It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Chipping Away

Today is "Hump-Day" or "Mid-Week"...that time when you are just tired enough but have some energy...

CHIP Away at this one...

4 Min Jogging (be creative)
15 GHD Sit Ups
3 Skin the Cat (Bar) or 15 Pass Thrus
3 Min of Mobility (aka ~ Get Workout Gear Ready)

Perform In Order For Time:
30 KB/DB One-Arm Snatch (55# / 35#) L=1, R=2, L=3, etc
50 Box Jumps w/ Step Downs (24" / 20")
25 Dips
30 Swings (70# / 55#)
50 ABMAT Sit Ups
25 Ball Slams (20" / 16#)
30 Wall Ball (20# / 14#)
50 Jumping Pull Ups
2 Stair Laps (200m Run)

Britt ~ 19:21 (35# Snatch)
Krommy ~ 20:57
Avalanche ~ 20:15
Maloney ~ 19:14 (25# Snatch / 35# Swing)
Feidt ~ 23:50
tb ~ 26:10
Hans ~ 19:05
T-Lev ~ 18:45 (45# Snatch)
Munce ~ 18:21 (35# Snatch / 55# Swing)

PM WOD... ran promptly at 4:30.
The recovery day went well with the team.  And they welcomed the no-wod Wednesday.
Love power cleans- maxed out with the girls at 140#.  Can we say PR?
It may not be much but a PR is a PR!

For Time:
Syd ~ 19:18 Rx
Desi ~ 16:45 (20# Snatch/GreenDips/35# Swing)
Val ~ 16:24  (25# Snatch/PurpleDips)

BTW ~ I wish I could write this well...Heck, I wish I could talk this clearly!!!
Practice Crossfit ~ Screw Paleo, Try Passion

Val does this VERY well!  That is why she is a good blogger...
My thoughts never seem to get to paper or even out of my mouth in a very clear fashion
So... I will continue to use other peoples words to express what I think/feel/agree with...

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