It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Wednesday, December 31, 2014

3 in a Row...

Have not done a M-T-W cycle in quite a while...
REST day will be tomorrow...JAN. 1st...
Not that this will be a crazy night or anything, just the way it works out!

Wt room open again on Friday...Tomorrow is a day of football (bowl games) and family...

Warm-Up ~ 
1-2-3-4-5 Wall Balls (w/equal breaths to reps for rest)
15 UB Wall Balls
3 x 10 UB Wall Balls (w/5 breaths b/t)
(took some getting use to the breathing deep-see below)
3 x 10 GHD Sit Ups (5 Breaths Rest b/t)
HSPU...just a couple (breathing hurts)

The Ghost (CFNE)
6 Rnds:
1min Max Cal
1min Max Burpees
1min Max D/U (singles is the sub)
1min REST (record your scores for the round!)

EMOM x 9min:
2 x Sqt Clean & Jerk (@85%)

Witt ~ Cal=14-14-13-13-12-15 (81 Total) / Brp=9-7-10-7-6-8 (47 Total) / Singles=74-60-66-81-75-68
tb ~ cal=23-24-22-24-20*-25 (138 Total) / Brp=12-13-12-13-14-13 (77 Total) / D/U=54-60-54-69-42-42 / **Did not do the EMOM
*Damper setting was on 5, otherwise all rounds on 10!
** I pulled an intercostal muscle yesterday doing Sotts press...breathing deep hurts...Especially when standing or holding my back straight...Those D/U's were done basically holding my breath (usually I do not hold my breath for D/U's despite what others may think)

The Feidts came in and were doing this one with the Family... More to come on that!
The bEAST ~
Joni ~
Marc ~

The Tonn's are performing this one as a lovely couple later today as well!!! That should be a battle!!!
Ethan ~ Cal= 25-19-20-21-20-22 (127 Total) / Brp= 18-15-15-15-15-15 (93 Total) / Singles= - -85-80-80-85-90 (420 Total) / EMOM @ 135# / 3x3 @ 185#
Val ~ pulls (not cal.)- 20,24,21,22,20,24 / 11-14-12-11-11-10- 69 / 40-44-50-50-51-45- 280 / EMOM @ 95-105-115-115-125-115-115-115-105 / no FS

It was rather lovely.

ADIOS 2014, HERE WE COME 2015!

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

How many Thrusters?

Halbs was in and warmed up earlier...I was waiting for Val... Witt came in and did the WOD with Halbs...
Daliege was in and did the 2K row from yesterday...
Feidt was in and did a LOOONG WOD (or warm-up)...lots of rowing and pull ups and sweating!!! He was an animal...and even had his daughter going...

Warm-Up ~ 
50 Burpees
Strict C2B or Strict Pull Up work
Hip Mobility

Fruit Loops (CFNE)
3 RFT ~
25 Thrusters (95#/65#)
25 TTB

Skill Work
5 x 3 ~ Pressing Snatch Balance + OHS
5 x 3 ~ Snatch Balance + Sotts Press

Halbs ~ 14:??
Witt ~ (55# & K2E) 2?:
Val ~ 14:??
Des ~ (45# & K2E) ~
tb ~ 12:14 / 75-85-95-95-95 / 75-75-75-95(SB only)-95(SB only)

I will have all times posted tomorrow...sheet is still at school...

Monday, December 29, 2014


A week off...
And a new week...
Even though it is not the New Year quite yet... this is a start-over time...

This week we are all off on break...but the wt. room and WOD's are still going.
Kids coming in around 9am... So do we...

Warm-Up ~ on own...

2K Row for Time
*Previous 2K row times HERE & HERE

EMOM x 8min:
Snatch ~ 65%-70%-75%-80%-85%-75%-80%-85%

Val ~ 7:53* / C&J OTM x 2reps ~ 95-100-110-115-125...then 1 rep OTM - 115-125-135-135-145-155*
Des ~ 1K Row...mobility...1K Row (4:22)
Halbs ~ 8:27 / 3-Pos. Snatch work OTM (Ground-Knee-Pockets)
Wendt ~ 7:27 / 3-Pos Snatch work OTM (Grnd-Knee-Pockets)
tb ~ 7:19.0 (suck-it...slower by 1sec from PR) / 125-135-145-155-165-145-155-165

*PR's for Val...both HUGE...Rowing she didn't even realize, and in the Clean and Jerks she is so solid on the Jerks it was just easy!!! HUGE PR @ 155# for C&J's...that is awesome!!!

Saturday, December 27, 2014


Partner workouts are a blast!!! They when done with different partners, they can bring out all sorts of different "parts" of ourselves...

How you work with another human being SHOULD be the same accross the board...but that is not how life goes, is it???  How we communicate with & treat those closest to us, sometimes is not even close to how we treat total strangers.
Communication is a funny thing...we take much for granted with those closest to us! They should just know... was the Tonn's vs. the Biolo's... Married couple vs. Father & Son... Advantage should have gone to the Biolo's, but then Val brings up..."The Tonn's have the advantage, we are going against two people that cannot breath easy!" ~ VERY TRUE!!!

Power Cleans (135#/95#)
Box Jump Overs (24"/20")
Push Jerk (135#/95#)

Tonn's ~ (did not disappoint...crushed it) ~ 26:28
Biolo's ~ (could not breath!) ~ 29:58

Maybe the most humiliating and enjoyable thing...The Tonn's did the set of 10's a second time to finish along with us...that was nice!!!

Friday, December 26, 2014

After Christmas WOD...

No rest for the athletes of the world...
In this morning and there was wrestling practice, then basketball practice...
So with the wt. room being opened up...we had a bunch of the freshmen and sophomores along with the Herman girls...
These punks all did Loredo together...8th Grader Michael Iverson was "labeled" the Caboose...these guys did this together and waited for everyone from round to round...they did the 3 stair-lap version and did the BWT Exercises in the upper gym...MUCH warmer up there!!! GREAT TEAM EFFORT by them...
32 Minutes for the entire group to finish!!! AWESOME...

Alumni that were in:
Regis Henke, Zach Baussener, Blake White, Nick Bairel, Tyler Wendt

They did Loredo & then played Dodgeball!!!

Warm-Up ~ get loose

EMOM x 12:
odd = 8 TTB + 8 Push Jerk (155#/105#)
even = 8 Burpees + 8 UB Deadlift (275#/185#)
*lighten the wt here or lower the reps to 6's...
**try not to "miss" or take time off to be switching wts. in middle of WOD...
Movement through out the 12 minutes is the important thing...This is not meant to have a lot (20+sec) of rest b/t...realistically, as you are 2-3 rnds in you should be just finishing up with 10-15 sec left to get ready for next minute.
Possibally gaining some rest on the odd minutes if TTB are a strength...there is no easy way to do 8 burpees + 8 UB DL...those 16 reps are taxing...this was a great burner WOD...forcing some work.

6 Rnds for Time:
24 Air Squats
24 H.R. Push Ups
24 Lungewalk Steps
400m Run (3 Laps / 3 Stair Laps / 500m row)

Blake ~ 3-4 rnds  at heavy and 8's then went to 6's
Nick ~ switched to 6's after 6 rnds
Tyler ~ (245# DL / 135#PJ) ~ 8 x 8's, 4 x 6's / 4 rnds of Loredo (500m Row)
tb ~ (225#DL / 135# PJ) ~ 6 x 8's , 8 x 6's (went for two bonus make up for the lack of reps) / w/ 500m Row 31:22

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

12 Days of Christmas ~ 2014

Here we go...This is the 7th Annual 12 Days WOD!!! Can you believe it?!?!

Alumi back, friends that look forward to this, our kids... This is just one of those great times of the year for ANYthing Once...This has become a "family" tradition that people look forward to (if they can be around). This on Mon & Tue forced us to perform today (on the 24th)!!! Some people were really bummed-out that they would already be traveling...BUT they will be back and we will continue!

2014 12 Days of Christmas Pre-WOD Crew

...12 Days of Christmas WOD brought to you by ANYthing Once!

This WOD is to be performed just like the song...Begin at 1, then go and perform 2, then 1, then begin 3, then 2 then 1, and continue until you make it all the way to 12!

Scale this as necessary...Most of all ~ HAVE FUN!!!

For Time:
1-Backward Running Lap
2-Handstand Push Ups
3-Weighted Pull Ups (25#/10#)
4-Toes to Bar
5-Box Jump OVERS (3/2 blue boxes)
6-Split Squat Jumps
8-Wall Balls (20/14)
9-Deadlifts (135#/95#)
10-Ground-to-Overhead (135#/95#)
11-10m Plate Pushes (45#/25#)
12-Inverted Burpees
Modified Push Ups / Modified Pull Ups / Leg Lifts / Step Overs / Lower Wt. / Etc
Change whatever you need, to make this work...

Wendt ~ 46:36
Oz ~ 53:02
Des (Baby Mama Version) ~ Complete! (only one to do this carrying another human the ENIRE WOD!)
Drake B ~ 52:30
Diego ~ 60:00
Val ~ 55 ish
Kate ~ 55 ish
E ~ 55:10
Halbs (Codi) ~ 60:11
Britt ~ 59:48
Joni ~ 62:52
Steph D ~ 63:26
Daliege ~ 62:45
Joan ~ 58:17
KT Kiiskila ~ 57:00
Stoltz ~ 64:29
Feidt ~ DB beat his ankle...hope he is ok...had to sit it out after a few rounds
Witt ~ had to get going...Got thru 8 rnds = 23:20
Bertag ~ time recorded!!!
Juan Videl, Derringer kids, Kiiskila bro, Traci & Haley Biolo others did the WOD as well...just no times
tb ~ 57:23


Thoughts for the season and LIFE!!!
(this could be ANYthing Once Theme song!)

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

3 Wise Men...

Or 5 Guys and a WOD!!!

Built in warm-up in this one...

3 Person Teams (5 guys for 2 groups...rotate a bit)

AMRAP in 25 Min:
3K Row
100 DB Snatch (70#/50#)
30 Thrusters (75#/55#)
30 Thrusters (95#/65#)
30 Thrusters (115#/80#)
30 Thrusters (135#/95#)
30 Thrusters (155#/105#)
Max Thrusters w/ any time remaining (185#/135#)
* Only one person is working at a time!

This was a good WOD...Would be a great TEAM competition one...
We finished both Rowers w/in Seconds of each other...rotated around with 2.5 people per rower
Everyone did 40 DB Snatches (Total...groups of 10 w/ only TWO people working at a time!)
...(Halbs & Daliege did 50 each...bonus set for them!)
then for Thrusters (we all started at the same time)
Britt, Daliege & Halbs took one bar...27 reps @ 115#
Stoltz and I took the other...5 reps @ 115#

Witt, Desi & ?? did a Wall Ball, Box Jump and something WOD...
Everyone is getting ready for the "12 Days"...tomorrow!!!

Be Ready!!! Warm-Up & Prep begin at 8am...

Let's get the WOD going by 8:30...

Monday, December 22, 2014

What Break...We have school!!!

Finish these two days off right...

Still working out on the AM WOD...
Really is there ever a break?!?!?!

30 UB Thrusters (75#/45#)
Back Extensions
HSPU work

For Time:
21 Power Snatches (95#/65#)
21 Burpees
21 Pull Ups
15 Overhead Squats (95#/65#)
15 Burpees
15 Pull Ups
9 Squat Snatches (95#/65#)
9 Burpees
9 Pull Ups

Witt ~ 15:41 (@35#)
Wendt ~ 14:08
Halbs ~ 14:44
Bertag ~ 14:02
Val ~ 12:03
tb ~ 11:54

PM ~ Oz ~ 11:33 
12 Days of Christmas
Dec. 24th
8AM (Warm-Up/Prep)
8:30AM ~ GO time!!!

2008 (I have a WOD logged for this year...)
2009 (blog was not even going, but we were!)
2011 (miss-labeled this as 3rd Annual)
2014...HERE WE COME!!!

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Weekend Work

Not quite the start of Christmas Break...
But boy does it feel like it!!!
Time for some leisure time and just a workout kind of way!

Ethan & I had talked about working out Sat. AM...sounded good
Drake wanted to come up and work snatches and OLY lift technique...after a week of being sick, he is back to "normal" with a great squat day yesterday and now cannot get enough work in... Takes after his mother!

So...I put them thru the Snatch Complex we did earlier this week (EMOM x 12min)...
They were great!!!

Snatch Complex
EMOM x 12 Min:
odd ~ Pwr Snatch + Snatch Balance
even ~ 3-Position Squat Snatches (Pockets, Knees & Floor)

Then E & I did this:

Wall Ball (20#/14#)
Cal Row
Power Cleans (135#/95#)

Drake ~ 95# / Worked bench afterwards
Diego ~ 75# / Worked bench afterwards
Ethan ~ 95# x 1-4rnds - 115# x 5-10 - 125# x 11th & 12th Rnd / 74 WB - 43 TTB - 60 Cal - 40 PC
tb ~ no complex / 72 WB - 61 TTB - 52 Cal - 42 PC

Friday, December 19, 2014


Today was a hodge-podge of items / WOD's...

Feidt & I started out (well, he was actually already warming up)... with 50 & 40 burpees respectively.
Then some work on STRICT C2B Pull Ups, GHD Sit Ups & Leg Blaster.

WOD Time

Two Choices:
Jazz Hands
For Time:
75 KB Swings (55#/35#)
2K Row
75 KB Swings


Pumped Up Game Changer
Deadlift (275#/185#)
Box Jumps (30/24)

Feidt & Wendt were Jazzy:
Feidt ~ 14:40 (w/ a big push at the finish...see below!!!)
Wendt ~ 14:55 (was off the 2K row about 30 sec ahead of "The Terminator")

I went with the Game Changer:
tb ~ 11:11 Rx

Kate was doing something after a 45 min non-stop warm-up!
Britt did yesterdays Double Dutch!!! ~ 28:40

12 Days of Christmas
Wednesday, Dec. 24th
(Boys BB practices @ 10!)

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Double (Under) Trouble

Today would have been a favorite of JB's (still recovering from the flu) ... Not the exercises, but the time... He LOVES those WOD's that last 20-25 minutes... just solid work... 5K ish type workouts...

Luckily Kate and Feidt were not here, cause they would have had this baby done in 15 minutes!

Double Dutch
For Time:
100 D/U, 5 Rnds of Cindy
80 D/U, 4 Rnds of Cindy
60 D/U, 3 Rnds of Cindy
40 D/U, 2 Rnds of Cindy
20 D/U, 1 Rnd of Cindy
(1 Rnd of Cindy = 5 Pull Ups, 10 Push Ups, 15 Air Squats)
*No D/ problems just do 200, 160, 120, 80, 40 singles)

EMOM x 12min:
odd = Power Snatch + Snatch Balance
even = 3-Pos. Squat Snatch (Pockets, Knees, Ground)

Witt ~ 49:25 (singles)
Daliege ~ 28:55 (singles)
Halbs ~ 22:43
Oz ~ 21:11
tb ~ 20:37 / 115# x 1-4 & 135# x 5-12

Got some work in with PE II class today...NICE!
30 UB Wall Balls w/ 30# ball (1:03) ~ (Kids used the 14# for 10 reps)
HS Balance/Walk Work (2:00)
Strict TTB (20 total)
after class finisher
30 UB Ball Slams w/ 40# ball (1:00)

12 Days of Christmas is coming...
Who is in on Wednesday Dec. 24th?
...8ish...9ish...what time should we start?
Get your Christmas Eve Day (Break) started the RIGHT way!!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Pair-Up in Three's?!?!?

TEAM Tuesday again!!!

This time we had 3 people in the room and we needed Partners!
Soooo...we paired-up in a group of 3!!!

NOW... If you can tell me who is famous for the quote,
"Pair up in threes"
You will win a pat on the back from none other than Jacob Bertagnoli!!!
No cheating by googling it!!!

25 UB Thrusters (75# / 45#)
GHD Extensions & HSPU work

Double Time
With a partner (one partner working at a time)
2m ~ Squat Clean (135#/95#)
2m ~ Push Jerk (135#/95#)
3m ~ Squat Clean (135#/95#)
3m ~ Push Jerk (135#/95#)
4m ~ Squat Clean (135#/95#)
4m ~ Push Jerk (135#/95#)

3rd Hr S&F Class
30 UB Thrusters (75#)
4 x 3 Wt. C2B Pull Ups

EMOM x 7min
5 x Sotts Press

Oz & Dalaige were partners (@115#)...
D & I went at the same time so Oz was really a double partner!

Oz ~ 12-12-15-21-15-26 (42 Sqt Cl / 59 PJ ~ 101 Total Reps)
Daliege ~ 9-9-12-15-15-15 (36 Sqt Cl / 39 PJ ~ 75 Total Reps)
tb ~ 12-16-12-18-18-28 (42 Sqt Cl / 62 PJ ~ 104 Total Reps) / 65# Sotts Press

Britt came in and did the Good Life from yesterday...11:15

NOW...on another note...
Val sent out a Tweet last night that was pretty good...

She found something from our friends at Crossfit Farmland
Kyle Kraft put THIS up on his site... Val tweeted the link and put up:
Support those you appreciate ~ Kyle is excellent #positiveimpact #AOWR #Team
ANYone wanting to donate can do so...on the site if you prefer
I will donate from AOWR if you want to contribute...let me know!!!

Monday, December 15, 2014

Nothing Better...

Than seeing alumni coming back, loving life and loving what they are doing!

Dylan Rickaby was in this AM...
Big-Time Marine now!!! He is lean, mean and a literal "fighting-machine"...

Here is what Chris Kyle (American Sniper) says about Marines:
"They will fight to the death...They are bad-ass, hard-charging mothers."

Keep in mind, that is a SEAL (Navy)  talking about Marines!!! You usually do not hear those kind of endorsements from other branches of the military.

Get a good warm-up in...then...

Good Life (Here / Here or Here)
3 RFT ~
500m Row
12 Burpees
21 Box Jumps (24/20 - Games Standard)

OTM x 7
1 Snatch (90% max)

JB ~ 11:38
Halbs ~ 11:59
Witt ~ 14:30
Wendt ~ 10:31
Feidt ~ 11:12
tb ~ 11:11 / 175#

Friday, December 12, 2014


Fridays... Always Sweet...
Starting with at WOD with friends...nothing better...

Sweet Tooth was prescribed from CFNE ~ AMRAP in 10 Min:
15 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
12 Box Jumps (24/20)
9 C2B Pull Ups

Knowing we would be "traveling" a bit to get these 3 exercises in...(Feidt) smartly added 5 Minutes to the WOD...

WRapids Sweet Tooth
AMRAP in 15min:
15 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
12 Box Jumps (24/20)
9 C2B Pull Ups

Britt ~ 7 Rnds ~ 252 Reps (& then someone stole his medball with 1+ minutes left...he was flying!
Kate ~ 5rnds + 15 reps ~ 195 Reps
Wendt ~ 5rnds + 28 reps ~ 208 Reps
Feidt ~ 6rnds + 15 reps ~ 231 Reps
JB ~ 6rnds + 21 reps ~ 237 Reps
Oz ~ 6 Rnds ~ 216 Reps
tb ~ 5rnds + 21 reps ~ 201 Reps
val ~ 6rnds + 5 reps ~ 221 Reps

Note ~ BJ's were killer...did  the step-up version for myself...jeez
All WB's were 15's UB except rnd #4...happy about that!

Some big things have been happening here at ANYthing Once...
~ Witt PR's with some Deadlifting and Power Cleans
~ Val becomes LHS Head Volleyball Coach
NOW ~ Maloney did this entire WOD w/o bands for Pull Ups!!!

I guess signing up for the Battle of the Ball & Chain has left she and Feidt a little nervous (or more focused)...Time to work-out those weaknesses eh kids?!?!? (Not that Feidt has any weaknesses...that guy is a machine...may be time to call him "The Terminator"!)
Double Unders, Pull Ups...what is next Handstand walking????

These two are going to crush the scaled division just like a couple of rookies I know from last years event did!!! Let's just make sure the title comes back to Rapids!!! BUT don't worry...there is really no pressure. If there is only one AOWR champ of the Battle of the Ball & Chain...that is fine too ;-)

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Nice One...

Warm-Up ~
Get Ready

Big Hippo
Power Cleans (135#/95#)
H.R. Push Ups
*40 D/U after each round

Oz ~ 7:48 (21-15-9 Only)
Wendt ~ 15:13
Daliege ~ 16:36 (@115#)
Halbur ~ 19:06
JB ~ 19:25
Britt ~ 22:50 (@115#)
Witt ~ 23:25 (@75#)
tb ~ 15:12
val ~ 17:03

Snatch Work tonight or tomorrow (A NICE LITTLE 15 Min Session)

EMOM x 4:
Power Snatch + Snatch Balance
EMOM x 5:
Power Snatch + Hang Squat Snatch
EMOM x 6:
3-Position Snatch (Pockets - High Hang - Low Hang)

Tuesday, December 9, 2014


With a workout built for the battle of the ball and chain training...
CFNE had Task Priority assigned to the Tue WOD...

They would have liked you to partner up and complete the WOD of 3 Rnds with 50 Reps per round w/ one minute b/t rnds...

Well, of course Bertag and Oz could not team up w/o anyone to go against, we know JB does not go against the clock...pretty sure he does not know what a clock is...he just needs someone else to go against. And Feidt was not there to beat him so he had to take advantage of Oz...

So...these two geiniuses decided to do the below WOD in 3 rnds where the first was 30 reps of everything, then 25, then 20... Still making it 3 rnds of 25 reps (average) each...

Oz said he had 29 something and JB beat him... so we know how that went...

THEN, after school...
We (Val & I) took on the CFNE workout...not needing to go against anyone...focusing on being partners and pushing each other...taking advantage of strengths and weaknesses:

Task Priority
3 Rnds for Time (w/ a partner):
50 Wall Ball (20/14)
50 SDLHP (75#/55#)
50 Box Jump Overs (24"/20")
50 Burpees
50 Cal Row
~ 1 Min Rest b/t Rnds

Rnd #1 ~ 9:53
Rnd #2 ~ 10:14
Rnd #3 ~ 11:07

For the Wall balls we did 5's each and held a good pace...always done in under 2 min!!!
SDLHP are just crappy...val did 10-30-15, all I had to do was 11-20 & 31-40 and it was a bitch!
Box Jump overs were just steady and burpees took its toll...
Rowing is just takes time...pull harder hoping that 60s rest will help...It won't!
Fun WOD...

That BIG NEWS from last Friday... 
If you have not heard yet:
VAL TONN = new LHS HEAD Volleyball Coach!!!
So proud of her!

Monday, December 8, 2014

OPEN Fever...

Getting to be that time of year where we start thinking about the OPEN...
CF OPEN that is...
This year, we need more people to join in... LOTS of new features...
YES, you do have to pay...$10 (or something like that)
This year...
Compete / See how you stack up against others in YOUR STATE!!!
There is also a version of SCALED DIVISION (no chance of Regionals)
OR you can do some WOD's as Rx and others as Scaled

Whatever it is...just put your name out there... Give it a shot! Make it the ONE TIME, each year, where you are going to TEST YOURSELF!!!

THIS is your advance notice to get ready...
We need more involvement out of AOWR in the OPEN!!!
Even if it is only for our group

On to the WOD...

Brief warm-up (unless you are Kate and Chris...then it is full blown pre-WOD!)
they were working D/U's for sure as I walked by...getting ready for the Battle of the B & C

OPEN 13.4 (originally performed 3/28/13 & 3/30/13 & last on 8/15/13)
Ascending (3-6-9-12-15-18...)
AMRAP in 7min:
Clean & Jerk (135#/95#)
Toes to Bar

Hang Clean & to a Heavy Single

Kate ~ ??
Feidt ~ 12's + 5 C&J (65 reps) / 205# (could have done more, but had to go)
Halbur ~ 9's + 10 C&J (46 reps) / 175#
Witt ~ (@65#) ~ 9's + 8 C&J (44 reps)
tb ~ 12's + 6 TTB (81 reps) / 225#

PM Crew
Val ~ 12's + 14 C&J (74 reps)
Oz ~ 12's + 9 C&J (69 reps) / 185# (did the C&J before 13.4)

Saturday, December 6, 2014

PR's all around!!!

That is right folks...

THIS is what Saturdays are all about!!!

PR's...meaning Personal Records!!!

Breaking barriers...both mentally and/or physically.

Not needing to be anywhere in a to "coach" each other...learn from each each other...encourage each other...and for some ~ even to OUTHINK yourself, only to have someone tell you to "STOP THINKING ABOUT IT AND JUST DO IT!!!"

Great DAY for all....

Warm-Up with some movements and get to work on Snatches (E, Drake & tb), Snatch work (Farris) and Clean & Jerk (Val)...

Burgener Warm Up ~ Snatches (C&J)...
Then (close to OTM) of Snatches or Clean & Jerks:
3 Snatches (C&J), increase wt. every 2 rounds
2 Snatches (C&J) when wt gets heavy
1 Snatch (C&J) when wt gets heavy

Smoke Show
AMRAP in 5-4-3-2-1 (with equal REST):
10 Pull Ups / TTB / K2E (you choose)
10 HR Push Ups
10 Pwr Snatches (C&J-val) (95#/65#)

Val ~ 155 C&J (PR)
(@75# & TTB) 1+27(95#) / 1+28 / 1+8 / 1+4 / 23
E ~ 160# Snatch (Huge PR...115# was previous)
(@95# & Pull Ups) 2+5 / 2+5 / 1+14 / 1+4 / 25
Drake ~ 145# Snatch (+10# from last week)
(@75# / K2E) 2 / 2+5 / 1+24 / 1+10 / 1
Farris ~ Snatch and C&J work
(@45# & Mod. Pull Ups) 2+3 / 2+3 / 1+23 / 1+6 / 1
tb ~ 195# Snatch (PR by 5#)
(@95# & TTB) 3+2 / 2+20 / 1+26 / 1+20 / 1

Danielle Witter did White Lightning from yesterday and was going to use 95# for the Deadlift...
Val was trying to convince her to do 115# and she was being very reluctant...
So she said, " OK, let's just make it 100# or 105# and she was refusing...
Time to get the group to intervene...POSITIVE PEER PRESSURE!!!
E told her she could do it! I told her she could do it! And of course Val was all over her!!!
So with 25# bumpers on each side of the bar (45# Bar + 50# total plates) I said, "OK, lets just goto 105#..."
Reluctantly she said yes... So I put 10# plates on EACH side ( that math)...then said, "OK try 105# and see how it feels..."
She did and it looked easy...
Then I said, "OK, lets just do 115# and threw on another set of 10# plates on EACH side (again, try that math)!!!"
She tried it and it looked good...not bad we went with it!

She finished in 19:?? (sorry, I don't remember the time)... I just remember telling her that she just did 135# for the DEADLIFT for the entire workout...
AWESOME job by her!!!
Everyone was loving it...she was the only one who did not know she was doing the whole workout at that weight!!!

Friday, December 5, 2014

BIG Day...

And we are NOT talking about the workout!!!

I believe...not confirmed...that another team has joined the Battle of the Ball & Chain competition in January!


BUT...that is not why this is a BIG Day, either!!!

You will just have to wait to find out...Saturday's Post could shed some light on why this is a BIG Day!

White Lightning
Deadlift (225 / 155#)
Box Jumps (24/20) games standard
Wall Ball (20#/14#)

If you have time:
EMOM x 10 min:
50 D/U (or what you can)
10 Alternating Pistols (5 each side)

Oz ~ 8:44 (205#)
Halbur ~ 10:05 (185#)
Val ~ 8:26 (155#) / WORK done
tb ~ 11:29 (245#/30#) / WORK done

Thursday, December 4, 2014

How far can you get?


AMRAP in 20min:
(or How far can you get???)

200 D/U (sub = 500 singles)
100 Air Squats
80 Burpees
60 Wall Balls (20#/14#)
40 TTB
10 Muscle Ups (sub = 5 x 2 Pull Ups + 3 Dips)

Holy Cow!!! I thought the 200/100 would be a nice little warm-up phase to this! It completely burned me out for those burpees (which we knew would be tough, BUT not that tough!!!). the time burpees were finished (5 minutes left), looking down at that ball...I wanted to kick it thru the wall!!! Frickin' wall nemesis! I cannot get more than 10 in a row on longer sets w/o being burned out...

It was a great day of competition... JB got pissed at his rope for D/U's and gave Oz and I a head start by switching ropes and trying to find that rhythm! We both stayed ahead of him till WB... Then I fell terribly behind, and he snuck a set of 5 WB's in on Oz's break and jumped ahead...with a race to TTB for the two of them!!! Tremendous battle!!!

Witt just did work for the full 20 Min... Counting 500 might have been a WOD by itself... When you just want to get the exercise done...counting and keeping track of #'s is a pain in the rear!
"Was that 250 or was that 260...maybe it was 240?!?!? Awww, crap...i forget" ~ that is what goes thru my head anyways...

JB ~ 12 TTB
Oz ~ 11 TTB
Witt ~ 10 Burpees
Daliege ~ 3 WB
tb ~ WB completed!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

It's ON!!!

Partner up, boys and girls...this is going to be good!

Once in teams, get your bar (or bars, if you are at different weights) set.
Your individual weight should be the same for all 3 lifts (i.e. ~ if I can only Jerk 135#'s, then that is what I DL & HPC as well...). If you must move the Jerks down...then ok. But work to get thru

In teams of 2 perform

AMRAP in 12min:
12 Deadlift (155#/105#)
9 Hang Power Cleans (155#/105#)
6 Jerks (155#/105#)
*ONE partner MUST complete one round, then the other one will go...
IGYG format...


Dalaige (115#) & Witt (65#) ~ 9 Rnds + 11 DL
JB (135#) & Oz (135#&115#) ~ 9 Rnds + 11 DL
tb & Val ~ 9 Rnds + 2 DL

This was a great pushing each other. Keeping track of the other "teams"...
It was great competition...JUST WORK!!!

Monday, December 1, 2014

Fran'ish Wrap

Ascending Rounds (3-6-9...etc)
AMRAP in 10 Min:
Thrusters (95#/65#)
C2B Pull Ups

Halbur ~ 15's + 3 Thrusters
Oz ~ 12's + 12 C2B (that means he completed 15 Thrusters!)
JB ~ 15's + 1 Thruster
Feidt ~ 15's + 2 Thrusters
tb ~ 15's + 3 C2B (Yep...that means I got 18 Thrusters!!!)