It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Long Day...

Yesterday began a new semester at school.
With a new semester, comes a new schedule...tough getting use to...
7th Hour Prep rather than 1st...As a result, there was no blog yesterday...

Monday (1/23/12) WOD
Get Warmed-Up

Back Squat 5 x 3 (@ same weight for all sets)
must warm-up to your heavy set of 3...

PaPa Bear
3 Rounds for Time:
50 "Bearhugger" Med Ball Squats (20# / 14#))
40 Push Press (75# / 55#)
30 D/U
20 K2E
~ Bearhugger Squat is as it sounds...get ball to your chest and HUG not hold

Britt ~ 225# / 20:29
Feidt ~ 275# / 24:26
Avalanche ~ 1mile run / 23:54
Maloney ~ 95# (5x12) / 20:01 (45# PP / 90 Singles / 30 Knees 2 Hips)
tb ~ 265# / 19:47

Great WOD by everyone... It was very competitive, everyone was pushing and being pushed all the way thru the WOD...Much tougher than it looked!  PP was THE toughest part of the WOD for me...

Tuesday (1/24/12)
Warm-Up ~ 
250 Single Jump Ropes (or 100 D/U) / 3 Skin-the-Cat / 10 Hollow Rocks
Pull Ups & DL

Weighted Pull Ups 3 x 3 (same weight for all sets)
Deadlift 3 x 3 (same weight for all sets)

Then...For Time:
20 STRICT Pull Ups
21-15-9 of Deadlift (185# / 115#) & Burpee Box Jumps (24" / 20")
20 STRICT Pull Ups
~ use any grip possible for pull ups

Britt ~ 25# / 275# / 15:43
STAN ~ na / na / 13:40 (95# DL / No Band ~ Kipping!)
Avalanche ~ na / 235# / 18:25
T-Lev ~ 45# / 225# / 13:25
K-shon ~ 55# / 225# / 16:53
tb ~ 70# / 275# / 13:50

Great 2nd Day of the Week!  STAN did not use a band on the Pull Ups! He has made progress...He is watching the weight that he is using and "playing" smart, rather than trying to be a tough guy! He is improving!

Avalanche (Bertag) will not admit it, but his pull ups are changing tremendously.  He is getting great strict pull ups now!  That is quite an accomplishment for a guy that would shy away from them every chance he got about 6 months ago... He also did the whole WOD @ 185# Deadlift...another nemesis of his!  He is getting better at all-around GPP!

1 comment:

  1. Feidt & Val.
    PM Wod
    185/115 DL
    24/20 Burpee Box Jumps
    20 strict pull ups.

    *purple band.

    V- 9:44
    F- 11:

    On to Yoga tonight with the Girls.

