It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Back to the Basics...

Today was a "Throwback Day"... Back to the origional CF WOD's...

"Storm" thru the WOD...Pick a "Lady"

5 Rounds for Time:
400m Run
30 Box Jumps (24" / 20")
30 Wall Ball (20# / 14#)

Britt ~ 32:40
Val ~ 32:48
Avalanche ~ 36:48
T-Lev ~ 30:22
Dillon ~ 31:43
tb ~ 36:08

This one sounded tough, looked tough and felt TOUGH right from the 3...2...1...Go!
It was "old school" style WOD.  Something we have not done in a while.  The "new" concept in programing is some strength with a bit quicker metobolic conditioning to finish, only once in a while do you go on a long condtioner...  BUT ... Follow the Elite CF'ers / Military and they do 2 or 3 WOD's a day...Typically following some form of CF Endurance WOD & shorter, Met-Con WOD . 

Changes in the WIND...

Monday, January 30, 2012

More Practice...

Back to Practice Crossfit... For today...

Warm-Up was 6 Stair Laps (600m Running with stairs)
Work on Power Clean Form (Muscle Clean, Propulsions, Hang Clean, etc)

Work to a Heavy Set...

Then for 10 Minutes... As Heavy As Possible (AHAP)
2 Power Cleans + 1 Jerk every 30 seconds
(Perform 2 PC then the Jerk)
Track how many times you miss a round...If you work all the way through it will be 20 total Rounds!

3 Minutes Rest...

4 Rounds for Time
7 T2B
7 Pull Ups
15 Jumping BB Squats (65# / 45#)

Everyone got 20 Sets...Great Job by the Group!
Britt ~ 135# / 7:20
Val ~ 115# / 8:08 k2e/purple
Maloney ~ 85# / 8:00
Feidt ~ 135# / 9:15
Avalanche ~ 155# / 9:07
STAN ~ N/A / 8:15 (25# DB in each hand rather than BB)
T-Lev ~ 135# / 6:04
Hans ~ 135# / 6:22
Dillon ~ 135# / 7:22
tb ~ 155# / 7:30

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Ski Lifts, Events & WOD

Val = Black
tb = Green

The best thing about traveling 30-40 ft above ground, there is no where else you can possibly be at that moment.
You have to be there.
And since there isn't much else to do for the few minutes it takes us in Wisconsin to get back up to the 'top' at Cascade or Granite... you talk, discuss, tell stories, ask ridiculous question.

You know, the 'If you could ___________, would you _____________?' questions.
What about the "Would you rather?" Questions...Feuerstahler is a mad-genius at these!!!
I was about to ask the Superhero question last night when it dawned on me that....
Steve was already Aquaman!
Britt got to pick- he has fond memories of Batman.  (I see more of a Green Lantern but that's just my opinion.)  I thought about Phoenix, from X-Men, but would prefer to not move into the Dark Phoenix stage... okay, digressing...
You could NEVER move into the Dark Phoenix stage...Far to positive and optimistic...
(Britt & I are working on jumps...  those jumps are nothin but the moguls just dominated us!  Steve put it well, there is NO reason that I can not get those.  Next Challenge: Moguls before Bohemia.  TB, I need an entire outfit of padded gear and a helmet with a face mask.)

We have had some recent discussions about NATURAL DISASTERS... if you have noticed lately, you see Avalanche as jb's new alter-ego.
If you could be a natural disaster, which would you be?
Some of these have escaped my memory so feel free to comment.
Hepp may be a tornado ... TYPHOON
Feidt, a mudslide (that was his for Jacob...but Jacob could not bear to be "dirty")
Sorry, again another digression.....

Back to the point:  Seriously, ski lifts rock.  I appreciate the time we spend together on a lift, the people we come across when it isn't just us, and it just wouldn't be the same to be on the lift alone or simply, without the others.
This week's ski lift experience meant a little bit more to me than the others... definitely had a better grasp on the appreciation I have for those I call friends.  Not due to the ski lifts, but the same for me this week!

I constantly remind myself that those I am so frequently around help me become a better person.  They challenge my thoughts, allow me to grow through teaching me what they know, open my eyes up to different points of view, and address change with optimism and professionalism.  I just keep trying to learn...  laugh a bit along the way.

The Skier:  Steve  The Boarder:  Simon.
Race for the Finish.... plus Simon always has the gadgets on.

I keep spitting this out on the posts... probably once a week since the start of the new year.
IT IS OFFICIAL ~ ANYthing Once will be scheduling the team that Saturday, Sept. 8th for ToughMudder.
We will post via blog & fbook when I have set the team up.
This will be in the beginning of February so you have the month to sign up at the lowest rate.

As for events this summer.... take a look, chime in on what you have set for your goals, and know that WE will try hard to make some Official ANYthing Once events available for everyone.
Urban Dare (Milwaukee 6/2&3) / Urban Adventure (Madison 6.6) ~ Like Amazing Race
The fact that after a bit events start to take a small bite out of your budget is clear....
We know that we would run a 5K just as fast with my ANYthing Once Team as we would at an event... so with that in mind... a little bit of work can be done to make that happen.
There are times when the event is special and the money we are putting toward it means something to us; like the jigsaw run (WHO is in for this Year...May 5th...THEME thoughts?)
BUT, I also know that we could create out own events and chip in $10 and cut a check directly to a charity.  So.... that may be something for ANYthing Once to move into for 2012 also.

We should have a Multi-WOD competition/event sometime in Late April / May again this year...

Warm-Up ~ 2 Min Jump Rope (1m Double Bounces / 1m Singles)
2 Min Jump Rope (1m Singles / 1m Double Unders)
Hip Mobility

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Reps for Time of:
Ground to Overhead (135#)

Feidt ~ 16:37
Ethan ~ 20:31 (125#)
tb ~ 15:21

E had a great push at the end of his getting 10 burpees in a row!  It was a great start to the weekend!

Friday, January 27, 2012



5 x 5 of Ball Sack Power Clean to Shoulders (no sandbags) (50#-80#)

3 Attempts of 
10-20-30 yard Shuttle Runs with the Ball Sack!
Get timed and work for your best time...

THEN For Time:
50 Toes To Bar (T2B)
50 SDLHP (55# / 35#)
50 DB Burpee / Power Clean (20#-45#)

Time for 50's (wts used for Burpees)
Kate ~ 13:56 (Knees to Elbows, 20#)
Stan ~ 19:12 (Knees to Chest / 35# SDLHP / 25#)
Feidt ~ 17:21 (35#)
Avalanche ~ 16:35 (40#)
Krommy ~ 16:34 (35#)
Britt ~ 14:24 (35#)
Hans ~ 16:26 (45#)
tb ~ 16:05 (40#)

We all had a shuttle run of sub 30 seconds...Meaning we all had a shuttle run of 29 seconds!
It was a good time, hard work and you could really feel it... Bertag switched up the last shuttle by having us go 30-20-10 for the 3rd rep...It did feel different...legs were heavy enough by the 3rd Run, then going long on the first leg was brutal!

Different type of work, but very effective!
Sometimes the smallest thing makes all the difference.
By the finish of the WOD (50 DB Burpee / PC) we were overlapping from our start...People were going to rest a bit anyway, but then you had a partner joining you on them, You felt obligated to work and work hard when it was your turn.
Even better was when Bertag finished, he stayed and counted down my rest time (did the same for Feidt at the finish).  At first I was so tired I wanted to punch him...
"Just leave me alone and let me take a longer break!"
But that is not what ANYthing Once members do!  They push you...Push You to be the best YOU can become.  Others can always see the best in you, even when you may not see it in yourself!  You can get one extra rep... That 10 second rest becomes 45 seconds if left on your own.  
Having TEAM mates around is a big help!  
We have a great TEAM!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Chipping Away

Today is "Hump-Day" or "Mid-Week"...that time when you are just tired enough but have some energy...

CHIP Away at this one...

4 Min Jogging (be creative)
15 GHD Sit Ups
3 Skin the Cat (Bar) or 15 Pass Thrus
3 Min of Mobility (aka ~ Get Workout Gear Ready)

Perform In Order For Time:
30 KB/DB One-Arm Snatch (55# / 35#) L=1, R=2, L=3, etc
50 Box Jumps w/ Step Downs (24" / 20")
25 Dips
30 Swings (70# / 55#)
50 ABMAT Sit Ups
25 Ball Slams (20" / 16#)
30 Wall Ball (20# / 14#)
50 Jumping Pull Ups
2 Stair Laps (200m Run)

Britt ~ 19:21 (35# Snatch)
Krommy ~ 20:57
Avalanche ~ 20:15
Maloney ~ 19:14 (25# Snatch / 35# Swing)
Feidt ~ 23:50
tb ~ 26:10
Hans ~ 19:05
T-Lev ~ 18:45 (45# Snatch)
Munce ~ 18:21 (35# Snatch / 55# Swing)

PM WOD... ran promptly at 4:30.
The recovery day went well with the team.  And they welcomed the no-wod Wednesday.
Love power cleans- maxed out with the girls at 140#.  Can we say PR?
It may not be much but a PR is a PR!

For Time:
Syd ~ 19:18 Rx
Desi ~ 16:45 (20# Snatch/GreenDips/35# Swing)
Val ~ 16:24  (25# Snatch/PurpleDips)

BTW ~ I wish I could write this well...Heck, I wish I could talk this clearly!!!
Practice Crossfit ~ Screw Paleo, Try Passion

Val does this VERY well!  That is why she is a good blogger...
My thoughts never seem to get to paper or even out of my mouth in a very clear fashion
So... I will continue to use other peoples words to express what I think/feel/agree with...

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Long Day...

Yesterday began a new semester at school.
With a new semester, comes a new schedule...tough getting use to...
7th Hour Prep rather than 1st...As a result, there was no blog yesterday...

Monday (1/23/12) WOD
Get Warmed-Up

Back Squat 5 x 3 (@ same weight for all sets)
must warm-up to your heavy set of 3...

PaPa Bear
3 Rounds for Time:
50 "Bearhugger" Med Ball Squats (20# / 14#))
40 Push Press (75# / 55#)
30 D/U
20 K2E
~ Bearhugger Squat is as it sounds...get ball to your chest and HUG not hold

Britt ~ 225# / 20:29
Feidt ~ 275# / 24:26
Avalanche ~ 1mile run / 23:54
Maloney ~ 95# (5x12) / 20:01 (45# PP / 90 Singles / 30 Knees 2 Hips)
tb ~ 265# / 19:47

Great WOD by everyone... It was very competitive, everyone was pushing and being pushed all the way thru the WOD...Much tougher than it looked!  PP was THE toughest part of the WOD for me...

Tuesday (1/24/12)
Warm-Up ~ 
250 Single Jump Ropes (or 100 D/U) / 3 Skin-the-Cat / 10 Hollow Rocks
Pull Ups & DL

Weighted Pull Ups 3 x 3 (same weight for all sets)
Deadlift 3 x 3 (same weight for all sets)

Then...For Time:
20 STRICT Pull Ups
21-15-9 of Deadlift (185# / 115#) & Burpee Box Jumps (24" / 20")
20 STRICT Pull Ups
~ use any grip possible for pull ups

Britt ~ 25# / 275# / 15:43
STAN ~ na / na / 13:40 (95# DL / No Band ~ Kipping!)
Avalanche ~ na / 235# / 18:25
T-Lev ~ 45# / 225# / 13:25
K-shon ~ 55# / 225# / 16:53
tb ~ 70# / 275# / 13:50

Great 2nd Day of the Week!  STAN did not use a band on the Pull Ups! He has made progress...He is watching the weight that he is using and "playing" smart, rather than trying to be a tough guy! He is improving!

Avalanche (Bertag) will not admit it, but his pull ups are changing tremendously.  He is getting great strict pull ups now!  That is quite an accomplishment for a guy that would shy away from them every chance he got about 6 months ago... He also did the whole WOD @ 185# Deadlift...another nemesis of his!  He is getting better at all-around GPP!

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Some things to Decide

Events this year!  I have added to the events..... you can too!

START THINKING ABOUT THEM... maybe saying the word commitment.
Had a slight panic attack that I had double-booked myself, which of course wouldn't have been the first time, but I didn't.
Bock run and Polar plunge are NOT on the same day!

Some of you have some goals this year, probably all of us have at least one.  THAT IS SO EXCITING!
I love the texts/emails/posts that I have gotten about what kind of a year you want to have, what you want to accomplish.
I can't wait! 
Aside from events, way to go to those of you bettering your community!!!
Randolph has got it going on in 2012!  Last summer's start with weekly Tabata (not saying that is what started it but those involved have stepped up and started something great) seems to have domino'd into a weekly opportunity for people to get involved in wellness activities: ROCK ON to all of you participating and leading those group activities... from what I hear people are loving it!
Making wellness activities available to your community when there is very little for others is a great thing, remembering that the most important thing you can do is show other's the value of physical activity is sometimes way more important than the price we ask them to pay.....

We have talked a tid-bit about another event up in Rapids this spring... so something to look forward to also.
12 Days of Christmas was a great success!!

I have gotten a few messages already about ToughMudder.... it is located East of Fond du Lac this year.
Sept. 8th and 9th
Which I think is awesome... new locations are great and it is not in the middle of summer!
We want to get the group started... which day would we like to do? Saturday this year, or Sunday?
I would like to get the group going by early February since the early bird cost ends at the end of February
SO COMMENT BELOW if you want an opinion on the day.

Point Boch Run in March...  WELL, if you didn't sign up already, it has closed.  FULL!

There have been some comments about getting some teams together for Dirty Girl...
If you are interested in this, and you are a GIRL, post on the facebook group.  There is a team started through some of the members.... It is a great time from what I have hear : )
Lots of positive, awesome, Girl Power-  yup, I went there.

ANY other events you guys are signing up for?  Post them... shoot me a message/text... let us know!
The events page is updated as we go....

Some great memories from 2011.... just something to get you going for 2012!

Friday, January 20, 2012

Jacob's Wish

got his wish this week!

Feidt & Britt allowed him to choose the WOD today

Filthy 50
For Time:
50 Box Jumps
50 Jumping Pull Ups
50 Swings
50 Lunge Steps
50 K2E
50 Push Press
50 Back Extensions
50 Wall Ball
50 Burpees
50 D/U

Britt ~ 27:15
Avalanche (formerly known as El Tigre') ~ 29:15
Feidt ~ 31:17
Maloney ~ 28:00 (knees above hips / PP @ 35# / 200 Single Ropes)
Krommie ~ 31:15
Syd ~ 31:01
Hans ~ 30:50

GREAT WORK by all!!!

Val, Hepp (?) & tb will go in Afternoon Crew...WOD TBD!

Work Split Snatch 3-3-2-1-1-1 for heaviest load
For Time
10 Split Snatch (135# / 85#)
20 Slamball Tosses (20# / 16#)
35 One-Arm KB Upright Row (55# / 35#)
50 Wall Ball (20# / 14#)
10 Split Snatch (135# / 85#)

Val ~ 95# real close @ 105# / 13:06
tb ~ 175# / 13:55

Thursday, January 19, 2012



Val with another great session of Yoga

Began with this little gem from Gymnastics WOD


Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Only 20 Minutes?!

Thank Goodness Stan's Birthday was yesterday...

It is 1 degree outside today!

Today's WOD was a challenge both mentally and physically...
With no numbers to hit...Just max reps at each exercise within the certain time
Transition between exercises became the challenge...No rest at end or beginning.

Great effort and great motivation by everyone that was lifting!

"16" on basketball court
1-2 Rnds ~ 10 Hollow Rocks, 10s L-sit, 10 Back Extensions, 10 GHD Sit Ups

2 Rounds (For Max Reps)
(with a 20 minute continuously running clock)

2 Min Swings (55# / 35#)
1 Min Burpees 
2 Min Sit Ups
1 Min D/U
2 Min SDLHP (95#/65#)
1 Min T2B
2 Min REST

First Round + Second Round... Exercises & Total
Britt = 396 Total
49+40 / 14+14 / 51+42 / 54+62 / 20+20 / 17+13 / 205+191
89 Swings + 28 Burpees + 93 Sit Ups + 116 D/U + 40 SDLHP + 30 T2B =
Feidt = 321 Total
63+50 / 11+11 / 36+36 / 30+35 / 21+22 / 9+7 / 160+161
113 Swings + 22 Burpees + 72 Sit Ups + 65 D/U + 43 SDLHP + 16 T2B
Val = 346 Total
59+50 / 10+10 / 60+54 / 21+18 / 25+26 / 6+7 (k2e) / 181+165
109 Swings + 20 Burpees + 114 Sit Ups + 39 D/U + 51 SDLHP + 13 K2E
Kate = 496 Total
58+50 / 21+17 / 48+48 / 80+54 (s) / 34+27 / 21+11 (k2ch) / 262+207
108 Swings + 38 Burpees + 96 Sit Ups + 134 Singles + 61 SDLHP + 32 K2Ch
Krommy = 335 Total
60+50 / 12+11 / 38+38 / 26+32 / 23+22 / 11+12 / 170+165
110 Swings + 23 Burpees + 76 Sit Ups + 58 D/U + 45 SDLHP + 23 T2B

Bertag = 378 Total
63+42 / 17+12 / 31+26 / 73+55 / 18+21 / 10+10 / 212+166
105 Swings + 29 Burpees + 57 Sit Ups + 128 D/U + 39 SDLHP + 20 T2B
tb = 433 Total
68+54 / 14+11 / 45+52 / 50+75 / 25+20 / 15+14 / 217+216
122 Swings + 25 Burpees + 87 Sit Ups + 125 D/U + 45 SDLHP + 29 T2B

STAN = 454 Total
62+65 (35#) / 12+12 / 50+52 / 46+73 (s) / 36+37 (65#) / 3+6 / 209+245
127 Swings + 24 Burpees + 102 Sit Ups + 119 Singles + 73 SDLHP + 9 T2B

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

STAN's Birthday

Today is Scott Stankowski's Birthday... BIG 4-0!
Feuerstahler will remember Stan working out with us a few years ago... Hurting himself and swearing we were the devil!  "Those workouts are ridiculous." He swore he would "never" do these workouts again.  

ANYthing Once has pulled him back in... He is much more practical on choosing the weights and exercises now!  With AGE comes wisdom! 

Stan has been coming in for a few months now...Preparing for this DAY!  Now he has a WOD!
STAN 4.0
For Time:
100yd. Uneven Farmers Carry (45#/25#)
120 yd. Sled Pull (w/ the 70# of wts)
40 Plate Swings (45#)
120 yd. Sled Pull
40 Burpees
120 yd. Sled Pull
40 Sit Ups
120 yd. Sled Pull
50 yd. Army (belly) Crawl

Oh, yea... Did we mention this is ALL OUTSIDE!!!
ENJOY...We did!

STAN ~ 25:45 (extra army crawl)
Britt ~ 25:55
Bertag ~ 22:50
T-Lev ~ 25:50
K-Shon ~ 27:00
tb ~ 23:00

Stan was 3-4 minutes ahead of Bertag & I, but he went to the far side of the woods and did about a 120 yd army crawl to finish...Outdoor,Redneck, Hillbilly STUD!

ALSO... Bill Vickroy is 60 today!
Happy Birthday Bill
(He just did the stepper for 60 minutes!)

Monday, January 16, 2012

Spring Into Action

This was a decieving WOD from start to finish...

Val rocked it!  Britt motored thru ...
Kate had to leave early (I think)...We started late as well... Otherwise she rocked it as well...
Feidt finished!  Pushing hard thru the last 3 exercises...Even though the clock was winding down on him getting to school...He will be sweaty for his first hour class

SPRING into Action
40, 20 For Time:
Squat Cleans (95# / 65#)
Hand Release Push Ups w/ Feet Up (Blue / Green Box)
Alternate Lunges in Place (95# / 65#) [L=1, R=2]
Pull Ups
Push Press (95# / 65#)
Lateral Bar Jumps [over=1, back=2]
* 2 Rounds where the first round is 40 Reps of each, the second round is 20 Reps of each

Kate ~ ??? (green band)
Val ~ 31:40 (green band)
Britt ~ 34:55 (85#)
Feidt ~ 42:45
Bertag ~ 42:06
K-shon ~ 36:42
Hans ~ 37:08
Ty H ~ 37:51
T-Lev ~ 37:26
tb~ 36:08

In case you missed it due to the Packers Loss...
REEBOK / CROSSFIT ~ The Sport of Fitness

I thought Syd was going to jump out of that box and crush that guy when he opened the box...

Friday, January 13, 2012

Pace Yourself...

The Workout is the Warm-Up:

AMRAP in 30 Minutes:
5 DB Manmakers (Men = 25-30-35-40 / Women = 10-15-20-25)
10 Burpee Pull Ups
2 Stair Laps (or 300m Run)
20 Wall Balls
25 Double Unders (75 Singles)

Start anywhere you like, but that is where your round starts and ends...
Vary the DB weigths that you use for Manmakers...If there is a wt that you cannot perform the exercise at then do not use that wt for DB.  But try to vary the wts.  Try not to perform two consecutive rounds of the same weight.

Starting Exercise / Rounds + Completed next round
Britt ~ (MM) 4 Rnds + 5MM + 10BPU + 2L + 5WB
Val ~ (Run) 3 Rnds + 2L + 20WB + 25DU + 4MM
Feidt ~ (BPU) 3 Rnds + 10BPU + 2L + 20WB
Kate ~ (MM) 3 Rnds + 5MM + 5BPU
Krommy ~ (MM) 4 Rnds + 5MM + 9BPU
Bertag ~ (Run) 4 Rnds + 1L
tb ~ (MM) 4 Rnds + 5MM + 2BPU
Kshon ~ (Run) 3 Rnds + 2L + 20WB + 25 DU + 5MM + 2BPU
Hans ~ (MM) 4 Rnds + 5MM + 10BPU + 1L
T-Lev ~ (MM) 4 Rnds + 5MM + 5BPU

It was a great day...very sore from this week of training... Lower back is tweaky and this WOD was perfect for that.  Just enough to force consistent low-intensity work!

Some thoughts for the Week (taken individually or collectivly these are great):

Be who you say you are.

Do what you say you are going to do.

Be truthful to yourself and others.

Tell the truth.

Live the truth.

If there is no truth, there is no trust.

If there is no trust, there is no relationship.

If there is no relationship,
there is no value or substance to what you are doing.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Let it Snow...

Finally, a snowfall...that just might stay for winter.  Not that we want it, but it is Wisconsin! Now the question becomes, how long will it stay? Short winter, or until late April early May.

It's Thursday...So it's YOGA!

Today...  50 Strict Pull Ups (sneak them in anywhere/everywhere you can!)

Kip says..."No Kipping!"

Also, if you get time work on L-Sit

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Hang that Snatch

Warm Up ~
Pull Ups...
Work Wide Grip Pull Ups / Regular Grip / Regular Grip Chins / Narrow Grip Chins

Work / Review Burgener Warm-Up & perform for 5 reps at each
Light Bar then 45#

Hang Power Snatch
Work for Heavy 1 Rep (1-1-1-1-1-1-1) or work on Hang Power Snatch Form

4 Rnds for TOTAL REPS (12 Minute Running Clock):
1 Min Max Reps of Hang Power Snatch (95# / 65#)
2 Min Max Reps of Bar-Facing Burpees

Britt ~ 145# / 42 HPS + 87 Burpees = 129 Reps (90#)
Feidt ~ 135# / 37 HPS + 64 Burpees = 101 Reps (95#)
Kate ~ Form / 54 HPS + 78 Burpees = 132 Reps (45#)
Krommy ~ 105# / 29 HPS + 80 Burpees = 109 Reps (75#)
tb ~ 145# / 50 HPS + 65 Burpees = 114 (95#)
STAN ~ 44 HPS + 85 Burpees = 129 (65#)
Schmitty ~ 61 HPS + 82 Burpees = 143 (45#)

STAN was in...getting ready for the BIG 40 WOD... Tuesday Jan. 17th!
Also, Schmitty was in and joined in on the fun.  He worked up a sweat and demonstrated how a true athlete performs... The Stan vs. Schmitty battle was outstanding!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Mission Impossible

Sometimes things look easier than they are...
Occasionally things are easier than they look...
Sometimes things look like they will be impossible to finish...
Occasionally things get finished that look impossible!

Today...I do not know what it looked like...But the challenge it offered was great!

1 Rep every 2.25 seconds and you could finish at exactly the cut-off time!  To some it seemed impossible, to others it was workable...In the end, everyone did their best and figured if they just would have done "fill in the blank" they could have done better...

BTW ~ No one finished!

That is what this is all about!!!  Working your hardest, being ok with it, and knowing you could have done a bit better...AND YOU WILL NEXT TIME!

Going against a clock does make the task tougher...I found that places where I wanted to rest just a bit longer, I could not...The clock was ticking...Keep moving...Everyone else it.  It is not enough to just say for time...Sometimes, Many times in life we need to meet deadlines...TODAY was one of those days...

Warm Up
30 Sec of Hollow Rocks
15 Good Mornings w/ 25#
3 Inchworms

With a 15 Min Running Clock
Thrusters 6 Rep Max (perform sets of 6 working up to heaviest load)

For Time with a 15 Min Cap:
100 Walking Lunges (35# / 20#) [every step counts as rep]
100 Ring Rows / Supine Bar Rows
100 Single-Arm Push Press (35# / 20#) [total of 50 R & 50 L]
100 Abmat Sit Ups
* Partition any way you like

Thruster 6RM Wt / Lunge Total-Row Total-PP Total-Sit Ups (TOTAL REPS or Time)
STAN (7 days away from 40!!) ~ NA / 100-100-100-95 (395)
Britt ~ 145# / 100-40-93-100 (333)
Bertag ~ 175# / 100-50-100-80 (330)
Val ~ 105# / 100-40-95-100 (335)
tb ~ 175# / 100-55-100-100-(355)
Simon ~ 115# / 100-45-100-100 (345)
K-Shon ~ 165# / 100-50-100-60 (310)
Hans ~ 165# / 80-80-59-80 (299)

More Food for Thought from Josh B (Practice Crossfit):
A huge part of your success will come from those you surround yourself with. Make this a one way street where all you do is selfishly receive and you will fail fast. Support the tribe for their gifts while offering your own, and become that of legend. 

Monday, January 9, 2012

A little bit of this...

Week #2 in the new year...

Warm-up was some quick work on Snatch...

Burgener Warm Up (5 x Shrug, Snatch-grip Upright Row, Muscle Snatch, Jump & Land, Hang Snatch)
We need to change somewhat how we are doing this...but what we have done is still good for WARM-UP

2-3 Sets of 2 Hang Snatch-Grip High Pull + 1 Hang Snatch (squat or OHS after power)

5 Rounds for Time:
15 Deadlifts (155# / 105#)
15 Hand Release Push Ups
15 Box Jumps (24" / 20")
15 Wall Ball (20# / 14#)

Great Group Today! Lots of WORK getting done and lots of people pushing each other to do better!

Val mis-read the workout and did the men's weight @ DL...Destrominated the WOD!!!

Britt ~ 17:34
STAN ~ 15:40 (95# / 20")
Bertag ~ 18:20
Feidt ~ 21:50
Kate M ~ 19:09 (95#)
Val ~ 19:56 (beastmode!!! 155# DL...oops)
tb ~ 19:30

Biba ~ 18:30
Hans ~ 20:32
K-Shon ~ 20:38
Ty H ~ ??

Click on the Word below for some thought provoking reading...

This guy is blasting Epic ( a place we like to look at and read...
But is this (EPIC) really how we act?

The best quote of the article is below (changed to fit our group of course!!!):
The ANYthing Once FAMILY is a part of an elite fitness community where not one single person should consider him or herself elite.  Every member is responsible to grow emotionally, mentally, and physically throughout their time spent with this community.  Refusal to lose self in the pursuit of rescuing others is one hurdle in this program; however, an all-out determination to set one’s self higher than another is directly in violation.  Let us never lack empathy to the lost.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

A reflection... A great Sunday.

Inspri RUN tion by Sonja Schmit

Right Foot….Left Foot….Right Foot….Left…The sound of my heartbeats in my ears. Dogs barking ~ Leaves rustling ~ The World Awakes. As I round the corner steam rolls off the road. Whether the sun is soaking into my skin or the rain water is beading off my body..

People often ask, “Why do you run?” “Why on earth do you wake up the early?” “Why in the cold/ice?” The list of WHY’S continues. Only I can understand & feel the true passion running brings me.
When I was asked to write what inspires me & what motivates me, I was THRILLED but at the same time DISTRAUGHT. (Thanks Val) 
I have never put into words the pleasure I feel from running.
So here goes:

I try to live a healthy, conscience, and purposeful life. My main reason or motivation is to EMBRACE life. I am a daughter, sister, mother, wife, grand-daughter, aunt,  friend, and business owner. I wear many hats in life and I STRIVE to be the best I can be. Without my health I couldn’t be able to do what I do. I found that pounding out any stress, anger, joys, excitement, and disappointment feels 100 times better on the pavement. I don’t even think. I grab my shoes and go.

Right Foot….Left...By mile one my mind has cleared from whatever it was clinging to. By mile two I feel I have worked through all my mental notes and upcoming “to-do” lists. Then somewhere between mile two and five my aches have dissipated and my creativity comes alive. Most of my best ideas have been born on one of my runs.

I can’t tell you how many hours or how many miles overall but I can tell you about my personal gains.
My first run I couldn’t believe I made it! (I look back now and it was only ¾ of a mile) so I did it again. My first 5k (Thank You to my sister Jenny) that even though I fizzled out at mile 2, I still finished. From then on I went to beating my PR at every race to follow. I am sure all runners can relate to the “Fist Pumps” or “Happy Dance” on some random road congratulating ourselves for achieving our goal. People or spectators may think were crazy, but a runner knows the feeling of AWSOMENESS! 
I think of the tears shed on the road from runs raising money/awareness & supporting things that we are passionate about.  
For me it was my run for Prostate Cancer this past fall. (My dad was diagnosed in April of 2011) 
I think about how much I enjoyed running a race and crossing the finish line with MUD head to toe with my husband, who is my best friend.  
I think of the numerous playlists created and the little dance moves I worked into my stride. (After 12 miles steady a girl gets bored.)

Running isn’t something given to you (well maybe for some) but it is something you earn and persevere for. Most of all I feel good maybe even “GREAT!” When my run is finished I feel happier, more energetic, positive, and most of all I feel “FREE.” 
Free from all the “stuff” I carry on my shoulders.

This isn’t the end of my story ~ It’s just the beginning for me….I just read a note on a friend of mines mirror (and mother-in law Mary) 

It says: 
“20 years from now you will not regret what you did, but you will regret what you didn’t do.”

Runners who inspire me: Bart Yasso and Grete Waitz


Sonja is a great person.  She inspires and motivates so many.. 
Including the 3 most important people to her: her three daughters.  Those three girls have a wonderful MOM to look up to and admire.
So many move in and out of our lives but I am truly grateful for those who have stayed in mine, Sonja is one of those people.

Great reflection!  Even if we aren't runners, we can definitely apply your enthusiasm and passion to our own adventures!

Happy Sunday Everyone!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

9:30 or 10!!!

As discussed at the Ridges last night the WOD was performed at 9:30 or 10am today!

Feidt texted and said he was not coming in... Jacob did not get his personal invite so he was not here...
Hepp is at a basketball tourny and Syd was not around to know last night...

4 Minutes of:
10 Double Unders & 5 Parallette Pass-Thrus

Ascending AMRAP:
Lunges(L & R = 1), Burpees, Push Press 
Weight is 95# / 75#

REST 2 Minutes

For Time perform the WOD IN DESCENDING Order from where you finished
(Push Press, Burpees, Lunges ~ if you got to 6 reps begin with 6 and work back to 1))

Val ~ 5 Rnds + 4 PP / 7:17
Ethan ~ 6 Full Rnds / 8:25
tb ~ 6 Rnds + 7 Burpees / 9:48

If you ever find someone that makes you better...Marry them!  If you are fortunate to have a group of friends, family or co-workers that make you better (thank them) be sure to learn and gain all you can from them.

People see everything wrong in their life and blame circumstances, someone else or make excuses.  When, in fact, all they have to do is look at THEIR choices.  CHOICES no matter how easy they may seem, are tough, and all the little choices we make day-in and day-out lead to OUR cumulative life. 

That is why, when you find people that make you better...stay around them!  Learn from them!  Become like  them!

We become like the 5 people we are around most!  Think about this...  Are you benefiting from the relationship?  Are you contributing to it?  Do you gain all you can?

Friday, January 6, 2012


5 Minute Run 
Alternating 1 Lap Forward & 1 Lap Backward

WOD (Practice Crossfit)
Floor Bench Press (w/ Purple Bands - optional)
5 x 8


7 Rnds for Time:
7 Wall Ball
7 Toes to Bar
7 Swings (70# / 55#)

STAN ~ NA / 10:20
Britt ~ 95-95-95-115-115 / 8:48
Krom ~ 115-120-120-120-125 / 11:55
Kate ~ 95-95-105-105-105 / 11:28
Feidt ~ 115-125-125-135-155 / 11:49
Bertag ~ 135-155-165-175-195 / 12:38
Val ~ 65-75-85 / 11:11 (K2E)
Syd ~ 135-145-155-165-175 / 10:46
tb ~ 135-155-175-195-185 (7) / 10:52

T-Lev ~ 10:10
Ty ~ 95-95-115-115-125 / 9:30

A decent friday workout...Started fine...the 5 min forward & backward run was good = 7.5 laps
Floor Bench was ok...could feel my strength diminishing by Rounds 4 & 5...
BUT the 7 Rounds really took its toll on me!  Maybe it was watching Britt FLY thru the exercises and SPRINTING from wall ball to the T2B...Maybe it was watching Bertag muscle thru the swings.  Just knowing Feidt, Kate & Krommy were jogging between exersices made me tired... I WALKED and was feeling VERY fatigued from my first 7 wall balls on...

GREAT Work today... I am sore this week... A good sore

Good Luck to Jason Nobles...Competing tomorrow in The Garage Games
 Ice Bowl