It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Mission Impossible

Sometimes things look easier than they are...
Occasionally things are easier than they look...
Sometimes things look like they will be impossible to finish...
Occasionally things get finished that look impossible!

Today...I do not know what it looked like...But the challenge it offered was great!

1 Rep every 2.25 seconds and you could finish at exactly the cut-off time!  To some it seemed impossible, to others it was workable...In the end, everyone did their best and figured if they just would have done "fill in the blank" they could have done better...

BTW ~ No one finished!

That is what this is all about!!!  Working your hardest, being ok with it, and knowing you could have done a bit better...AND YOU WILL NEXT TIME!

Going against a clock does make the task tougher...I found that places where I wanted to rest just a bit longer, I could not...The clock was ticking...Keep moving...Everyone else it.  It is not enough to just say for time...Sometimes, Many times in life we need to meet deadlines...TODAY was one of those days...

Warm Up
30 Sec of Hollow Rocks
15 Good Mornings w/ 25#
3 Inchworms

With a 15 Min Running Clock
Thrusters 6 Rep Max (perform sets of 6 working up to heaviest load)

For Time with a 15 Min Cap:
100 Walking Lunges (35# / 20#) [every step counts as rep]
100 Ring Rows / Supine Bar Rows
100 Single-Arm Push Press (35# / 20#) [total of 50 R & 50 L]
100 Abmat Sit Ups
* Partition any way you like

Thruster 6RM Wt / Lunge Total-Row Total-PP Total-Sit Ups (TOTAL REPS or Time)
STAN (7 days away from 40!!) ~ NA / 100-100-100-95 (395)
Britt ~ 145# / 100-40-93-100 (333)
Bertag ~ 175# / 100-50-100-80 (330)
Val ~ 105# / 100-40-95-100 (335)
tb ~ 175# / 100-55-100-100-(355)
Simon ~ 115# / 100-45-100-100 (345)
K-Shon ~ 165# / 100-50-100-60 (310)
Hans ~ 165# / 80-80-59-80 (299)

More Food for Thought from Josh B (Practice Crossfit):
A huge part of your success will come from those you surround yourself with. Make this a one way street where all you do is selfishly receive and you will fail fast. Support the tribe for their gifts while offering your own, and become that of legend. 

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