It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Monday, December 31, 2018


Last workout of the YEAR!!!

Last week S.Brehm suggested we give the CFNE 12 Days WOD a go...

12 Days of CrossFit
1 Squat Snatch (135/95)
2 Hang Power Snatch (135/95)
3 Deadlifts (135/95)
4 Burpees
5 Toes to Bar
6 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
7 Kipping HSPU
8 Goblet Reverse Lunges (53/35)
9 KBS (53/35)
10 GHD Sit Ups
11 Wall Balls (30/20)
12 Cals on Bike

Brehm ~ 23:23 (95# BB/35# KB/20# WB)
T.Wendt ~ 22:39
Z.Wendt ~ 37:42
tb ~ 35:51

Best part was...on last round, I finished my Wall Balls (11 UB) then headed back into wt. room and did 9 KBS & 8 Rev. Lunges, when T.W. asked if I was skipping GHD Sit Ups cause of my back...HELL NO!... Just flat out forget about them...While completing 11 in the wall ball I had that number 9 in my head and flat-out forgot about 10...
Then the whole time I was doing the 10 GHD, I was trying to figure out if I had done them the time before (I had), you know how thinking goes during one of these WOD's!!!

New Year is coming...Let's all get even better in 2019!!!

Friday, December 28, 2018

Gonna be Sore...

Already feel it in the claves and low back... so did some work on those today!

Warm Up
Hanging Decompression (60s)
4 Quadrant Ab Presure w/ Med Ball (60s ea)
Inversion Table (60s)
2m ~ Banded Fig. 4 w/ Rig (ea leg)
2m ~ Banded Fig. 4 w/ Rig & Rotation (ea leg)
2m ~ Hamstring High Rig (ea leg)
2m ~ Couch Stretch on Wall (ea leg)
3 x 10 ~ Wall Facing Leg Raise (Mod Couch Position)
1m ~ Exaggerated Front Rack Hollow Hold w/ BB
4 Rnds ~
30s ~ Strict Ring Dips
30s ~ REST
30s ~ Strict HSPU
30s ~ REST
For Time:
Abmat Sit Ups

Sengbush ~ 10-5-5-6 (26 Dips) / 5-2-1-3 (11 HSPU) / 9:37
ZW ~ 10-8-7-6 (31 Ring) / 5-5-4-3 (17 HSPU) / 9:17
tb ~ 11-10-11-11 (43 Ring) / 2-3-1-2 (8 HSPU) / 6:54

As you may HSPU were pathetic... I will attribute this to the lack of shoulder warm-up...
We just jumped into the Gymnastics Cond. after the Low Back SmashweRx progression...
Holy Innocents, Pray for us

Thursday, December 27, 2018

We did it!

HERE is where it is explained in more detail.
HERE is the initial Dave Castro post on instagram.

Basically it is a HERO workout that Dave Castro just made up for his deceased friend and military buddy... it is 1000 Box Step-Ups... AND yes, that is ONE THOUSAND!!!

50m Suitcase Carry Right Arm
50m Suitcase Carry Left Arm
50m Front Rack Carry Right Arm
50m Front Rack Carry Left Arm
50m OH Carry Right Arm
50m OH Carry Left Arm

Loosen up the shoulders...
3-5 of Each:
Scap Retractions
Kip Swings
Kipping Pull Ups
Strict Pull Ups
Kipping C2B
Strict C2B
Muscle Up Work
1 Rnd Max STRICT Muscle Ups
REST 5 min
30%-40%-50% Unbroken Muscle Ups
200 D/U
50%-40%-30% UB Muscle Ups
1000 Step-Ups for Time
(20" & 45# Backpack on)

Val ~ 200 D/U and some HS work / 400 Step Ups in 30min (then she had to go)
ZW ~ 0 / some work...200 D/U & more attempts / 82:09
tb ~ 0 / 2-3-4 / 60-40-30-30-20-20 / 4-3-2 (12-14 min total...forgot to start a timer) / 84:40
Chad breakdown (every 100 reps) ~ 5-11:30-19:30*-32:34-39:30-48:51-59:30-68:40-76:35-84:40
*took a break to help Drake get set for Sprint workout...started 301 at 23ish
5m / 6:30 / 8m / 13:04(9:34w) / 6:56 / 9:21 / 10:39 / 9:10 / 7:55 / 8:05

Let me tell you...this one was a mental beat down...It was physically challenging as well, but a real mental beat down! After 300...realizing we were only about 1/3 of the way done, was a challenge...
At 500, knowing we were half-way done...seemed like an eternity to go...
This was fun!?!? Yea, give it a try...The challenge is NOT TO QUIT!!!

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Clean Start...

400m Run
1 Rnd Strict Cindy
2 Rnds (30s ea)
Spidey & Reach
Russian BB Makers
BB Warm-Up
Snatch-Grip BB Warm-Up
BB Cycling
Within a 3m Window:
9 Power Snatches
15 Power Cleans
21 Push Press/Jerks
Max Reps OHS if you complete the 21 Pushes...
~ This should be a wt. that you could get UB for ALL of these lifts, when fresh...
So default to the lightest load with that in mind...
Remember to save your last power clean for your first Push Press...
Every 90s for 5 Sets:
Power Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean
AMRAP in 3m:
10/7 Cal Bike
9 Power Cleans (95/65)
~ 3 Minutes REST
AMRAP in 3m:
10/7 Cal Bike
7 Power Cleans (115/80)
~ 3 Minutes REST
AMRAP in 3m:
10/7 Cal Bike
5 Squat Cleans (135/95)

Was Zach Wendt and I working this...
Casey did it with the Rower earlier today...he looked wiped-out from it...

ZW ~ ??? / 115-135-135-155-175 / 2rnds + 3PC / 2rnds + 9cals / 2rnds + 3cals
tb ~ 1 OHS / 115-135-135-155-175 / 2rnds + 4PC / 2rnds + 10cals / 2rnds + 10cals
On the BB Cycling...6+1's / 8+4+1's / 15+6

Monday, December 24, 2018

Christmas Eve Day

RPR and mobility work...
Back Squat
20 RM
For Time:
15 C2B + 12 TTB + 9 Bar MU (alt. = 30 TTB)
400m Run
15 Power Cleans (175#/115#)
800m Run
15 Power Cleans (175#/115#)
400m Run
15 C2B + 12 TTB + 9 Bar MU (alt. = 30 TTB)

tb ~ 185# 20RM / 26:18
4m for first 15-12-9 / 15-UB/12 UB/3-3-3
4:18 for 2nd 15-12-9 / 5x3 / 8-4 / 5-2-2
Power Cleans = 3-3-1's / ALL singles for rnd #2

Saturday, December 22, 2018

11th Annual...

12 Days of Christmas WOD...HISTORY
This is the 11th year of this gang!!!
WE are better...!
...for this!

Last year we had a challenge with Rib Lake...this year...
Appleton East & West DePere Crossfit joined in the fun!

The workout is performed like the song...
And the number corresponds with the reps of the exercise...
HERE is the good looking version...

12 Days of Christmas
1 ~ Lap
2 ~ Wall Crawls
3 ~ Pull Ups
4 ~ Push Jerk/Press*
5 ~ Front Squats*
6 ~ Deadlifts*
7 ~ Burpee Box Jump-Overs
8 ~ TTB / Pike Sit Ups
9 ~ Double Unders (27 Singles)
10 ~ OH Plate Walking Lunge Steps (45/25)
11 ~ Wall Balls
12 ~ (Wo)Manmakers (35/20 .  20/5)


POST Workout
Many of these were done modified as the individuals needed...We did not really record modified vs. Rx on the score sheets... This workout is about much more than the time that is listed! It is included here for historical and individual purposes...NOT for comparison purposes!!!
If you are someone that needs to compare scores...the CrossFit Open is coming up in February. Get involved and do is fun and good to compete and work your hardest. It is even more fun to win, BUT we headed into this workout with these thoughts:
~ Show up and DO the Work!
~ Abandon Your Ego
~ Nobody Cares what your Time was...
~ Everybody Cares if you Cheated

That said...This was by far, our biggest crew to date... What a great time and SUPER efforts given all around!!!

Kevin Ren ~ 55:58
Dustin Rickaby ~ 40:11
Carson Juneman ~ 47:50
Tanner Gormanson ~ 76:30
Dawson Jenkin ~ 53:30
Garrett Juneman ~ 51:02
Landyn Freeman ~ 39:43
Ben Weidman ~ 48:25
Carter Freeman ~ 43:49
Ethan Freeman ~ 43:45
Jack Blokhuis ~ 60:35
Oliver Nieman ~ 60:06
Caden Sengbush ~ 63:20
Chue Fue Khang ~ 59:56
Mason Tritz ~ 62:03
Justing Tritz ~ 36:32
Aspen Tritz ~ 43:29
Troy Freeman ~ 49:00
Jackson Freeman ~ 48:30
Johnny Pyburn ~ 44:30
Shawn Brehm ~ 39:42
Kenzi Weidman ~ 46:33
Drake Biolo ~ 50:09
Ryan Blokhuis ~ 61:32
Nathan Frost ~ 58:42
Myles Sawyer ~ 58:44
Lilly Higdon ~ 58:41
Kayla Moranchel-Sweet ~ 75:30
Kailar Tritz ~ 42:45
Elise Moon 47:50
Lucas Bean ~ 45:15
Will Weidan ~ 43:46
Hannah Felker ~ 56:15
aroline Narel ~ 56:30
Logan Felker ~ 47:50
Cort Halbur ~ 41:44
Trevor Fiegel ~
Val Tonn ~ 58:36
Ethan Tonn ~ 51:40
John Schmitt ~
Walker Schmitt ~ 48:28
Wyatt Schmitt ~ 44:30
Sam Varsho ~ 52:30
Jadon Bishop ~ 52:42
Carson Derringer ~ 50:57
Steph Derringer ~ 56:57
Jed Felker ~ 58:08
Zach Wendt ~ 66:52 (sick as a dog)
tb ~ 50:17

Friday, December 21, 2018

Christmas Break...coming

Many today wanted to do 12 Days WOD...They will not be around tomorrow (or have wrestling practice), so they did tomorrows WOD today...
Ladick ~ 39:39
STAN ~ 41:45
Schutz ~ 43:45
Daliege ~ 51:00
Johns ~ 60:15
Zarecki ~ 59:30
There were a bunch more that finished after 7 rnds...
This is a tough workout...1/2 way thru, time-wise at around 10 or 11...amazing how long the last two rounds seem to take...

Today it was Zach Wendt and I left for the regular workout...
2 Rnds ~
2 Stair Laps
3 Spidey & Reach (ea)
5 HR Push Ups
5 Wall Squats
3 Inchworms
For Time:
1000m Row
50 Thrusters (45/35)
30 Pull Ups
ZW ~ 10:01
tb ~ 9:01

Was amazing workout...Zach rowed outstanding! As good as I have seen him. Normally I will beat him in 1K by about were dead even! He was consistent and great...
Got 20-20-10 for Thrusters... I was 20-15-15 and was 30s behind him in the thrusters...
Went in to pull ups and I thought he had a bunch in so I was going to try to get 20 in a row... as I hit 20 he was up on the bar again, so I thought...JUST HANG ON AND SEE IF YOU CAN FINISH... I did... 30 UB Pull Ups!!! Holy Cow...

Now Zach will kill me tomorrow!!!

CAN'T wait for tomorrow AM...
12 Days

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Dead while Lifting

Banded Wall Hip Opener ~ 2m ea
3 Laps
10 x BB DL Wall Fix
10 x Single Leg BB DL (ea leg)
2 Laps
10 x Split Stance BB DL (ea leg)
10 x Walking Split Stance DB DL
1 Lap
Snatch-Grip BB WU
AMRAP in 12min:
5 Strict HSPU* (or Strict Press)
10 OHS
15 Deadlift
*same wt for ALL (95/65)
If you cannot get Strict HSPU...then use no more than 95#, but whatever you use, then that is wt. for OHS & DL...even if you feel it is too light...JUST GET MORE REPS!!!
OPTIONAL ~ Squat Snatch
5 Sets on the 2m:
1 High-Hang Squat Snatch + 1 OHS
1 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 OHS
1 Squat Snatch + 1 OHS

Johns ~ 5 Rnds + 3 DL (Shoulder Press ~ 1&2 = 65#, 3 on was 45#)
Ladick ~ (75#) ~ 5 rnds + 3 Shoulder Press
Daliege ~ 5 rnds + 5OHS (Shoulder Press)
tb ~ 5 rnds + 9OHS

Tuesday, December 18, 2018


Banded Fig. 4 (2m ea)
Banded Fig. 4 Rotation (2m ea)
Hamstring High-Rig (2m ea)
Couch Stretch on Wall (1m ea)
Wall Facing Knee Raise (mod. couch)
Exaggerated Hollow Front Rack (Squeeze Glutes / 1-2m)
3 Rnds ~
3 Pull Ups + 6 HR Push Ups + 9 Air Squats
5 Rnds on the 5m:
20/14 Cal Row
20 x 10m Shuttle Run
20/14 Cal Bike
Optional (HS WALK Practice)
5 Rnds, not for time:
15 GHD Sit Ups
50' HS Walk

Schutz ~ 4:21 / 4:12 / 4:00 / 4:10 / 4:00
Johns ~ 3:21 / 3:58 / 4:10 / 4:13 / 4:13
tb ~  3:38 / 3:44 / 3:32 / 3:44 / 3:38 (rows were ~ 48-44-44-46-42)

Monday, December 17, 2018

Just in Case...

You have not heard...
We are having the 11th Annual ~ 12 Days of Christmas WOD...
THIS Saturday (Dec. 22nd) 9am Start (8:30 Warm-Up/Set-Up)...
We have been releasing ONE exercise each day...
Today is

Also...Fellow AOWR member Shawn Brehm, just did Filthy 50 this weekend...
Last time (and First time) that he did this WOD (8.19.17)...he finished in 39:55!
Yesterday 12.16.18 (about 16 months later)...24:13...BOOM!!! 15:42 faster...
BIG PR for Brehm... Hopefully we will see him at the 12 Days, and my bet is he crushes it!!!

3 Laps Running (Nose breathe)
5 Spidey & Reaches
5 Scap Ret. + Kip Swings
1-3 Strict Pull Ups
2 Laps Running
5 Russian BB Makers
10 HR Push Ups
10 Sit Ups
1 Lap
C&J Complex
5 Sets (build to mod wt)
Hang Squat Clean + Push Jerk + Hang Squat Clean + Split Jerk
21-15-9 For time:
Box Jump-Overs (24/20)
Power Clean (115/80)
C2B Pull Ups
Front Squat (115/80)
Lat. Burpees over Bar
Push Press/Jerk (115/80)

Grossly underestimated this one folks... thought under 20min...WOW..was I wrong...

Optional ~ Gymnastic Conditioning
4 Sets (below...each is ONE set)
#1 set ~ 40% Max Ring MU + 100 D/U + 40% Max Ring MU
#2 set ~ 35% Max Ring MU + 80 D/U + 35% Max Ring MU
#3 set ~ 30% Max Ring MU + 60 D/U + 30% Max Ring MU
#4 set ~ 25% Max Ring MU + 40 D/U + 25% Max Ring MU
REST as needed b/t each but clear the set as fast as possible...

Stan ~ 22:40 (95#)
Johns ~ 31:56
Ladick ~ 115# / 25:00 (95)
Daliege ~ 145# / 24:33
tb ~ 160# / 29:15 (14ish / 22ish )

Friday, December 14, 2018

New Benchmark...

From the minds of Ben Bergeron & Harry Palley...
A new Benchmark WOD... JOKER!

And how fitting, with todays release of 12 Days...
We are counting Down... 8th Day = Toes to Bar (Pike Sit Ups)
Just so everyone knows...
Krommy has been releasing an exercise per day...
Here is what has been released so far...
12 = (Wo)Manmakers
11 = Wall Balls
10 = OH Plate Lungesteps
9 = Double Unders
Keep track on Instagram (cwrossfit)... will release a couple more this weekend...

2 Rnds ~
1 Lap
5 Scap Retractions + 5 Kip Swings
3 Spidey & Reach
5 Burpees
3 Inchworms
DL Build Up
For Time:
1-10 TTB
10-1 Deadlift (225#/155#)
SC + HS Walking
NOT FOR TIME, but work diligently...
10 Squat Cleans + 10' HS Walk
8 Squat Cleans + 20' HS Walk
6 Squat Cleans + 30' HS Walk
4 Squat Cleans + 40' HS Walk
2 Squat Cleans + 50' HS Walk
*ZW & I did this together and used the PVC to help our HS walking...
WAS great work!!!

Johns ~ 9:01 (155#/ Knee lifts)
STAN ~ 12:02 (185#)
Ladick ~ 9:36 (185#)
Daliege ~ 8:48
ZW ~ 10:14 (all DL UB) / 135-155-185-205-225 SC & great HS Walk Work
tb ~ 7:03 (All TTB UB...that was the difference folks...)

Spread the word... 11th Annual 12 Days WOD coming Saturday, Dec. 22nd ~ 9am (HERE)

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Breathing & 12 Days coming...

Breathing...thru the nose...HERE
What is your BOLT (Body Oxygen Level Test)?
I am going to work on this...

Get Ready and spread the word!!!

12 Days is coming... HERE is our history!

Last year (HERE) we did this w/ @Coach_Krom (twitter) and Rib Lake High School...
This year he is the "new" Head FB Coach at Appleton East... So... guess what?!?!?

That is the GREAT thing about CrossFit...this concept!
We can compete against each other and right alongside each other!!!

We are even doing it same day...
Mark your calendars for Saturday, Dec. 22nd ~
8am ~ Doors Open / Set-Up
8:30am ~ Warm-Up, Demos, Instructions & Scaling Options
9am ~ Go Time!!!
As always...Eggnog when finished

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Playin' Around

EMOM x 12:
1 = 15/12 Cal Row
2 = 15 HR Push Ups
3 = 15 Abmat Sit Ups
4 = Boxes (1-step up/down / 2-Jump up/step down / 3-choice)
BB Warm-Up
3 RFT ~
10 Power Snatches (115#/80#)
20 Box Jump Overs (24/10)
30 Wall Balls (20/14)

Johns ~ 17:40
Ladick ~ (95#) ~ 11:04
Daliege ~ 11:40
tb ~ 13:57 (4:25/9:32/13:57 / PS = 4-3-1's / 4-3-1's / 5-3-1's // WB = 15-8-7 / 10-12-8 / 16-19)

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Do Work!

3 Rnds ~ 
1 Lap
5 Scap Ret. + 5 Kip Swings
Stretch for 30s
2 Rnds ~ 
40% Ring MU + 100 D/U
30% Ring MU + 100 D/U
20% Ring MU
3m REST...
AMRAP in 15min:
27/18 Cal Bike
21 GHD Sit Ups (Abmat if needed)
15 C2B Pull Ups
9 Sandbag Cleans* (100#/80#)
*Alt is D-Ball Over Shoulder

STAN ~ 3 Rnd + 24 cals (50# D-Ball)
Johns ~ 3 Rnds + 3 cals (40# D-Ball)
tb ~ 2 Rnds + 27 cals (100# D-balls in Bag...that was awkward and tough

Monday, December 10, 2018


Warm-Up ~ 
Mobilize & Loosen up..
(POOR warm up today)

Running Clock ~
0-5 = Heavy Double OHS
5-10 = Heavy Double Snatch Balance
10-15 = Work to Mod Wt of 1 Pausing Snatch Pull + 2 High-Hang Squat Snatches
15-20 = Mod. Wt. 1 x Squat Snatch (no higher than 85%)
DB Snatches (70/50) ~ single arm...does not need to be alternate arm

HSPU Conditioning
Every 2min (working w/in 90s window) perform:
20/14 Cal Row
Max HSPU w/ remaining time...
30s REST (So we are working w/in the 90s window!!!)

Ladick ~ 5:58 (35#)
Daliege ~ 6:58 (60#)
Johns ~ 8:48 (35#)
Stan ~ 5:48 (45#)
tb ~ 8:11 (3:57-7:00-8:11) / 24 total (5-5-5-5-4 ~ ALL Strict / 20cals 45-58s)

Friday, December 7, 2018

Team'd Up...

Classic as a TEAM...

3 Rnds ~
1 Lap Running
5 Scap Retraction + 5 Kip Swings
12 Lungesteps
60s Mobility Work
BB Warm-Up
Teams of 2, perform:
AMRAP in 20min:
20 Pull Ups
30 HR Push Ups
40 Abmat Sit Ups
50 Air Squats (to med-ball)
~ Must Tag-Off to switch

STAN ~ 3 Rnds in 20 min
Daliege & Ladick ~ 5 Rnds + 45 Reps (25 Push Ups)
Johns & tb ~ 5 Rnds + 112 Reps (22 Air Squats)

Actual CompTrain WOD for day was this:
3 RFT ~
10 Bar MU
20 Kipping HSPU
30 GHD Sit Ups
40 Wall Balls (20/14)

Will have to give that a go sometime...

And as a bonus... the CrossFit Open Dates have been announced...HERE

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Losin' it...

Lost the write-up I can remember:

3 Laps (Nose Breathing)
5 Good AM's
5 Stiff-Leg DL
2 Laps
5 Back Squats
5 Elbows
1 Lap
5 Press
5 Front Squats
Every 4minutes x 5 Rnds:
9 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
15 DB Front Rack Squats (50's/35's)
15/12 Cal Bike
~ Adjust Reps of exercises if it is taking you over 3:30 on first rnd...

Ladick ~ 3 Rnds of this and had to go...
Johns ~ Low back is hurting and she was done after 2 or 3...time to rest/recover
tb ~ Completed this (sort of...)
1 = 3:30 (Done w/ FS @ 2:05 / Bike took 1:15)
2 = 3:40 (Done w/ FS @ 2:10 / Bike took 1:25)
3 = 3:50* (Done w/ FS @ 2:35 / got to 12 Cals on Bike)
4 = XXX (Done w/ FS @ 3:05 / NO BIKE...REST)
5 = 3:20 (Done w/ FS @  / Bike took 1:05) 
ALL FS were Unbroken...

Tuesday, December 4, 2018


7min of Bearcrawl Soccer*
*EMOM = 5 Burpees

Shoulder Mobilize

15min to Work to a Heavy Set of 2

31 Clean & Jerks (95/65)
31 Cal Bike
21 Clean & Jerks (135/95)
21 Cal Bike
11 Clean & Jerks (155/105)
11 Cal Bike
6 Clean & Jerks (185/120)
6 Cal Bike

Over in Stevens Point for a meeting for WFCA (FB Coaches Association) so I had to try to get a workout in...
Luckily these guys had a 6:20AM class that allowed drop ins
Fiternal CrossFit was a great experience...
Great stuff!!!
Attitudes were high and everyone pushed each other and worked hard...
What else would you expect from an affiliated place...

tb ~ 245# OHS / 19:55 for time...
Was nice to get on an Assult Bike vs. what we have at WR...
NEED to get some bikes... Assult Bikes or Rouge, but need those types!!!

Monday, December 3, 2018

Workin' OUT...

OTM x 12min:
1 = 5 Scap Ret + 5 Kip Swings
2 = 25s Russian BB Makers + 25s Warrior Squats
3 = 6 Burpees + 12 Abmat Sit Ups
4 = 10 Alt DB Snatch (light DB)
5 Sets:
1 Power Snatch + 1 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch
For Time:
60 D/U (120 singles) + 30 Alt. DB Snatch (55/35)
60 D/U + 30/21 Cal Row
60 D/U + 30 Toes-to-Bar
60 D/U + 30/21 Cal Row
60 D/U + 30 Alt. DB Snatch (55/35)

Later during 3rd Hour for TB
AMRAP in 2m:
Max Ring Muscle Ups
60s Rest
AMARAP in 2m:
Max Ring Muscle Ups

Daliege ~ 18:33 (120s)
Ladick ~ 15:15 (D/U & Singles mixed 2 laps vs. Row)
Johns ~ 19:47
tb ~ 14:44 / 20 Total (3-1-1-1-1-1-1-1) & (2-2-2-2-2)
Finshed Rows in 1:28/1:26
D/U were UB / UB / 20-20-20 / 40-10-10 / 13-14-13-10-10* Kept hitting toe on last round! 

Friday, November 30, 2018

R U Sore???

How is everyone feeling after this week???

ME...sore & during the workouts fatigued...

This week has been good for the Nose Breathing work... ALWAYS during the warm-up, occasionally when I break within the WOD... I really have been working on it...Feels good, getting to feel normal.
I have been able to now jog 400m w/o stoping...
I am hoping that it is the Nose Breathing that is working...getting worse before getting better ;-)
Not just me getting out of shape... We will see...

400m Run (Nose Breathing)
BB Warm-Up
5 Sets ~
5 Touch-n-Go Squat Cleans + 1 Push Jerk
AMRAP in 20min:
20 Wall Balls (20/14)
20 Sumo DL High Pulls (75/55)
20 Box Jumps (24/20)
20 Push Press (75/55)
20/14 Cal Rows

Daliege ~ 145# / 3 Rnds + 45 Reps (5 Box Jumps)
Ladick ~ 115# / 3 Rnds + 35 Reps (15 SDLHP)
Stan ~ XX / 3 Rnds + 20 Reps (Cals...he started on cals)
Johns ~ 85# / 2 Rnds + 42 Reps (8 Box Jumps...started on Rows-14cals)
tb ~ 195# / 2 Rnds + 88 Reps (8 Cal Rows /  20:36 to finish 3 rnds!)

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

TEAM variations...

Great TEAM WOD today... One of my favorite rep schemes to do with team stuff...

400m Run
3 Rnds ~
5 Wall Squats
10 HR Push Ups
BB Warm-Up
Teams of 3:
AMRAP in 7min:
50 Reps @ 135/105
50 Reps @ 185/125
Max Reps in time remaining @ 225/155
AMRAP in 7min:
50 Reps @ 135/95
50 Reps @ 155/105
Max Reps in time remaining @ 185/135
AMRAP in 7min:
50 Reps @ 185/135
50 Reps @ 225/155
Max Reps in time remaining @ 275/185
*Adjust weight as needed...thought process is Light-Med-Heavy

Ind. Version of this should be AMRAP in 7 w/ 21 Reps

We did this...
TEAMS of 2... AMRAP in 5min (3min Rest) @ 35 Total Reps for both partners...

Ladick & Daliege
BS = 95-135-155 (9 Reps at 155)
Bench = 95-105-135 (20 Reps at 135)
DL = 155-185-225 (29 Reps at 225)
Johns & Biolo (bold is Johns work!!! She was a stud!!! Carried us!)
BS = 12-12-11 (105/155) / 10-10-7-8 (185/125) / 5-5 (225/155)
Bench = 12-23 (65/135) / 7-8-7-8-5 (80/155) / did not get to 3rd wt...
DL = 10-10-7-8 (135/185) / 7-8-8-12 (155/225) / 4-1[+3 after time] (185/275)

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Chris Kross

Done before HERE

Warm-Up (remember...Nose Breathing!!!)
2 Rnds ~ 
250m Light Row
5 Spidey & Reach (ea)
10 Slow Scap Ret.
15 Abmat Sit Ups
BB Warm-Up
10 D/U
5 PC (light load)
10 D/U
15 D/U
3 PC (workout wt.)
15 D/U
AMRAP in 15:
30 D/U
15 Power Cleans (115#/80#)
30 D/U
15 TTB

AMRAP in 4min:
Ascending UB C2B Pull Ups

Johns ~ 3 Rnds + 11 PC (60s /95#* Heavier than needed!!!
Stan ~ 3 Rnds + 4 PC (60s / 95#)
Schutz ~ 4 Rnds (60s)
Ladick ~  (60s / 95#)
tb ~ 4 Rnds + 12 TTB (SOB!!! 3 reps away from 5 rnds) / 1-9 on UB in the 4min C2B

Monday, November 26, 2018


Forgot what I did on Friday...and cannot find the sheet...

Going to work on Warming up with breathing thru the NOSE ONLY
Benifits Look HERE

400m Run (w/ Water in mouth...forces nose breathing)
20 Air Squats
3 x Spidey & Reach (ea way)
20 Lungesteps
30s Russian BB Makers
20 Lunge Jumps (Split Squat Jumps)
5 Scap Retractions
10 Jumping Air Squats
200m Run
3 Strict PU
15 Banded Good AM's
10 Pike Sit Ups
BB Warm-UP
Squat Snatch COMPLEX
5 Sets (work to Mod-Heavy)
1 Snatch Pull
1 High Hang Squat Snatch
1 Hang Squat Snatch
1 Low-Hang Squat Snatch
AMRAP in 3min:
21 OHS (95/65)
21 Lat Burpees over Bar/Rower
Max Cal Row
3min REST
AMRAP in 3min:
18 OHS (115/80)
18 Lat Burpees over Bar/Rower
Max Cal Row
3min REST
AMRAP in 3min:
15 OHS (135/95)
15 Lat Burpees over Bar/Rower
Max Cal Row
3min REST
AMRAP in 3min:
12 OHS (155/105)
12 Lat Burpees over Bar/Rower
Max Cal Row

Daliege ~ 2cals (75#) / 4cals (95#) / 5cals (115#) / 13cals (125#)
Ladick ~ 2cals (65#) / 7cals (75#) / 2cals (85#) / 8cals (95#)
Schutz ~  10cals (75#) / 11cals (95#) / 16cals (115#) / 15cals (95#)
Johns ~ 2cals (45#) / 3cals (55#) / 4cals (65#) / 10cals (70#)
tb ~ 7cals / 8cals / 10cals / 16cals (time to row was: 22s / 24s / 34s / 50s (but got going at 42smark)

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Turkey Trot...

Turkey Day
Day before Thanksgiving... WRPS had the day, some decided it was a good day for a WOD before Turkey Day!

2 Stair Laps
Get Bars Ready...

For Time:
400m Run
3 Rnds ~ TPB* (5 Thrusters + 5 Pull Ups + 5 Burpees)
400m Run
3 Rnds ~ TPB
400m Run
3 Rnds ~ TPB
400m Run
(75#/55# for Thrusters)
Scaling options... Adjust Thruster Wt. as needed, modify pull ups as needed...
BIG-MAN options ~ Thrusters = 95# & 2 Laps vs. 3 laps...

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Thanks for that!

12 Cal Bike
30s Sampson Stretch (ea way)
9 Cal Bike
30s Warrior Stretch
6 Cal Bike
Snatch-Grip BB Warm-Up
10 Sets of the following:
1 Power Snatch*
*5s from Floor to Knee, 3s Pause at the Catch
Climbing in Wt...but keep great form
For Time:
21-18-15-12-9 Cal Bike
16 Alt. DB Power Snatch (50/35)
200m Wreckbag Run (50/35) after each rnd
(sub a 45# plate if needed)

OPTIONAL ~ Row Conditioning
3 Rnds:
30/21 Cal Row
30s Rest b/t Rnds
~ 90s Rest after 3 Rnds...
Then...Repeat it!!!

tb ~ 95-95-115-115-139-139-149-149-149-159 / 20:04
1:15-1:05-48s-45s-33s for Cal Rows / 16's all UB! / 50# Slamball subbed for wreckbag

Monday, November 19, 2018

Loooonnnggg Time....

Last workout was last Wendesday... Lots going on...
Open Heart surgery last Thursday for my Dad...
State Football for Div. 1-3 on Friday...
Checking on my Dad on Saturday & Sunday...going ok, but WOW!
Quite an experience with Open Heart Surgery...going to take some TIME to recover...

THIS WEEK is Thanksgiving...take some TIME and reflect on what (& WHO) you are thankful for...
Have you told them??? YOU SHOULD!!!

WE have a "Turkey Trot" (AOWR WOD) on Wednesday...7:30am start time is what we will shoot for.
What is the Turkey Trot...who knows, we will make it up in the next couple days...

3 Rnds ~
2 Stair Laps (nothing like going up and down the stairs to get the quads going)
3 Spidey & Reaches (ea side)
15 Abmat Sit Ups
5 Slow Wall Squats
BB Warm-Up
EMOM x 12
Odd = 3 Front Squats
Even = 6 Back Squats
(increase from last week)
Two Choices (depending on abilities)
Scale either to fit your needs

For Time:
20 Ring Muscle Ups
10 Rnds of Macho Man (185/135)
(1 Macho Man Rnd = 3 Power Cleans + 3 Front Squats + 3 Push Jerks)


AMRAP in 12min:
3 Rnds Macho Man (135/95)
6 Burpees

Johns ~ 115# Squats / RS ~ 3 Rnds Completed (75# & K2E)
tb ~ 185# Squats / Bane 20m Time Cap due to class ~ 6 Rnds of Macho Man (135#)
HSPU = 8-8-8-8-8 (5:03)...rested till 6:00 mark to start 20 Ring MU (3-3-3-3...then 8x1's with 3-5 breaths between) these were MUCH faster... took me almost 4min for the 4 x 3's...then got the 8 done in about 2m... (6:06 work time for Ring MU)...finished the Ring MU at the 12:06...waited till the 13:00 to start Macho Man...never really checked where I was at but first 3 rnds were slow...then picked up the pace in last 3 rnds... Started 6th Rnd at 19:15 and finished at 19:55...GASSED!!!

Wednesday, November 14, 2018


Lost the sheet for this is the best I can remember...

10 KBS
5 Burpees
10 KB Goblet Squats
30s Mobility Exercise
2 Rnds
BB Warm-Up
Every 4 minutes x 4 Rnds ~
High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean
High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean
High Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean
(9 Total Reps w/o letting go of the bar)
0:00 ~ 45%
4:00 ~ 50%
8:00 ~ 55%
12:00 ~ 60%

5 Rnds for Time
200m Run (1 Stair Lap for us...BB Practice)
2-4-6-8-10 DBL KB Thrusters (55#/35#)

Johns ~ 105# / 8:27 (25# DB's)
Daliege ~ 145# / 7:45 ish (40# DB's)
tb ~ 165# / 8:14

Monday, November 12, 2018 sweet gal...

2 Rnds ~
90s Light Bike
5 Scap Retractions
10 Slow Air Squats
30s Alt. Sampson
2 Rnds ~
1 Stair Lap
5 DB Alt. Press
5 DB Waiter Squats (ea side)
EMOM x 12min:
o = 3 Front Squats
e = 6 Back Squats
(choose a wt around 60% 1-RM FS and stay for both)
For Time:
1000m Row
50 Thrusters (45#/35#)
30 Pull Ups
AMRAP in 8min:
Abmat Sit Ups
*EMOM starting at 0:00 perform 25 D/U

Johns ~ 105# / 12:?? (4:55.6 Row)
Daliege ~ 95# OHS/115# FS / 9:51 (4:04.4 Row)
tb ~ 175# / 8:47 (3:  Row) 30-10-10 / 15-9-6

Friday, November 9, 2018


3 Rnds ~
400m Run
10-30s HS Hold on Wall
15 Abmat Sit Ups
12 Push Ups
9 OHS (dowel)
2 Rnds ~
30s Alt. Sampson Stretch
30s Walkouts
Optional ~ C&J COMPLEX
5 Rnds (climbing / 3min Rest b/t)
1 Squat Clean + 
3 Front Squats + 
1 Split Jerk
With an 18 minute Running Clock/Time Cap:
5 Rnds ~ 200m Run + 10 OHS (95#/65#)...
Then...w/ remaining time left...
5 C2B Pull Ups
7 Kipping HSPU
21 Air Squats
(scaled = Cindy...5 Pull Ups + 10 Push Ups + 15 Air Squats)

We did NOT do the C&J Complex
Daliege ~ 9:25 for the 5rnds ~ 6rnds + 25 Reps (95# / Cindy)
Ladick ~ 9:25 & 8rnds + 5 Pull Ups (75# / Cindy)
Schutz ~ 8:14 & 7 Rnds (95# / Cindy)
tb ~ 8:43 & 4 Rnds + 9 Reps (4 HSPU)
The Lord is great beyond all telling, He exceeds all praise.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

TEAM Day...

Today we do the TEAM WOD...

Warm Up
90s Light Row
5 Scap Ret.
10 Slow Air Squats
30s Alt. Warrior
200m Run
5 DB Strict Press
5 Waiter Squats
BB Warm-Up
With a Running Clock...Perfrom...
0:00 = 10 Reps
3:00 = 8 Reps
6:00 = 6 Reps
9:00 = 4 Reps
12:00 = 2 Reps
(climbing...start approx 60% 1-RM)
Team of 2:
5 Rnds (25min Cap):
2 x 100m Wreckbag Run
2 x 200m Run
40/30 Cal Row
IGYG format... P1 runs 100m WB Run, then P2, P1 runs 200m Run, then the cals off the rower switching whenever you like...

(Indy Version)
5 RFT ~ 
100m Wreckbag Run
200m Run
30/21 Cal Row

Ladick/Dalaige ~ 24:23 (Ladick did 2 Rnds w/ him then D finished Last 3 Rnds) (50# slamball)
Johns/Biolo ~ 32:31 (20# Medball for Johns & 50# slamball)
Daliege ~ 185# Thrusters for 1.5
Johns ~ 105# Thruster for 2
tb ~ 185# Thruster


From Comptrain to our own programing...
Still using some of the WOD's from CFNE as we go...

Warm Up
3 Rnds ~
60s Light Bike
15 Banded Good AM
3 Inchworms
2 Rnds ~
45s Mod Bike
15s Jump Ropes
7 Hang Muscle Cleans
30s Fast Bike
5 Muscle Cleans
15 D/U
3-Pause Power Clean
6 x 2 Reps (climbing)
3 - 2s Pauses @ Knee, Pockets & Catch
Ascending Ladder in 15 Min:
1 Power Clean + 30 D/U + 3 Bar MU
2 Power Clean + 30 D/U + 3 Bar MU
3 Power Clean + 30 D/U + 3 Bar MU
...continue to add 1 PC each Rnd until time...
Rx = 205#/145#

Johns ~ 110# / 6 + 40s (105#/60singles)
tb ~ 185# / 6 + 30 D/U

Monday, November 5, 2018


Changes are coming...
Going away from Comptrain... we will still follow them, but I am going to mix in some of our own Strenght & Gymnastics movement...

CF HQ / CrossFit Linchpin / CFNE will all be utilized for WOD's thru the course of the week...

Warm Up
3 Rnds ~
2 Laps Running
3 Alt Spidey & Reach
15 Abmat
5 Slow Wall Squats
2 Rnds ~
5 Scap Retractions
2 Strict Pull Ups
20s HS Wall Hold
AMRAP in 2min:
Strict Pull Ups
~ Take breaks when you need, but get as many as possible
Snatch Grip BB Warm-Up
3-5 Rnds ~
1 Power Snatch
1 Snatch Balance
2 Hang Squat Snatches
(climb to mod wt)
P#1 ~ With a 5m Running Clock:
100 D/U (200 singles) buy-in...
Then... AMRAP w/ remaining Time:
12 Power Snatches
4 Burpee Box Jump Overs
~~~~5 Minutes Rest~~~~~
P#2 ~ With a 5m Running Clock:
100 D/U (200 singles) buy-in...
Then... AMRAP w/ remaining Time:
8 Power Snatches
4 Burpee Box Jump Overs
~~~~5 Minutes Rest~~~~~
P#3 ~ With a 5m Running Clock:
100 D/U (200 singles) buy-in...
Then... AMRAP w/ remaining Time:
4 Power Snatches
4 Burpee Box Jump Overs
Weights Go UP each Rnd as REPS go Down...
Rx = 75-95-115 (men) / 55-65-80 (women)
Qual = 95-115-135 (men) / 65-80-95 (women)

Stan ~ (200singles) 2+10 (75#) / 3rnds (80#) / 4 Rnds (95#)
Johns ~ 24 Mod Pull Ups / 75# / 2+5 (55#) / 2+1 (65#) / 3+1 (75#) 200singles
tb ~ 30 Strict / 135# / 2+6 (95#) / 2+9 (115#) / 3+3 (135#)
Stirct Pull Ups ~, did those burn out in a hurry!?!?
Lord, God of hosts, happy the man who trusts in You!

Saturday, November 3, 2018


Everyone Achieves More...

60s Light Bike
60s Light Row
6 alt Sampson
45s Mod Bike
45s Mod Row
7 Walkouts
30s Fast Bike
30s Fast Row
3 Push Ups
3 Burpees
3 Burpees over Bar/Rower
TEAMS of 3 ~
3 Rnds ~
4m of Max Cal. Row
3m of Max Cal. Bike
2m of Max Lateral Burpees over Rower
(switch however you wish...only one working at a time)
No Rest b/t Rnds ~ this is a 27 min workout w/ rest when partners are working

If only team of 2...
3m-Row / 2m-Bike / 1m-Burpees (no rest b/t Rnds)

If alone...
3m-Row / 2m-Bike / 1m-Burpees / 2m Rest b/t Rnds

Started w/ Daliege, Ladick & Schutz vs. Johns & Biolo (we were going to do 2 person...then Stan came in just after we switched to bike...

TEAM DLS ~ 97-82-78 Rows (257 Row) / 62-70-70 Bike (202 Bike) / 40-43-47 Burpees (130 Total)
TEAM BJS ~ 61*-75-69 Row (205 Row) / 82*-72-63 Bike (217 Bike) / 35-34-36 Burpees (105 Total)

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Legs feel like...

Warm-Up... Mobilize &
2 Rnds ~
90s Light Bike/Row
5 Scap Ret.
10 Slow Air Squats
30s Alt. Sampson
2 Rnds ~
150m Run (1 Lap)
5 Alt. DB Strict Press
5 Waiter Squats (ea side)
DB OHS + HS Walk (hold)
EMOM x 10min:
e = 3 DB OHS (ea side) Climb w/ DB
o = 30s HS Wall Hold or HS Walk Practice
Every 3min x 7 Rnds:
400m Run
3 Bar MU

Ladick ~ 30# / Completed w/ Pull Ups
Daliege ~ 50# / Completed w/ Pull Ups
Johns ~ 25# / Completed w/ 2 laps 270m Run & Knee Raises
Schutz ~ 45# / Completed Rx
tb ~ 60# / Completed (Rnds 1 & 2 Rx... 3-6 6 TTB only...7 completed but 3 Bar MU were after the beep)
400's = 1:58-2:08-2:18-2:16 (R-W)-2:18-2:21(R-W)-2:14
R-W was Run-Walk combo...

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Burpees...were good

Knowing that it seems to be Burpee Box Jump Overs that have done me in the last TWO bouts with the lower back and leg...these made me nervous today...
At least there were some slow and controled burpees in the warm-up to "test" it out with...
I was and am ready to not do burpees (who isn't?!?!?) if that is the case...BUT...
They were fine and even during the workout...everything felt great... far as the back...
Burpees were usual... time to get better...

SmashweRx Low Back Mobilization...then...

3 Rnds ~
60s Slow Bike
15 Banded Good AM's
10 GHD Sit Ups
2 Rnds ~
45s Mod. Bike
3 Slow Burpees
15s Jump Ropes
30s FAST Bike
5 Burpees
15 D/U
BB Warm-Up
EMOM x 8:
3 Hang Power Cleans (Climbing as you like)
+ 10 D/U
(get these 13 reps EACH minute!)
For Time:
21 HPC + 21 Bar-Facing Burpees
100 D/U
15 HPC + 15 BFB
75 D/U
9 HPC + 9 BFB
50 D/U
Hang Power Clean = 135#/95#
*scale to less D/U's if you have them (75-50-25 or 50-35-20) or goto 2x's Singles
*scale Wt as required...

Ladick ~ 125# / 12:08 (95# & 50-35-20 D/U)
Johns ~ 100# / 12:40 (75#, Singles & Lat. Burpees)
tb ~ 185# / 11:03
4:35 ended the 100 D/U...caught breath till 5m Mark for the HPC on 15's...
Finished 15 Burpees at 7:20 mark and forgot to look at clock after 75 D/U...
Plan was 60-15, but hit my toe on 3rd of final 15...
HPC all UB ~ 33s for 21 / 28s for 15 /
Burpees ~ 2+ min for 21 / 1:50 for 15
D/U ~ 20-40-20-20 / 60-3-12 / 9 UB
Forgot to check the clock for 9's and at end of 75

Monday, October 29, 2018 WOD's...

We will see how this goes... Cold/Cough just setting in, and coming off the week-off with the sore back... We will see how this goes...

Going to try to do this Daily SmashweRx:
1) Spidey Hip Opener (1-2min ea)
2) Quadruped Push Back (10 Reps)
3) Planked Pigeon (10 Reps)
4) Downward Dog Toe Slaps (10 Reps)
5) Alt. Leg Bridge Kicks (10 Reps)
Alt. b/t these on Days:
A) High-Leg Hip Ext. (on Rig) (1-2min)
B) Couch Stretch / Banded Hip Opener (Couch on Rig)

E2MO2M x 9 (18min)
1 = 2 Laps (30 Cal Row)
2 = 3 Alt. Spidey & Reach + 20 Abmat
3 = 1 Rnd Strict Cindy + 15 KBS (50/35)
BB Warm-Up
5 RFT ~
20/14 Cal Row
10 Thrusters (115/80)

Daliege ~ 12:49
Ladick ~ 11:?? (95#)
Schutz ~ 11:02 (95#)
Stan ~ 11:55 (75#)
tb ~ 10:58 (95#)... did 10 UB everytime...breath at top & bottom of Thruster...
Rnd #1 1:48 / 6:21 total time on Rower for 100 Cals
Jesus...I want what You want for me!

Friday, October 26, 2018


Well... Last Sat. WOD did a number on my back... Dang Burpeee Box Jump Overs!!!
I felt it a bit, but not nearly like the we pushed on... IT WAS A GREAT DAY & Workout...
The 6+ hours in the car later on Saturday...then again on Sunday probably did not help things out either.

Monday...had a routine Dr. appt, so no WOD for me then...
Sore and TIGHT back the rest of the week...
Not sure what/why... somewhat thinking the twisting and working from Smashwerx is loosening it too much...some flexibility/mobility is good...too much can be trouble for this old body...

Hams have been tight for a while as that should have alerted me as well... Body protecting itself...

Anyways...It has been a good week of workouts for everyone else...
Monday's WOD was one of the tougher, more brutal WOD's in a while (from the statements of all)
Below is this week:
Warm Up
3 Rnds ~
20-40 D/U
3 Spidey & Reach + 5 Push Ups
1 Lap Running
Back Squat
Build to a heavy set of 12
AMRAP in 12min:
30 D/U + 10 DB Power Cleans
30 D/U + 10 DB Hang Squat Clean
30 D/U + 10 DB Push Press
30 D/U + 10 DB Rev. Lunges
30 D/U + 10 DB Thrusters
(sub 50 singles if needed, DB = 50/35)

No results written down, but some came close to 2 rnds
800m Run
3 Rnds ~
30s Mod. Bike
3 Spidey & Reach
3 Kip Swings + 3 Pull Ups
9 Banded Good AM's
12 GHD Sit UPs
P1 ~ AMRAP in 5min:
400m Run Buy-In...then...
21 C2B Pull Ups
15/12 Cal Bike
~ 5 Min REST ~
P2 ~ AMRAP in 5min:
400m Run Buy-In...then...
15 TTB
12/9 Cal Bike
~ 5 Min Rest ~
P3 ~ AMRAP in 5min:
400m Run Buy-In...then...
9 Pull Ups
9/6 Cal Bike

Johns ~ 21 Pull Ups / 1 Rnd / 1rnd + 2cal Bike
Ladick ~ 1rnd + 4 / 1rnd + 10 / 2rnds + 4
EMOM x 12:
1 = 55s Bike
2 = 30s Plank + 30s PVC Pass Thru
3 = 5 Strict DB Press
4 = 7 Good AM + 7 Elbows + 5 Strict Press
For Time:
50/35 Cal Row
35 Lateral Burpees over Rower/Bar
50 OHS (95/65)

Johns ~ 13:26 (17@65# / 33@45#)
Schutz ~ 10:21 (75# OHS)
Ladick ~ 9:35 (75# OHS)
Daliege ~ 11:23

Saturday, October 20, 2018


Saturdays are typically a TEAM WOD...
Always an individual variation available, but there is something unique about doing a WOD as a team...Together...Pushing each other...communication while exerting effort, not to mention counting reps...lots of things going on...
This matters for more than just a workout...Think of the craziness of life and the communication errors people have...this helps...

EMOM x 15min:
1 = 50s easy Row
2 = 50s Mobility
3 = 5 Scap Retractions + 5 Kip Swings
4 = 6 Burpees + 12 Abmat Sit Ups
5 = 10 Alt. DB Snatches (light wt. / 5 per arm total)
~ Mobility = 1-Spidey & Reach / 2-Walkouts / 3-Alt. Sampson
TEAM of 3 (30min Time Cap)
Cal Row
Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
Directly Into...
Alt. DB Snatches (50/35)

B & T Indy Version ~ 
For Time:
20-16-12-8 (56 Reps per Exercise)
Same Stuff...

NOT HAVING A 3rd Person...we elected to go 2-person Team and cut our Reps to:
35-30-25-20-15 (125 Reps per exercise)

Casey & Biolo ~ 26:30
Casey was a BEAST on the Burpee Box Jump Overs!
Essentially he did all the 20 & 15's... I may have jumped in for 5-8 total in those two rounds!
Wow does that kid have a set of lungs!!!

Friday, October 19, 2018

Football is Over...

We had an extra game with just the 11, 10 and some 9th graders...
Was a good experience for them to "see" where they are at compared to others...
EC Memorial did the  same thing...We lost our QB to mono on Wed for a Thursday that was a bit tougher...
LOST 0-35, but gained some "motivation" for the LONG off-season...
More than anything...we need multi-sport athletes...stronger, faster and better all-around...this is what multi-sport DOES for kids...This is what CrossFit "does" for all...
Functional Exercise...Constantly Varied...

Easy 400m Run
3 Rnds ~
5 Strict Pull Ups
5 Slow Wall Squats
10 Push Ups
10 Sit Ups (Abmat, GHD, etc)
2 Rnds ~
30s Sampson Stretch (each way)
30s Alt. Sampson Stretch
30s Warrior Squats
TIGER BLOOD (Looonnngg  ago HERE...5 months ago HERE)
3 Rnds for Time ~
10 Clean & Jerk (135/95)
400m Run
(set up in FH)

Stimulus-wise ~ C&J wt should be a weight you can do 10+ times when fresh...think grace...
Run should be pushed a bit, but realize you are coming back to C&J...
For the last run...let's push the 400 as much as you can...normally, we may kick it in for the last 100m, but let's "push" earlier than that...remember...this is practice and it is "ok" to fail or NOT PR, especially when working some different stimulus vs. "gaming" each WOD...

Schutz ~ 8:24 (115#)
Daliege ~ 9:23
tb ~ 9:38 (first 10 C&J in 36 sec...last 400m in 2:06)

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

You got 5 minutes???

Nice little burner...this catches up to you...
Strength & Cardio -type metcon!!!

EMOM x 12
1 = 55s Bike or easy run
2 = 30s Plank Hold + 30s Passover
3 = 5 Strict DB Press (alt)
4 = 7 Good AM's + 7 Elbows + 5 Press (BB)
3 sets:
3 Strict Press
3 Pausing Push Jerks
3 Push Jerks
P#1 ~ In a 5m window:
35/25 Cal Bike...then...
12 Deadlift (185/135)
12 Burpees
~ 5min REST ~
P#2 ~ In a 5m window:
25/18 Cal Bike...then...
9 Deadlift (225/155)
9 Burpees
~ 5min REST ~
P#3 ~ In a 5m window:
15/12 Cal Bike...then...
6 Deadlift (275/185)
6 Bar-Facing Burpees

Daliege ~ P1=2+7reps (55 reps)
Johns ~ P1=1+11 (35 reps) / 1+9 (27 reps) / 2+6 (30 reps)
Schutz ~ P1=1+12 (36 reps) / 2+3 (39 reps) / 3 (36 reps)
tb ~ P1=2 (48 reps / 2:30 Bike) / 2+6 (42 reps / 1:45 Bike) / 3+1 (37 reps / 58s Bike)

Tuesday, October 16, 2018


2 Rnds
60s Light Row
15 GHD Sit Ups
45s Mod Row
15 Banded Good AM's
30s Fast Row
15 Light KBS
2 Rnds ~
3 C2B
5 Cal Row
100m Run
1-2 min Rest b/t Rnds
THEN 3-4 Min Rest after Rnd #2...and GO!!!
21-18-15-12-9 for Time:
KBS (70/55)
C2B Pull Ups
Cal Row
200m Run (sub 50 D/U, if you have nowhere to run)
~ This is a grip intensive WOD...Find a pace and hold...push at the finish, not at the start!!!

Casey ~ 18 ish
Oz ~ 18 ish #2
Bertag ~ completed
Ladick ~ ???
Schutz ~ 20:59
Johns ~ 22:48
tb ~ was that grinding...

Monday, October 15, 2018


Hero workout...that is a benchmark as well...

EMOM x 15 ~
1 = 20-40 D/U
2 = 2 Spidey & Reach + 5 Push Ups
3 = 15/12 Cal Row
4 = 10 Dowel OHS
5 = 15 Russian KBS
2 Sets ~
3 Walkouts
Snatch-Grip BB WU
EMOM x 12
1-3 = Snatch Complex (Snatch Pull + Hang Squat Snatch + Squat Snatch)
4-12 = 1 Squat Snatch (climbing)
3 Rnds of
3 Reps
2 Reps
1 Rep
~ 2 Reps of Rnd #1 is your 3-Rep weight for Rnd #2, and the 1-Rep from Rnd #1 is the 2-Rep for Rnd #2...etc...
So it should look like this...
3@100, 2@115, 1@135...3@115, 2@135, 1@155...3@135, 2@155, 1@175

21-15-9 For time (15min Cap)
Kipping HSPU
Ring Dips (may kip if needed)
Push Ups

Johns ~ 13:14 (mod HSPU, Chair Dips)
Daliege ~ 14:20 (mod HSPU)
Schutz ~ 13:35 (mod HSPU)
tb ~ 12:51 (HSPU = 12-9 / 5x3's / 4-5 / Rings = 8-7-6 / 6-5-4 / 4-3-2 / Push = 3x7's / 3x5's / 9)

We have not done the Snatches or Back Squats for a few weeks now...I have to look at this and do some strength...but do not like getting to 1's...

Friday, October 12, 2018


LAST official GAMEDAY of the 2018 season...
Been an up and down let's work to end on an UP!

3min slow bike/row/run
3 Rnds ~
5 Strict Pull Ups
5 Slow Wall Squats
10 Push Ups
10 GHD Sit Ups
2 Rnds (30s ea)
Alt Sampson Stretch
Alt Spidey & Reach
10 Min of HS Walk Practice
(optional) ~
EMOM x 12min:
1 Squat Clean (climbing)
Ascending Ladder in 12min:
Thrusters (95/65)
Cal Row

Johns ~ 12's + 30 reps (subbed K2E)
tb ~ 15's + 16 Thrusters
TTB were ALL UB!!!
3/6/9/12 = UB, 9-6 / 9-7(+2) for Thrusters...Beeper went off at 7 but finished after for the extra 2
I purposely did not look at the clock when I finished my Row of 15 cals...wanted to push myself, but not worry about the time...
You alone, I have grieved by my sin; have pity on me, O Lord.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Messed Up...

EMOM x 9
55s Bike/Row
30s Plank + 30s Pass Thru
7 Good AM's + 7 Elbows + 5 Strict Press
3 Rnds for Time:
600m Run
27 Hang Squat Snatch (75#/55#)

I screwed this we ran 5 laps...thinking 5.5 was 600m...
4.5 is 4 laps would have been perfect as walk into and out of wt. room would have made-up for the 1/2 lap...
So we actually ran (accumulated)...approx 700m each round...

Daliege ~ 5:02-12:19-19:00
Ladick ~ 5:05-12:37-19:10
Schutz ~ 5:40-11:10-16:54
Johns ~ 6:40-15:04-24:04 (last set was 13-14 for her...she hung on like a champ for last 14 reps!)
tb ~ 5:30-12:05-18:23 (HSS = 18-9 / 10-9-8 / 27...runs got waaaay slow)

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Back...AT IT...

Well...shutting it down early and working some Smashwerx into the day...HELPED...
Was worried and NOT going to do the WODs if back was bad at all...
The PULL from the PC's has also done me in I was VERY hesitant...
BUT after warm-up felt good...then eased into the T-n-G stuff...was good to go...WOW...
What a difference a day makes! AND trusting in the big guy!

Warm Up
2 Rnds ~
60s Light Bike
5 Spidey & Reach
15 GHD Sit Ups
45s Mod Bike
5 Walkouts
15 Banded Good AM's
30s Fast Bike
OTM x 10
O = 45% Max Strict HSPU
E = 5 T-n-G Power Clean (climbing)
#1) AMRAP in 3min:
9/6 Cal Bike
9 Power Cleans (135/80)
~3min REST~
#2) AMRAP in 3min:
9/6 Cal Bike
7 Power Cleans (155/95)
~3min REST~
#3) AMRAP in 3min:
9/6 Cal Bike
5 Power Cleans (175/105)

Ladick ~ 10 Pikes & 75-115 / 3rnds(95#) / 2 Rnds + 5 cal(115#) / 2 Rnds + 9cal (135#)
Johns ~ 4 Pikes & 65-90 / 3 Rnds (80#) / 2 Rnds + 6 cals (95#) / 2 Rnds + 5 cals (105#)
Schutz ~ 2 HSPU & 95-145 / 3 Rnds (115#) / 2 Rnds + 11 reps (135#) / 2 Rnds + 9cal (155#)
tb ~ 4 HSPU + 95-165 / 3 Rnds + 1cal (135#) / 2 Rnds + 10 reps (155#) / 3 Rnds + 1 cal (175#)
Remember your people, Lord!

Monday, October 8, 2018


Ok...back has been sore and I rushed into the WOD a bit...

Warm Up
EMOM x 15
1 = 20-40 D/U
2 = 2 Spidey & Reach + 5 Push Ups
3 = 15/12 Cal Row
4 = 10 OHS
5 = 15 Russian KBS
(repeat 2 more times)
Snatch Grip BBWU
EMOM x 12
1-3 = Complex (Snatch Pull + Hang Squat Snatch + Squat Snatch)
4-12 = 1 Squat Snatch (climbing)
In a 10 min Window:
75 Wallballs (20/14)
AMRAP (in remaining time):
8 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
40 D/U

Well...rushing it I did 2 Rnds of warm up...
Squat Snatch w/o belt...
AND then the WB w/o Belt probablly did not help the matter...
Plus, no Rock Tape...that stuff adds just enough, I think...
AT the 8min mark doing a Burpee my back spasmed so rather than push thru, I was done...
HOPING that it would go away...this is usually how the entire thing starts when it acts up and then goes down my leg...etc...
Hams have been tight for a week along with mildly sore low back...I should have figured some extra SMASHWERX would be good...but I am not that bright!

Daliege ~ 4 Rnds +1 (20 D/U)
Schutz ~ 3 Rnds (80singles)
Ladick ~ 4 Rnds + 2 (Rx)
Johns ~ 2 Rnds + 8 Burpees (over ball / 80 singles)
tb ~ 2 Rnds and DONE @ 8min mark... WB done at 3:57...13-13-13-12-12-12...

Friday, October 5, 2018

River Jug...

Time to go fight for the Jug!

3m Bike/Row
3 Rnds
5 Strict Pull Ups
5 Wall Squats
10 Push Ups
10 GHD Sit Ups
10m HS Walk Practice
OTM x 12
1-3 = Clean Pull + Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean
4-9 = Squat Clean (climbing)
Finish with 3 untimed reps at a top Squat Clean Wt.
For Time:
2K Row
150 D/U
10 Rnds Cindy (5 Pull Ups + 10 Push Ups + 15 Air Squats)
Push Ups were NOT hand-release!!!

Ladick ~ 24:45 (8:28.6 Row)
Daliege ~ 27:36 (8:11.0 Row)
Johns ~ 31:40 (10:00.0 Row)
tb ~ 21:50 (7:29.6 Row / 3-4 min for the D/U...60-50-40 / I think around 10:15 for 10 Rnds...which is real good for me!)

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Back on Track...

Finally feeling better and this WOD helped...
Worked out the low-back and shoulder from yesterdays canoe trip...

Rolled out Thoracic & Lats
Rolled Quads & Adductors
Couch Stretch
EMOM x 12
10-15 Burpees
30s Plank + 30s Dowel Passovers
5 Strict Alt. DB Press
7 Good AM + 7 Elbows + 7 Press

5 Rnds ~
With a Running Clock (FGB Style)
60s Wall Ball (20/14)
60s Alt DB Snatch (50/35)
60s Max Cal Row
60s REST (& record)

Daliege ~ 3 Rnds (62-59-59) ~ 180 Reps
Ladick ~ 3 Rnds ???
Johns ~ (44-39-37-34-37) ~ 191
WB ~ 22-18-15-16-15 / Sn ~ 10-12-12-10-12 / Cal ~ 12-9-10-8-10
Schutz ~ (56-49-50-47-49) ~ 251
WB ~ 25-22-20-20-20 / Sn ~ 16-14-16-14-14 / Cal ~ 15-13-14-13-15
tb ~ (61-56-56-55-57) ~ 276
WB ~ 25-23-23-23-22 / Sn ~ 16-16-17-17-16 / Cal ~ 15-17-16-15-15

Day After...and a few more...

Just one day after the Team Series finale...
3 workouts the last two days (Sat & Sun)!!!

Just a Warm-Up and sweat today...recovery...

Canoe Trip so NO WOD for me...
The Crew did this...
2 Rnds ~
200m Light Row
5 Scap Ret
5 Kip Swings
1-3 Strict Pull Ups
15 D/U
2 Rnds ~
200m Run
5 Push Ups
5 Spidey & Reach
10 Abmat Sit Ups
15 D/U
For Time:
800m Run
21 Power Cleans (155/105)
400m Wt. Carry (40-50#/30#)
21 Burpee Box Jumps

Ladick ~ 10:35
Schutz ~ 11:00
A.Johns ~ 16:59

Monday, October 1, 2018

Time gets Away...

Time gets away from you, if you are not careful...

We (Brehm & I) did the TEAM SERIES #8 on Sunday...
You can find ALL the workouts HERE
It was a GREAT finish to the TEAM Series for us...
We really pushed each other and these WOD's...
All One-&-Dones as we did not re-test any of the WOD's...

TS #8 ~ Video HERE
For Time (15m Cap)
30 Synchro TTB
40 Synchro Alt. DB Snatch (50#)
50 Synchro Box Step Overs (24")
40 Synchro Alt. DB Snatch (50#)
30 Synchro TTB

TTB ~ Toes MUST touch bar at SAME TIME
DB Snatch ~ Extension (Lockout) must be achieved together
Box Step Over ~ 4 feet on floor at same time

B&B ~ 160 Reps... we really PUSHED and got all 40 Reps of the DB Snatches in...
20 in a row w/in the last minute!!!

Gonna be cool to check the leaderboard, but we did really well!!!

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Team Series #6 & #7

Today we got in TS #6 & #7...

2 Rnds for Time (20min Cap)
100cal Row (alt. every 25 cals)
50 HSPU (alternate however you like, but both partners MUST complete at least 1 HSPU)

Within 10min complete a MAX Complex...
Deadlift + Hang Clean (pwr or sqt) + Hang Clean & Jerk

TEAM Brehm & Biolo (AnythinOnceWR) ~
#6 ~ 14:16... MUCH better than I thought we would be!!! That was great

#7 ~ 380# (155+225) VIDEO

Thursday, September 27, 2018


Today we did the toughest WOD of the next grouping...
PLUS...little victories...
Shawn B got not only his FIRST Bar Muscle Up...but proceeded to get 30+ more by the time warm-up and workout were done!!!

Officially he got 24 Bar MU w/in the workout...

Team Series Workout #5 (Here & last bit here)
For Time (20m Timecap)
Bar Muscle Ups
Squat Snatches (95/65)
~ This is a tag-team WOD... One partner does 10 Bar MU + 10 SS, then slap hands and P2 does 10+10...Tag off...P1 = 9+9, slap hands, P2 = 9+9, etc...

Brehm & Biolo = 82 Reps...

Like I is the little (or Big) victories...and they do not always equate to better times or scores...
Sometimes it is just "being there" for those moments when your teammates accomplish things they never have before!!!
Growth & getting better...Always!!!
Pushing each other and being there for each other... the essence of teamwork!!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2018


EMOM x 12
40s Bike
4 Slow Russian BB Makers
40s Bike
5 Good AM's + 5 Elbows + 5 Strict Press
3 Sets (BB only...FORM)
3 Strict Press
3 Pausing Push Pres
3 Push Jerks
PUSH PRESS (optional)
Work to a HEAVY 10-Rep Push Press
Ascending Ladder for 12min:
2-4-6-8...increase by 2 each round
Push Press (95/65)
Toes to Bar
Box Jump Overs (24/20)

Daliege ~ 14 + 4 PP
Ladick ~ 12 + 7 BJO's
Schutz ~ 12 + 14 Push Press

TEAM SERIES week #2 WOD's come out tonight...
Took a rest day so we can get after the workouts for the next Wave...

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


A.Johns Birthday today... Happy Birthday!!!
She has been doing WOD's for quite a while now & has been improving tremendously!!!
What better Birthday gift to give yourself than a nice workout!!

2 Rnds ~
200m Light Row
5 Slow Scap Retractions
5 Kip Swings
1-3 Strict Pull Ups
15 D/U
2 Rnds ~
200m easy Run
5 Push Ups
5 Spidey & Reach
10 GHD or Abmat SU
15 D/U
Cal Bike
Cal Bike
KBS (55/35)
Cal Bike
DL (135/95)
Cal Row

EMOM x 12:
O = 15 GHD Sit Ups
E = 45s Strict HSPU

Ladick ~ 18:01
Birthday Girl ~ 1/2 = 8:45 (30-20-10)
Schutz ~ 14:45
tb ~ 13:18 / 31 (7-6-5-5-4-4)

Monday, September 24, 2018

SWEAT it OUT...restore!

EMOM x 12:
1 = 15/12 Cal Row
2 = 1 Rnd Strict Cindy
3 = 15 Russian KBS
4 = 15 Abmat

(the crew and I did SmashWerx Elbow work instead)...
3 Spidey & Reach (ea side)
10 OHS
3 Walkouts
10 OHS
Find F.Squat Wt (something you are confident you could get 20+ when fresh)
For Time:
1000m Run
40 Pull Ups
30 Front Squats (115/80)
20 Bar-Facing Burpees

Just a perfect workout from yesterdays stuff...SHEESH...
MORE Bar-Facing Burpees!?!?!

Daliege ~ 12:59
Ladick ~ 12:50 (95#)
A.Johns ~ 16:36
tb ~ 14:47 (5:05 / 30-10 / 6-12-8-4 (could not catch breath)...burpees = S-L-O-W...could definitely feel them from yesterday!!!
We give You thanks and we praise the majesty of Your name!

Sunday, September 23, 2018

CrossFit Team Series...

Double Trouble...
Need to get two workouts done in one day...

Here we go...
Synchro Pull Ups
Deadlift (225#)

Brehm / Biolo ~ 5:14

AMRAP in 7min: Synchro Bar-Facing Burpees

Brehm / Biolo ~ 71... 6 No-Reps in there... 77 total burpees...but 6 No-Reps in there...I held us back here a bunch... GOT to have better Aerobic Cap.

Looking forward to this week!!!

Friday, September 21, 2018

TS ~ Day #2

Today we attacked another TEAM SERIES workout...

Squat Cleans!!!

Warm Up together then the crew did OVERTIME!!!

3m Light Bike/Run
3 Rnds ~
5 Strict Pull Ups
5 Wall Squats
10 Push Ups
10 Sit Ups (GHD or other)
2 Rnds
30s Alt. Sampson Stretches
30s Alt. Spidey & Reach
30s Russian BB Makers
Squat Clean Primer
4-5 Sets ~
1 Tempo Front Squat (5-2-x)
2 High Hang Pausing Squat Clean
(2s Pause in catch)

For Time
200m Run + 21 Front Squat
200m Run + 21 Push Press
200m Run + 15 Front Squat
200m Run + 15 Push Press
200m Run + 9 Front Squat
200m Run + 9 Push Press
(95# / 65#)

Did this as 1 lap in FH vs. 200m... also bars were in FH...
Daliege ~
Ladick ~ 
Johns ~ 14:40 (did as 1 lap in FH vs. 200m Run)

TEAM SERIES Workout #2
For Time (or Reps)
20 Synchronized Squat Cleans (Rx = 135/95 / Scaled = 95/65)
20 Synchronized Squat Cleans (Rx = 185/125 / Scaled = 135/95)
20 Synchronized Squat Cleans (Rx = 225/155 / Scaled = 155/105)

We went scaled on this one again...was good for both of us...pushed my breathing and capacity and pushed Brehm on strength! He did a great job holding form and then we went into OT for the last 5 reps and heaviest wt!!!
ANOTHER successful TEAM workout!!!

Brehm / Biolo ~ 45 Reps (20 @ 1:23 / 40@5:52)
Changing those weights was NO type of recovery whatsoever for the QUADS!!
Bless the Lord, all you works of the Lord. Praise and exalt him above all forever.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

TEAM Series

Here we go folks...
4 events... TEAM Style...
Two-Person Teams... LOTs of Synchro-Style stuff... Must be coordinated!!! Work together...
Strengths & Weaknesses...out the window! This is a WE, US, TOGETHER deal!!!

HERE are the workouts...
We have 4 WOD's that we need to complete by Monday night!!!

Today we did #4...
5 RFT ~
50 D/U = Rx / Singles = Scaled
50' Synchro DB OH Lungewalk (knees touch ground at same time)
Rx = 50/35 / Scaled = 35/20

Team Brehm & Biolo went Scaled on this one... 5:03
I think we will go scaled on 2 and Rx on 2...we will see as the weekend progresses...

EGO would have us TRYING to go Rx...but that is not the smartest thing here...and ultimately NOT the goal...
What is the goal you ask???
To put ourselves out there and be the best we can be... You know who knows that??? The man in the mirror!!! These competitions (Open, Team Series, etc) just give us little opportunities to up the intensity and really put it out there...
I can say that I am challenging myself everyday...I can even look back on workouts to see if I am improving, but if I never "show" it to anyone else...If I never "put it out there"...
Have I really pushed it?
Do you get butterflies in your stomach for the daily workouts?!?! No it becomes routine...and routine can be the enemy of growth

Today was fun...exciting and I am looking forward to tomorrow...There is something greater than just the workout going on! Teamwork!!!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Changin' Up

Today will be an unusual REST DAY...
We begin the TEAM Series WOD's over the next few days...

Shawn Brehm & I will compete in the Masters Catagory... (45-49)...

Did still do warm-up with the crew and then got to coach and motivate them thru this baby...

Warm Up
EMOM x 12:
1 = 40s Bike
2 = 4 Slow Russian BB Makers
3 = 40s Bike
4 = 5 Good AM's + 5 Elbows + 5 Strict Press
3 Rnds (w/ BB)
3 Strict Press
3 Pausing Push Press
3 Push Jerks
Warm-Up for Power Clean & Jerks...
Work to a weight (or slightly higher) than you will be at for the WOD...
Unbroken Power Clean & Jerks
~ MUST be touch-and-go from floor... NO RESTING... You can take breaks/breaths at top, in front rack, or while holding bar at the waist (body under tension)...but if you pause (even slightly) then it is a no rep for the round...try again...
The intensity here is the cycling...if this is your first time, better to guess 10-20# lighter than heavier...
As a guide, or general rule...we will go with a continuous running clock...
Begin the 15 at 0:00, 12 at the 5:00 & the final 9 at the 10:00 mark...
If you feel like going quicker...go for it, but try not to take longer than that...

A.Johns ~ 75#
Daliege ~ 115#
Schutz ~ 115#
Ladick ~ 95#
I will praise You, Lord all the days of my life!

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

FIRE Away...

2 Rnds ~
200m Light Row
5 Slow Scap Ret
5 Kip Swings
1-3 Strict Pull Ups
15 D/U
2 Rnds ~
200m Light Run
5 Push Ups
5 Spidey & Reach (ea)
10 Abmat or GHD Sit Ups
15 D/U
HS Walk Practice
10m of Work
1 Rnd ~
200m Run
20 D/U
1 Bar MU
-- 3-4 min Rest --
4 RFT ~
400m Run
40 D/U
6 C2B Pull Ups
3 Bar Muscle Ups
(sub Chin Over Bar + TTB + C2B...and maybe lower reps 6-4-2 or 5-3-1 if appropriate)

3 K Row...continuous, but think more like 6 x 500m...
...where first 300m is 2K +20s & 200m is 2K + 5s...4s...3s...2s...1s
Sort of a fartlek training on the Rower!!!

Johns ~ 22:48 (singles , Mod Pull + K2E + Pull ups w/ feet)
Schutz ~ 17:?? (singles + chins+K2E+C2B)
Ladick ~ 18:15 (singles / Chins + K2E+C2B mod)
tb ~ 18:23 ( 18 / 12+6 / 15+3 / were burning by Bar MU)
3K Row ~ 11:58 total...
300 + 200 Breakdown
2:07 / 1:55.5
2:05 / 1:54.7
2:04 / 1:53.5
2:04 / 1:51.0
2:04 / 1:49.5
2:03 / 1:47.2
Praise to Our Lord Jesus Christ

Monday, September 17, 2018

Change Up

I am really trying to keep this going...but man, do the days get away from me...

EMOM x 12:
1 = 15/12 Cal Row
2 = 1 Rnd Strict Cindy
3 = 15 Russian KBS
4 = 15 Abmat Sit Ups
3 Spidey & Reach, ea
10 OHS
3 Walkouts
10 OHS
Snatch Grip BBWU
Every 90s x 5:
1 Tempo (5-2-5) OHS
65% - 70% - 75% x 3
Every 3min x 5:
3-Pos Power Snatch
3-Pos Squat Snatch
(HH - Hang - Floor)
Choice of Daliege / Ladic
10 RFT ~
10 Back Squats
100m Run
30s Rest b/t Rnds
Gym Work
AMRAP in 7min:
5 Strict Ring Dips
10s Supine Row Hold
15s KB Front Squat Hold (Depth)
Ladick ~ 65# ~ 12:56
Daliege ~ 65# ~ 13:15
Johns ~ 65-75-70-70-75 (Snatch)
Schutz ~ 75-85-95-95-95 (Snatch)
tb ~ 115-125-135-135-135 (Snatch) / 5 Rnds Gym Work

Friday, September 14, 2018

Another Game-Day

3m Easy Bike
3 Rnds
5 Strict Pull Ups
5 Wall Squats
10 Push Ups
10 GHD Sit Ups
2 Rnds ~
30s Alt Sampson
30s Alt Spidey & Reach
30s Alt Warrior
5 Sets ~
Tempo Front Squat (5-2-x)
2 HH Pausing Sqt Clean
OTM x 4 ~ 3-Pos Squat Clean (HHSC+HSC+SC)
60s Rest
OTM x 4 ~ 2-Pos Squat Clean (HSC+SC)
60s Rest
5 Sets of Squat Cleans
2 rnds ~
3 Walkouts
3 Russian BB
3 Burpees
3 Box Reps (1st = Step Up/Down / 2 Jump Up/Step Dn)
150m Row
3 Burpees
3 Box Jumps
50m Row
Rest 3-4 min & Begin...

3 RFT ~
500m Row
12 Burpee
21 Box Jumps (24/20)

Daliege ~ 13:39
Ladick ~ 13:04
Johns ~ Skined shin on Box Jumps!
tb ~ 11:54 (3:48-7:57-11:54
(Rows ~ 1:56/1:58/2:03 / Burpees ~ 7-5 / 12 / 12 / BJ ~ 7+14sd / 5+7sd+3+6sd / 14sd+7)

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Meat Eater

EMOM x 12:
1 = 40s Bike
2 = 4 Slow Russian BB Makers
3 = 40s Row
4 = 5 Good AM + 5 Elbows + 5 Strict Press
3 Sets (w/ Bar)
3 Strict Press
3 Push Press
3 Push Jerk
2 Rnds:
100m Run
15 D/U
3 DL
For Time:
1 Mile Run + 100 D/U + 15 DL (275/185)
800m Run + 75 D/U + 10 DL (275/185)
400m Run + 50 D/U + 5 DL (275/185)
* DL needs to be heavy, BUT a weight you are confident you could get 15 times WHEN FRESH...
I am adjusting to 255#...275 is just a bit heavy...
Micro-Goal is no more than 1 break on set of 15...
200-150-100 Singles sub for D/U

Ladick ~ 22:49 (singles / 205# DL)
Daliege ~ 21:47 (singles / 225# DL)
Schutz ~ 21:47 (singles/225 DL)
tb ~ 23:45 (255#DL)

Johns ~ 25:11 ~  800-600-400m Run / Singles & 135# DL

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Remember This...

One year ago...HERE

3 Rnds ~
250m Row
5 Push Ups
5 Spidey & Reach
5 Scap Retractions
5 Kip Swings
1-5 Strict Pull Ups
5 Wall Squats
3-4 Rnds (NOT for Time)
15s Ring Support Hold
20s GHD Supine Hold
35s HS Hold on Wall
3 Bear Complexes (Empty Bar)
PC+FS+PJ+BS+Bhnd Neck Press
100m Row
2 Rope Climbs (C2B Pull Ups 3:1)
2 Bear Complexes
For Time (TEAMS of 2):
2001m Row (buy-in)
4 Rnds:
9 Rope Climbs (27 C2B)
11 Bear Complexes*
2977m Row (Cash-Out)

Just so you know the #'s:
2001 = Year
4 = Planes
9 = Month
11 = Day
2977 = Lives Lost on that Day!

Rickaby & Schutz ~ 30m for Row + 4 Rnds
Johns & tb ~ 36:49 (27 Pull Ups...tb=C2B & 115#, Johns=mod & 65#)
~ Johns had to leave 500m into the final row...2977m took 12:39)

Monday, September 10, 2018


EMOM x 12:
1 = 15/12 cal Row
2 = 1 Rnd Cindy
3 = 15 Russian KBS
4 = 15 Abmat SU
3 Spidey & Reach
10 OHS
3 Walkouts
10 OHS
Every 90s begin the OHS Complex:
1 Tempo OHS (5s down-2s @ Bottom-5s Up)
Climb...increase from last week
Every 3min begin the complex...
3-Position Power Clean
3-Position Squat Clean
(6 Total last week...increase the weight)
Set #1, Set #2 +10#, Sets 3-4-5 stay the same
For Time:
30/20 Cal Bike
20 D-Ball Cleans (100/80)
30/20 Cal Bike
(sub for the D-Ball is a HEAVIER than normal Alt. DB Snatch...65#/45#)

Dailege ~ 4:13 (50# D-Ball)
Ladick ~ 5:40 (40# D-Ball)
Johns ~ 4:41 (40# D-Ball)
Schutz ~ 4:44 (65# DB)
tb ~ 4:55 (65# DB)

Friday, September 7, 2018

Boat Race...again

3 Rnds ~
5 Pull Ups
10 Slow Wall Squats
10 Push Ups
10 GHD Sit ups
200m Row
200m Run
60s Rest
150m Row
150m Run
60s Rest
100m Row
100m Run
3 RFT ~
500m Row
400m Run
EXACTLY 3m Rest b/t Rnds (keep the clock running)

Daliege ~ 17:09
Stan?? ~ 16:53
Johns ~ 22:36
tb ~ 17:44 (3:56 / 10:51 / 17:44)

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

2nd Day of School

Getting adjusted...
EMOM x 12
1 = 40s Bike
2 = 4 Slow Russian BB
3 = 40s Row
4 = 5 Good AM + 5 Elbow + 5 Strict Press
For Time:
30 OHS (95/65)
30 Box Jumps (24/20)
30 TTB
30 Cal Row

Daliege ~ 1 + 105 (15 cal short of 2) (75#)
Ladick ~ 2 Rnds
A.Johns ~ 1 + 80 (65# / Pike Sit Ups)
AJ Schultz ~ 2 Rnds + 10 OHS (75#)
tb ~ 2 Rnds + 39 (9 BJ)
OHS = 30 UB 1st & 3rd / 21-9 Rnd 2 / TTB = 15-10-5 / 10-10-10 / 18-9-3 /  1:58 Row & 1:51 Row

Tuesday, September 4, 2018


3 Rnds ~
250m Row
5 Spidey & Reach
10 Slow Scap Ret.
15 Abmat
For Time:
200m Run + 21 DL
200m Run + 18 Strict HSPU
200m Run + 15 DL
200m Run + 12 Strict HSPU
200m Run + 9 DL
200m Run + 6 Strict HSPU
*Modify Reps & or exercise for Strict HSPU
225#/135# for DL

Stan ~ Mod Push Ups (135) 13:07
tb ~ 16:33 (HSPU were 12-9-6)

Monday, September 3, 2018

School Year...

Starts tomorrow...
So today we have a bit more time and a group...
Casey, E.Tonn & Shawn Brehm... ALL-IN for Labor Day WOD

EMOM x 12
1 = 15/12 Cal Row
2 = Strict Cindy
3 = Russian KBS
4 = 15 Abmat
3 Alt. Spidey & Reach
10 OHS
3 Walkouts
10 OHS
Snatch-Grip BB WU
On the 90s x 5
1 Tempo OHS (5-2-5)
1-2-3 @ 55%
4-5 @ 60%
On the 3min x 5:
3-Pos Power Snatch (HHPS-HPS-PS)
3-Pos Squat Snatch (HHSS-HSS-SS)
1 @ 48%
2 @ 53%
3-4-5 @ 58%
On the 2m x 5
1 Tempo S-G DL (20s...5s to knee, 5s to stand, 5s to knee, 5s to floor)
Back Squat (Optional)...No for us...
Build from last week...
3 Rnds building in intensity & load
12 Air Squats
6/4 Cal Bike
4-3-2 Hang Power Clean
then... 3-4 min and GO
3 RFT ~
50 Air Squats
15/12 Cal Bike
9 Hang Power Cleans (175/115)

Casey ~ T.OHS ~ 115# / Sn ~ 95# / Tmpo DL ~ 125# / 8:32 (@135#)
E.Tonn ~ T.OHS ~ 105# / Sn ~ 115# / Tmpo DL ~ 125# / 9:10?? (115#?)
S.Brehm ~ T.OHS ~ 95# / Sn ~ 75# / Tmpo DL ~ 95# / 9:01 (@115#)
tb ~ T.OHS ~ 145# / Sn ~ 125 / T.DL ~ 145# / 10:49 (175#)
3:02 (59s Bike) / 6:39 (1:05 Bk) / 10:49 (1:01 Bk)...WOW...those Air Squats...sheesh!

Friday, August 31, 2018


3m Slow Row
2 Rnds ~
5 Strict Pull Ups
10 Sit Ups
15 Air Squats
30s Sampson
60s Row
5 Good AM
5 Stiff Leg DL
45s Row
5 Back Squat
5 Elbow
5 Strict Press
30s Row
5 Front Squat
5 Hang Sqt Clean
5 Sets of Complex
1 Tempo Clean DL (3s to knee, 1s hold, 3s to Ext)
3 Tall Clean
OTM x 4m (1&2 = 50% / 3&4 = 55%)
3-Pos Squat Clean (HHSC + HSC + SC)
~ 1min REST
OTM x 4m (60-63-66-69%
2-Pos. Squat Clean (Hang Squat Clean + Squat Clean)
~ 1min REST
5 x Squat Clean...climbing
2 Rnds (increasing in load)
6 DL
4 Bar Facing Burpees
2 Push Jerks
-------- 3-4 min then Go
For Time:
1000m Row...then...
3 Rnds ~
21 Deadlift
15 Bar-Facing Burpees
9 Push Jerks
(Rx = 135/95)

S.Ladick ~ 125 SC / 16:55
tb ~ 205 SC / 17:13 (3:43.1 Row... Burpees were Awful)