Congrats to Val!!!
What did we learn today...We learned that 250 Running Jump ropes may be more than a 400m if Britt got 4 Rounds in...We learned that the Nike Free's can run fast...but not as fast as HEPP (in tb's case anyway)
WOD (from CFJAX)
AMRAP in 20 Min:
10 BWT Bench Press
400yd Run (back circle)
Britt ~ 4 Rounds (modified with 250 Running Jump Ropes)
Syd ~ 7 Rounds (mod~ 135# Bench)
Feidt ~ 5 Rounds (mod ~ 185# Bench)
Hepp ~ 5 Rounds + 10 BP (Rx @ 200# Bench)
tb ~ 5 Rounds + 10 BP (Rx @ 185# Bench)
On a side note...Hepp and Biolo finished the 6th round by running but time had expired...thus the results above...Below is an account of what took place while these two gutted out the final round:
Biolo was out with the early lead leaving the wt room with 10s left on the clock...Hepp was on his heels leaving with 3 seconds left...Biolo w/ +7s in the run...stayed ahead until the back circle...then Hepp pulled up alongside Biolo....Toying with him (Hepp was not even breathing hard) they hit the last 100 (going up the drive)...Hepp laughed and said, "It must suck to be such an OLD MAN!!!"...Then proceeded to kick it into gear and got the the wt room +3s ahead...
Pretty jazzed about the new job!.. I wonder what it will be like?!