It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Ski Lifts, Events & WOD

Val = Black
tb = Green

The best thing about traveling 30-40 ft above ground, there is no where else you can possibly be at that moment.
You have to be there.
And since there isn't much else to do for the few minutes it takes us in Wisconsin to get back up to the 'top' at Cascade or Granite... you talk, discuss, tell stories, ask ridiculous question.

You know, the 'If you could ___________, would you _____________?' questions.
What about the "Would you rather?" Questions...Feuerstahler is a mad-genius at these!!!
I was about to ask the Superhero question last night when it dawned on me that....
Steve was already Aquaman!
Britt got to pick- he has fond memories of Batman.  (I see more of a Green Lantern but that's just my opinion.)  I thought about Phoenix, from X-Men, but would prefer to not move into the Dark Phoenix stage... okay, digressing...
You could NEVER move into the Dark Phoenix stage...Far to positive and optimistic...
(Britt & I are working on jumps...  those jumps are nothin but the moguls just dominated us!  Steve put it well, there is NO reason that I can not get those.  Next Challenge: Moguls before Bohemia.  TB, I need an entire outfit of padded gear and a helmet with a face mask.)

We have had some recent discussions about NATURAL DISASTERS... if you have noticed lately, you see Avalanche as jb's new alter-ego.
If you could be a natural disaster, which would you be?
Some of these have escaped my memory so feel free to comment.
Hepp may be a tornado ... TYPHOON
Feidt, a mudslide (that was his for Jacob...but Jacob could not bear to be "dirty")
Sorry, again another digression.....

Back to the point:  Seriously, ski lifts rock.  I appreciate the time we spend together on a lift, the people we come across when it isn't just us, and it just wouldn't be the same to be on the lift alone or simply, without the others.
This week's ski lift experience meant a little bit more to me than the others... definitely had a better grasp on the appreciation I have for those I call friends.  Not due to the ski lifts, but the same for me this week!

I constantly remind myself that those I am so frequently around help me become a better person.  They challenge my thoughts, allow me to grow through teaching me what they know, open my eyes up to different points of view, and address change with optimism and professionalism.  I just keep trying to learn...  laugh a bit along the way.

The Skier:  Steve  The Boarder:  Simon.
Race for the Finish.... plus Simon always has the gadgets on.

I keep spitting this out on the posts... probably once a week since the start of the new year.
IT IS OFFICIAL ~ ANYthing Once will be scheduling the team that Saturday, Sept. 8th for ToughMudder.
We will post via blog & fbook when I have set the team up.
This will be in the beginning of February so you have the month to sign up at the lowest rate.

As for events this summer.... take a look, chime in on what you have set for your goals, and know that WE will try hard to make some Official ANYthing Once events available for everyone.
Urban Dare (Milwaukee 6/2&3) / Urban Adventure (Madison 6.6) ~ Like Amazing Race
The fact that after a bit events start to take a small bite out of your budget is clear....
We know that we would run a 5K just as fast with my ANYthing Once Team as we would at an event... so with that in mind... a little bit of work can be done to make that happen.
There are times when the event is special and the money we are putting toward it means something to us; like the jigsaw run (WHO is in for this Year...May 5th...THEME thoughts?)
BUT, I also know that we could create out own events and chip in $10 and cut a check directly to a charity.  So.... that may be something for ANYthing Once to move into for 2012 also.

We should have a Multi-WOD competition/event sometime in Late April / May again this year...

Warm-Up ~ 2 Min Jump Rope (1m Double Bounces / 1m Singles)
2 Min Jump Rope (1m Singles / 1m Double Unders)
Hip Mobility

1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 Reps for Time of:
Ground to Overhead (135#)

Feidt ~ 16:37
Ethan ~ 20:31 (125#)
tb ~ 15:21

E had a great push at the end of his getting 10 burpees in a row!  It was a great start to the weekend!

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