and it looked good...not bad we went with it!

She finished in 19:?? (sorry, I don't remember the time)... I just remember telling her that she just did 135# for the DEADLIFT for the entire workout...
AWESOME job by her!!!
Everyone was loving it...she was the only one who did not know she was doing the whole workout at that weight!!!

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