It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Monday, December 8, 2014

OPEN Fever...

Getting to be that time of year where we start thinking about the OPEN...
CF OPEN that is...
This year, we need more people to join in... LOTS of new features...
YES, you do have to pay...$10 (or something like that)
This year...
Compete / See how you stack up against others in YOUR STATE!!!
There is also a version of SCALED DIVISION (no chance of Regionals)
OR you can do some WOD's as Rx and others as Scaled

Whatever it is...just put your name out there... Give it a shot! Make it the ONE TIME, each year, where you are going to TEST YOURSELF!!!

THIS is your advance notice to get ready...
We need more involvement out of AOWR in the OPEN!!!
Even if it is only for our group

On to the WOD...

Brief warm-up (unless you are Kate and Chris...then it is full blown pre-WOD!)
they were working D/U's for sure as I walked by...getting ready for the Battle of the B & C

OPEN 13.4 (originally performed 3/28/13 & 3/30/13 & last on 8/15/13)
Ascending (3-6-9-12-15-18...)
AMRAP in 7min:
Clean & Jerk (135#/95#)
Toes to Bar

Hang Clean & to a Heavy Single

Kate ~ ??
Feidt ~ 12's + 5 C&J (65 reps) / 205# (could have done more, but had to go)
Halbur ~ 9's + 10 C&J (46 reps) / 175#
Witt ~ (@65#) ~ 9's + 8 C&J (44 reps)
tb ~ 12's + 6 TTB (81 reps) / 225#

PM Crew
Val ~ 12's + 14 C&J (74 reps)
Oz ~ 12's + 9 C&J (69 reps) / 185# (did the C&J before 13.4)

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