It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Monday, February 29, 2016

Sat Testing / Sun Retest / Monday

SATURDAY... Ethan worked out... I "tested" some thoughts on 16.1...

E's workout:
With a continuous clock:
In 3 minutes complete:
30 Burpees
@ The 3:00 mark, complete in 3 minutes
30 Thrusters (45#)
@ the 6:00 mark, you have 6 min to complete:
Thrusters (75#)
@ the 12:00 mark, you have 3 minutes to complete:
30 Burpees
@ the 15:00 mark, complete as fast as you can:
30 Thrusters (45#)

I "tested" some various ways to get burpees and C2B done better...
Spoiler Alert: IT DID NOT WORK!!!

16.1 Retest & Quit with 15sec left
Thanks to Val, E and Emmet for coming up and trying to push me...
Man, that was frustrating!

Oz and I got a nice grind going from Saturdays Comptrain WOD

EMOM x 21 min:
1st ~ Jog 1 Lap (200m)
2nd ~ 15/12 Cal Row
3rd ~ 5 Power Cleans (135#/95#) + 30 D/U
*so this is really 7 rnds of this WOD...

Oz ~ Completed
tb ~ 28 D/U on 5th, 20 D/U on nemisis... The 15minute mark in ANY WOD!!!

Friday, February 26, 2016



Here goes...

AMRAP in 20 Min:
25' OH Lungewalk (95/65)
8 Bar-Facing Burpees
25' OH Lungewalk
8 C2B Pull Ups
5' Lungewalk counts as 1 Rep!

tb ~ 7 Rnds + Lunges + 8 Burpees = 195 Reps

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Loosen Up...

Time to get loose!
Today (tonight) is the 1st CF OPEN workout announcement...
This is the annual "testing" of self as compared to the rest of the world. OK, well maybe not world, but LOTS of others... You can check by region, world, nation, age group, etc... so some variables...
REALLY, it is just an annul check on where you feel you are at! Put a little bit more thought process into a yourself...evaluate where you can/could pick up extra reps...
That sorta thing...
It is a fun time, and yet...
We will see...

Oz did 3-position Snatch work... and he said it felt heavy! We were all moving slower this AM.

Daleige & I (& Stan) did this:

With a running clock:
0:00 ~ 3 minutes to complete: 30 Burpees
3:00 ~ 3 minutes to complete: 30 Thrusters (45#)
6:00 ~ 5 minutes to complete: 15-10-5 of Thrusters (75#) & Burpees
11:00 ~ 3 Minutes to complete: 30 Burpees
14:00 ~ 3 minutes to complete: 30 Thrusters (45#)

It was a good little "loosen us up...breath heavy" WOD

If you fall behind, just keep going...GOAL...not stop for 30 sec breaks during the REPS!

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

PR's all around...

Except Me!!!

The Good Life
500m Row
12 Burpees
21 Box Jumps (24/20)

Cond #2
EMOM x 10 Min:
odd = 10 TTB
even = 10 Thrusters (95/65)

Oz did warm-up as EMOM but did 5 reps each...
Stan & Daliege did the EMOM while we did "The Good Life"

Oz ~ 11:24 ~ HUGE PR previous HERE
Stan ~ 10x10 (@75#) / 12:18 (61 sec PR)
Daliege ~ 10x10 (Rx) / 13:13...PR due to never having done it!
tb ~ 11:05...thought I was moving fast, but not fast enough! 10:35 was PR ~ HERE

Monday, February 22, 2016

OPEN Week...

And so it begins... The Open starts this week... 16.1 will be announced Thurday night...
Do we take it easy early in the week in preparation for the first WOD???
No Way Jose!

3 RFT ~
15 DL (225#/155#)
30 Wall Ball (20/14)
60 D/U

3 x 1 @ 80%
5 x 1 @ 85%
3 x 1 @ 80%

Gymnastics Cond
1-2-3...8-9-10 UB C2B as fast as possible

Oz ~ Snatch 125-135-125 / 12:56 (185# DL)
tb ~ 14:00 / 175(3)-185(5)-175(3) / 4:58 (1-7 in under 3 min)

Saturday, February 20, 2016

Assault Ladder

Good day for some Bodyweight...

Assault Ladder
For Time:
1,2,3...8,9,10 Strict Pull Ups
6 H.R. Push Ups
9 Jumping Air Squats

~ 3 Minutes Rest

3 Strict Pull Ups
2,4,6...16,18,20 H.R. Push Ups
9 Jumping Air Squats

~ 3 Minutes Rest

3 Strict Pull Ups
6 H.R. Push Ups
3,6,9...24,27,30 Jumping Air Squats

Farris ~ 42:00 (11:45-11:30-12:45)
Drake ~ 33:30 (10:10-9:59-7:21)
Ethan ~ 44:30 (11:30-12:33-14:27)
tb ~ 33:18 (10:09-9:59-7:10)

Friday, February 19, 2016


BEast Special

For Time:
40 D/U
20 Abmat Sit Ups
15 Ball Slams (40#/30#)
10 Burpees
5 Pull Ups
500m Row or 400m Run (choose what is available)

JB ~ 29:50
Feidt ~ 31:55
Kate ~
K.Mancl ~
tb ~ 34:22 (1, 3, 4, 5 = Runs / 2=Row)
Shooting for under 7min a round for final so I was pleased...just not happy!

Then for 2nd Hr did the CFNE combo of Satan's Whiskers & Freddy Kruger

Max's Revenge
3 RFT ~
10 C2B Pull Ups
10 Front Squats (165#/115#)
10 Burpees
immidiatly into
KBS (70/55)

tb ~ 8:35...17:23

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Wednesday WOD

Nice little Wednesday WOD...

EMOM x 20min:
odd ~ 5 Deadlifts (increase wt. each round)
even ~ 15 Box Jumps (24/20)

BB Cycling
For Time:
15 Pwr Cleans
15 Push Jerks
12 Pwr Cleans
12 Push Jerks
9 Pwr Cleans
9 Push Jerks
Recommended Wts ~ 155#/105#

Stan ~ 95-195 / 6:10 (@95#)
tb ~ 225x5 - 250x5 / 8:24 (@155#)

Tuesday, February 16, 2016


Oz went for the FULL WOD

Clean & Jerk Complex (work to heavy):
1 Clean + 1 Low-Hang Squat Clean + 1 Jerk

AMRAP in 7min:
3 Thrusters (95/65)
3 C2B
6 Thrusters
6 C2B
9 Thrusters
9 C2B
...continue to add 3 reps each round for as long as you can go

Oz ~ 95-115-135-155-175(PR) / 12 + 7 C2B (82 Reps)
Stan ~ xx / 12 + 10 Pull Ups (85 Reps) (@75# & Pull Ups)
Daliege ~ xx / 12 + 4 Pull Ups (79 Reps)
tb ~ xx / 15 + 18 Thrusters (108 Reps* @ 75#)
* Oz convinced me to put EGO aside and do 75# rather than the my lungs, and rest the low back...just grind thru it... IT WAS GOOD ADVICE!)

Congrats to Oz...Finally had a PR...when he least expected it.
When we feel we control everything, is when things seem to be the least in our control.
TRUST that the good work you do will result in what you want...eventually...maybe not the way you thought, or when you thought, but it will always work for your betterment.

Monday, February 15, 2016


Val had a WOD over the weekend and it came out as 6lbs-14oz (I think)...
Then they had to name it! Emmett Mark Tonn (EMT)...
Mother, baby and Dad are all doing well!
Fortunately, VAL should never forget the birthday of her little boy...VALentine's Day!!!
We all know Ethan would never forget!!!

JB, Feidt & Maloney did the Filthy 50 this AM...Looked like fun!

AMRAP in 4min:
30 Lateral Bar Burpees
Max Rep Snatches (75#/55#), in remaining time
AMRAP in 4min:
20 Lateral Bar Burpees
Max Rep Snatches (135#/95#), in remaining time
AMRAP in 4min:
10 Lateral Bar Burpees
Max Rep Snatches (165#/115#), in remaining time

10 x 1 Snatch (80% 1RM)

Oz ~ 28 - 3(135#) - 11 (@125#) *mad at himself...should have adjusted the 2nd set rather than go after it... WE should have been smarter about it... 75/115/135 would have been a good sequence for OZ. I need to be a better partner & coach!

tb ~ 32-21-14 / 185#...pretty much did this as EMOM...was very good as I got into it!

Saturday, February 13, 2016


That is the goal...

Get thru this as quickly as possible...AND work for unbroken reps...Good Luck

3 Rnds for Time:
15 Wall Balls
50 D/U
15 Wall Balls
2 Minutes REST b/t Rnds

Ferris ~ 12:20 (2:32/2:26/2:22)
Drake ~ 12:16 (2:24/2:20/2:16)
tb ~ 11:15 (1:55/1:55/2:20)

I got all 15's as UB...2nd set was obviously tougher, but just had to beat the "little man" inside my head!
D/U... Hit first round on 46... 2nd & 3rd...just flat out took a break...weak effort on these!

Thursday, February 11, 2016


Nice little WOD from Comptrain...Looked nasty!

Penance (named by me after watching JB do this one and commenting on it...seemed appropriate)
4 Rnds for Time:
10 Thrusters (95/65#)
10 Burpees
10 Hang Pwr Snatch (95/65#)
10 Alt. Split Squat Jumps (5 each side)

JB ~ 12:10
Daliege ~ 13:29
Stan ~ 14:04 (75#)

tb's recovery work...
400m Run
Paleo Chair 2 x 1:30 (sh. width stance & narrow stance)
Roll Out Hip Flexors
E4MO4M x 4:
30 Burpees

Burpees were done in approx. 2:20-:30...
1 = 15 + 5 Step down-Rt + 5 SD-Lft + 5
2 = 5 SD-Rt + 5 SD-Lft + 5 (5 Breaths) 15
3 = 10 (3 breaths) 10 + 10 SD
4 = Did sets of 3 with 3-5 Breaths b/t for 3:30 42 burpees

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Day #2 of REST...


D & Stan got to go hard!

For Time:
50 Cal Row
40 Deadlifts (135/95)
30 Box Jumps (24/20)
20 Front Squats (135/95)

Daliege ~ 9:00 (Rx)
Stan ~ 8:32 (135-DL/95-FS)

400m easy run
Roll-Out the Hip Flexors
Stretch the hams
Work Low-Back

Monday, February 8, 2016


Well...bucket bombers was a blast  yesterday...
But the low back is paying for it...
Went a little too hard on it and now will try to recover for the OPEN...

We will see...

LOTS of moving and BWT a moderate pace for a week...
Then time to go again...hopefully...

Feidt, Maloney and JB went after a WOD this am... No idea what rep scheme they used, but there were Plate walks, Lunges, Cleans (I think)...who knows, but it was bout 20-30 minutes worth of sweating it up!

Saturday, February 6, 2016

Bishop's B-Day

Levi Bishop's birthday was some of "the boys" wanted a workout...

Levi was up for a team WOD...

The Bishop
AMRAP in 20 min:
2-4-6-8 (+2 reps each round) ~ Clean & Jerk (135#)
17 Pull Ups
17 HSPU or Shoulder Touches on Wall (R & L = 1 rep)
Partners can partition the C&J's any way they want
BOTH Partners need to complete the 17's...
Which means both parnters must finish 17 pull ups EACH before moving to the 17 Shoulder Touches.

Drake & Levi ~ 4 Rnds + 10 C&J + 15 Pull Ups EACH
Wendt & Trembly ~ 4 Rnds + 10 C&J
DeLaCruz & Fota ~ 4 Rnds + 10 C&J

Post WOD + Witter Photo Bomb!
 For me...
AMRAP in 20min:
2 Muscle Ups
8 KB Swings (70/55)

tb ~ 11 Rnds + 6 reps (160 REPS)

Friday, February 5, 2016

Wall Balls...

Everyone was into the Wall Balls today!

Feidt, JB & Maloney did something like this...
Pull Ups
Wall Balls
Push Ups
Squat Cleans
250m Row or 2 Lap Run (to begin each round)

Oz & I on the CompTrain:

Work to a 1RM Clean

El Toro
AMRAP in 15min:
5 Power Cleans (155/105)
10 Box Jumps (24/20)
15 Wall Ball (20/14)

Oz ~ 205# (Missed 225#) / 6 Rnds + 12 Wall Balls (207 REPS)
tb ~ 225# (missed 235#...BOOOO!!!) / 6 Rnds + 10 Box Jumps (195 REPS)

This early strength stuff just kills when you do not get a good warm-up in! Sheesh...

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Timer sucks...

Well... this was a good day at the start and finished well...but not good!

OHS (Take 15 min)
Work to a heavy set of OHS (1 Rep)

Snatch Work (Take 10 minutes)
Work to a heavy set of this circuit:
1 Power Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch + 1 OHS

AMRAP in 10min:
10 OHS (95/65)
10 TTB

Daliege ~ 135# / 135# / 6 Rnds
tb ~ 235# / 185# / 7 rnds + 10 OHS

The reason this was not good was this... I started a timer on my phone. Apparnetly the darn thing does not continue when the screen shuts off... We didn't know that... I knew from checking after 1st round (9:15) and after the second round (8:20)... I would be around 60-75s per round... My goal was 8 rounds... so I went back after 7.5 rounds to check the time and turned on  the screen on to see 7:33 left, then started counting down again... I may be good, but I do not think I got 7 rounds in in 2.5 minutes... I do think we were within 30 seconds either way...

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

SnoW DAYs off

No days off!!! Even though there is a snow day...called last night by every district around central wisconsin...
There are no days off for competitors! Get better every day!

Frank Vruwink was in @ 7am to make sure he can get a lift in... His goal is to be at the University of Wisconsin PRO DAY... Give it a shot... In his words, "What do I have to lose?!?!"
He had a great career at Michigan Tech for lets see if he can move to another level.
If not, he already has a job in Chippewa Falls (Tiry Engineering). Now to find a place to live (& workout) there!!!

Val & Jones were in for a Swim WOD this AM as well... It is all about improvement!
Val is approximately 30 days from Baby Tonn being welcomed into this world! Still teaching him what hard work is! That kid has got 8 months of workout in...and still going!!!

Drake and the boys were in to perform "Welcome to the Jungle" in the real group of 3...
Drake, Levi B & Glinski ~ 32:14

CFNE had this beauty prescribed:

El Gato
Calorie Row
Thrusters (95/65)

tb ~ 13:19
6:24 (3:18)
9:27 (3:03)
11:48 (2:21)
13:19 (1:31)

I am thoroughly disappointed! My quads felt the burn after the first 3 thrusters! I NEED to get burpees and air squats in daily before the OPEN begins... Just mass reps are going to kill me in the open...Could not go unbroken until the round of 12...PATHETIC!!!

Reminder to myself:
Leg Blaster Daily...warm-up or post-wod...but get it in
Burpees Daily...50-100 ~ 30 Minimum for everyday warm-up!!!

Monday, February 1, 2016


A nice little re-test from just a month ago...

5 Min Max Reps Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/10)
5 Min REST
4 Min Max Reps 10m Shuttle
4 Min REST
3 Min Max Reps Power Clean (155/105)
3 Min REST
2 Min Max Rep Wall Balls (20/14)
2 Min REST
1 Min Max UB C2B Pull Ups

Work to a heavy (not max!) Squat Snatch
3 x 1 Snatch Pull
3 x 1 Snatch-Grip Jerk + Pause OHS (from rack)

tb ~ 53-63-34-40*-15 / 175# / 225# / 205#
*used the 30# ball this time...

UPDATE ~ Oz did this after school (1/2/16), before BB Practice...
56 BBJO (+5)
72 Shuttles (+2)
31 PC (+3)
46 WB (+2)
?? C2B

Folks...he was wiped out by the C2B's...
Just watching (& hopefully pushing/encouraging) him go thru the first 4 rounds of this thing was great! He went after it...on the outside, he was calm, had a steady pace, BUT you just knew, that on the inside, there was THE FIRE burning...needing to improve!!! That individual competitive nature that takes over...Rather than push HARD in the first minute or first bunch of reps, he was able to stay steady and consistent with reps and JUST WORK!!! Not that Oz has ever had trouble in this area. Maybe it was all for me to watch and visualize how I need to work and get better...who knows. was a great WOD to see performed and improved upon! GREAT WORK OZ!

Get better everyday!!!