It is so important to constantly challenge ourselves physically. We are people wanting to influence each other and others we meet along the way.
This is where we can get workouts for the day, track your times, pr's, ask and reply to questions and comments.

This is also where we will share what events we are participating in and opening them up to the rest of the team to take part in.

Tuesday, December 31, 2019


3 Rnds ~
20 D.U
2 Push Ups
2 Ring Rows
2 Kipping HSPU
2 Strict Pull Ups
10s Wall-Facing HS Hold
A) 3m Max Rep MU
B) MAX UB STRICT HSPU x 3 Sets (3m b/t)
or 30 STRICT HSPU for Time
C) Freestanding HS Hold Practice
5 RFT ~
60 D/U
20 TTB
(14 min Cap)

tb ~ 10 MU (2-1-2-2-2-1 Upstairs rings... the 1 was the big rings)
30 HSPU for Time = 13:40
3-3-2 = 1:27
2-2-2 = 3:50
2-2 = 5:57
2-2-2 = 9:07
2-1 = 11:45
2 = 12:57
1 = 13:40
METCON = 10:50
UB / UB = 1:17
31-29 / 12-8 = 3:53
UB / 12-8 = 5:51
UB / 12-4-4 = 8:40
UB / 12-8 = 10:50

Monday, December 30, 2019

Coming to a Close...

2 Rnds (at Warm-up Pace...8-10min)
10 Cal Row
10 OHS (45#)
30 "Ski Erg Pulls" (band on wt. rack)
10 Back Squats
3 Strict Pull Ups
Burgener Snatch WU
Work to Heavy Single of each of the above...
For Time (30m Cap)
Burpee Box Jumps (30/24)
Muscle Ups

30m Easy Bike

tb ~ 195# / 315# / 12:52
2's done at :27s
4's done at 1:47 (3-1 for MU)
6's done at 4:25 (2-2-2 for MU)
8 BBJ done at 5:35 (50s to complete)
8 MU done at 8:15 (3-2-1-1-1 / 2:40 to complete)
10 BBJ done at 9:35 (60s to complete)
10 MU done at 12:52 (2-2-2-2-1-1 / 3:27 to complete)
*After 8 BBJ & 10 BBJ, I had to rest/breath for 30s at least b4 beginning the MU!!!

30m Bike = 214 Calories / WATTS = 142 (180) / RPM = 50 (54) / 9.35 Miles

Friday, December 27, 2019


This one could do me in...


A) Power Clean & Push Jerk (no hand reset)
15 Reps AFAP (80% of 1-RM from 2 weeks ago)

AMRAP in 20m:
30 D/U
10 DB Power Snatch (50/35)
5 Burpees (to 6" reach)

Ethan Tonn - 12 Rnds (35# / 60 singles)
tb = 
A) 2:39 @175# (3-1-1-1-2-1-1-1-1--1-1-1)
10 Rnds + 9 DB Snatch (50#)
3 @ 5:01
6 @ 11:03
10 @ 19:00
And this one was good, but really felt in in my back all night on Friday and All-Day on Saturday...OUCH... We will see what Sunday brings...

Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Day After...

3 Rnds of:
5m Easy
3m Mod
2m Sustainable Hard

tb's Work
105 (138)
105 (132)
41 (48)
44 (49)
44 (48)

105 (194)
138 (173)
182 (201)
44 (52)
49 (53)
54 (59)

228 (306)
265 (305)
278 (292)
59 (65)
62 (65)
63 (64)

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Christmas Eve WOD

Warm-Up & Mobilize

A) STRICT C2B Pull Ups
AMRAP Unbroken x 4 sets
2m b/t sets

5-5-5-5 (2m b/t sets)

For Time:
50 C2B
50 Bench Press (135#/95#)
(20m Cap)

TWendt ~ 18:53
Z.Wendt ~ 32 HSPU
tb ~ 9-8-6-6 / 95-115-125-135 / 16 HSPU (3:00-8:02-20:00)
27-3-6-6-4-4 / 5-5-6-5-4-3-2-1-3-3-3-3-3-2-2 / 1-2-2-2-2-2-1-2-2

Monday, December 23, 2019

Give me a Break...

Christmas Break that is...

5m of Jump Rope
Snatch Progression Warm-Up
OTM x 10m:
1 Snatch Pull + 1 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch (@ 70% 1-RM)
3 x 3 (2m Rest b/t)
5-5-5 (2m Rest b/t)
150 Wall Ball for Time
*10m Cap

1-3 Sets of the Following:
D1) Straddle TTB x 15
D3) Tuck Ups x 20
Rest as needed b/t exercises

tb ~ 145# Snatch Complex / 200# OHS / 275# Box Squat / 9:48 / D-Series 1 Set Complete
Karen breakdown
10-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-5 @ 2:45
6-6-6-6-6-6-5-5-4 @ 6:24 (3:39)
5-5-5-5-5-5-5-15 @ 9:48 (3:24)
Really thought I could get this in under 9m...
May have miss counted and done about 10more, but who knows...
Really I need to be able to do more than 5-6 at a time, but it was a good pace for me...those 6's really got to me...something to work on... HR really spikes after 8-12 of these when I string them together.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

12 Days-2019

Well, here it is folks...
12th Annual ... 12 Days of Christmas WOD.
We have been doing this in unison with West DePere (Chuck Brehm) and Appleton East (Mark Kromenacker)...

Fun stuff... AE got after it with over 70 people participating!!!
It is not about the time, it is about starting the va-ca off right, with a little work & sweat. Grinding with your teammates, coaches, teachers & administration! Pushing each other to become the best you, you can be!!!

12 Days Workout
1 ~ BB Court Suicide Run (Ft-HC-FT-FC)
2 ~ (Wo)Manmakers (35#/20# & 20#/5#)
4 ~ Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)
5 ~ Burpee Pull Ups
6 ~ Burpee Broad Jumps (4’/3’)
7 ~ Bar-Facing Burpees (or mini-hurdles)
8 ~ Push Press/Jerk*
9 ~ Hang Power Cleans*
10 ~ Deadlift*
11 ~ Wall Balls (20/14)

2019 Pre-12 Days

2019 Post-WOD

Hannah Felker 72:00
Kayla Sweet 72:00
Logan Felker 72:10
Madelyn Hepp 72:10
Owen Hahn 52:20
Sam Matthews 33:06
Wil Weidman 52:06
Cayden Saeger 77:05
Tristan Williams
Landon Jones 52:20
Justin Tritz 50:42
Kailar Tritz 52:30
Tanner Gormanson 91:14
Josh Bush 52:20
Aspen Tritz 33:06
Mia Tritz 55:80
Gavin Jacob 50:21
Camden Mueller 38:30...thru 8th day!
Johnny Pyburn 69:37
Gavin Tritz 74:00
Roger Germanson?? 78:50
Mason T 68:00
Pauline Krommenacher 59:05
Jack Blokhuis 75:09
Ryan Blokhuis 76:58
Chue Fu Khang 64:34
Ethan Tonn 64:26
Kevin Ren 67:50
Nathan Frost 70:05
Mason Mitcherll 71:07
Oliver Nieman 71:00
Federico Rocca 66:05
Garrentt Junemann 71:18
Val Tonn 71:46
Z.Wendt 58:28
Drake B 62:22
tb ~ 62:26

Friday, December 20, 2019

Last Day...

...Before Christmas break!!!

Time to get some work in, then enjoy the last day of school for a couple weeks...
Time-off... Yea, right...
Monday = Wt. Room @ 9am
Tuesday = Wt. Room @ 9am
Wednesday = Christmas...Yep! Get to relax
Thursday = Wt. Room @ 9am
Friday = Workout then goto the Sentry Classic at NOON to watch Boys BB
Monday & Tuesday the following week... You guessed it 9am Wt. Room again...
So, yes, time off of school, but not really... Just different!

Power Clean Progression Warm-Up
A) Power Clean & Push Jerk
5 Doubles @83-90% 1RM from 2 weeks ago
REST 1-3 min
10 Squat Snatches (95#/65#)
50' HS Walk
10 Squat Snatches (115#/85#)
50' HS Walk
10 Squat Snatches (135#/95#)
50' HS Walk
10 Squat Snatches (155#/115#)
50' HS Walk
*Continue the pattern of 10 Reps SS & 50' HSW adding +20#/+10# until time runs out...
Scaled version of HS Walk is 40 Shoulder Touches/Taps
B) GHD Tech Work for 15min

Daliege ~ worked the PC & PJ / 4 Rnds
tb ~ 185# for PC & PJ... Did OTM for 1,2,3 then 90s rest for 4, OTM for 5
3 Rnds + 10 SS @ 155#
95# UB + 20-20 Wall Facing Shoulder Touches
115# 3-3-4 + 20-20 Wall Facing Shoulder Touches
135# 3-3-4singles + 20-20 Wall Facing Shoulder Touches
155# 10singles
B) Worked some Weighted GHD Sit Ups

Thursday, December 19, 2019

Thursday Bikin'

GO WOD Warm Up
Assult Bike (Rogue Echo)
10m Easy Warm-Up
~ Rest as needed 2-3 minutes
4 Rnds of:
1m Max Sustainable Pace
6m Slow Spin Recovery
Tips ~ sustainable means hold a pace that you will NOT drop-off of at the end...
Push It, but not so much that you bonk!
STRIVE for 1-2 calories BETTER each round!

Did this for 3 Rnds two weeks ago (HERE)

WU = Watts = 125 (408) / RPM = 47 (72) / Cals = 65
#1 = 425(474) / 73(76) / 20
#2 = 474(581) / 76 (82) / 22
#3 = 507(623) / 78(84) / 24
#4 = 491(644) / 77(85) / 23

WU = Watts = 103(423) / RPM = 44(73) / 54
#1 = 522(622) / 79(84) / 25
#2 = 560(643) / 81(85) / 27
#3 = 580(663) / 82(86) / 27
#4 = 560(663) / 81(86) / 28

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Track Practice

Here we go... A little running WOD in the winter!!!
And a little work for the 12 Days WOD

10m Easy Run
400m @ Tough Pace (fast, but sustainable)
200m easy "recovery run"
400m @ Tough Pace (try to maintain the same pace as before)
200m easy "recovery run"
4 M Rest
10m Cool down Run

Ladick ~ 1:18 / 1:20 ... 1:12 / 1:15
Stan ~ 1:28 / 1:38 ... 1:28 / 1:32
Daliege ~ 1:39 / 1:35 ... 1:18 / 1:26
tb ~ 1:40 / 1:42 ... 1:45 / 1:41

There was no way I was going to hold a faster pace than that... WOW, was Lad's flying!!!
On the 2nd round I needed a Run-walk as I do not think there is such a thing as recovery run for me!

Squat/CNS Prep work...
Air Squats
Power Clean Warm-Up
Squat Clean ~ AMRAP in 3m @85% 1RM
Thrusters (95/65) ~ 5 Sets of 10 Reps AFAP, rest about 60s b/t each set
DB Step Overs (50/35) 5 sets of 10 AFAP, Rest 2m b/t sets
Pistols 3 sets of 20 Alternating Reps (20 Total), 2m Rest b/t sets

tb ~ 215# = 11 Reps / Thrusters ~ 16.79/17.84 /17.12/16/76/15.84 (last set I felt like I was pulling the bar down from the top) / DB Step Overs ~ 1:10/46/53/50/45 / Pistols were with a band for balance 1:36/1:15/1:20

Tuesday, December 17, 2019


3 Rnds of 30s Work, 30s Rest...(Rest more as needed)
A1) Planch Leans - 30s
A2) Shoulder Extension Reverse Plank - 30s
A3) 45* Wall Facing Hollow Hold - 30s
B) Negative Strict Muscle Ups (Slow-Controlled on way down)
10 Reps, NOT for Time...
2 x 4
10 C2B Pull Ups
~ 2m REST ~
10 TTB
5 Bench Press (70% 1RM)
2-3 Sets:
C1) Tuck Ups x 20 Reps
C2) Side Plank X 30s (each side)
Rest as needed b/t

Stan ~ A- Done / 3 + 3 Pull ups / 3 + 3 TTB
tb ~ A & B Done / 2 + 12 Reps / 3 + 12 Reps / C- did 2 sets
On HSPU did 4 - 2 - 2 (plus 2 kipping as timer went off)
My goal was to do STRICT till failure, and not sit for 30-45s to wait for 1-2 more reps...

Monday, December 16, 2019

Double Duty...

Burgener Progression

A) Power Snatch
Build to a tough Single (1-RM)
4 sets of Doubles @ 70-80% of the above
C) 1 & 1/4 BACK SQUAT
5 - 5 - 5 (building from last week)
2 Rnds:
15 Thrusters (135#/9#)
15 Bar-Facing Burpees
(Thrusters should be heavy, but not so heavy that you need 3-4 breaks)

Ladick ~ XX / XX / 185# / 4:35 (@95#)
Daliege ~ XX / XX / 185# / 5:59 (@115#)
Stan ~ XX / XX / 185# / 5:42 (@95#)
tb ~ 185# / 135-135-145-145 / 235-240-245 / 7:02
58s Thrusters UB (58s)
3:38 Burpees (2:40)
5:48 Thrusters 11-4 (2:10)
7:02 Burpees (1:14)

ENGINE (later in day)
Assult Bike
10m Easy
4 Rnds of:
10m Hard sustainable pace
2m Slow spin recovery
(1 Rnd added from last week!)
10m Easy Cooldown

tb (miles / Watts / RPMs / Cals)
10m WU = 2.8mi / 110 (142) / 45 (50) / 54 Cals
#1 = 3.69 / 227 (291) / 59 (64) / 114 Cals
#2 = 3.79 / 250 (305) / 61 (65) / 124 Cals
#3 = 3.74 / 236 (305) / 60 (65) / 119 Cals
#4 = 3.71 / 227 (318) / 59 (66) / 117 Cals
10m Cooldown = ?? / 103 (136) / 44 (49) / 54 Cals

Friday, December 13, 2019

Muscle This...

Clean & Jerk Movements (2-3 Min continuous)
Quick work-up to 90% of last Friday's C&J
10 Singles @ 90% of last Fridays C & Push Jerk...
Remember, we want a quick transition from top of clean to the push jerk, no resetting the hands/bar
For Time (12m Cap):
Thrusters (155#/105#)
Ring MU
Thrusters ~  Be heavy, but not so much that you need more than two breaks no more than 5-5-5 / 4-4-4 / 3-3-3, if you can break less great, but don't let it be light.
Scaled Ring MU = Strict PU + Strict Dip

Daliege ~ 115# Thruster & PU+Dip = Finished in 12:00 even!!!
tb ~ Scaled to 145# Thrusters & 12-9-6 on Ring MU... 15-12-12-9-4 thrusters (52 Total Reps)
Thrusters @ 1:38 (10-5)
60s to catch breath
12 MU @ 5:33 (3-3-2-1-1-1-1)
30s to put on belt, take off gloves
Thrusters @ 8:16 (8-4)
60s to catch breath...AGAIN!?!?
9 MU @ 11:33 (3-2-2-1-1)
+ 4 Thrusters
B) 15m of Work on C2B
10 Kipping + 5 Strict + 10 Kipping + 5 Strict
15 Kipping + 20 Kipping + 10 Kipping
C1) 3 Slow-Controled Pass Thrus
C2) 12-15 DB Cuban Presses

Wednesday, December 11, 2019


Good Day of Workouts!!!

Mobilize ~ GoWOD
Squat / CNS Moves
Muscle Cleans & Propulsions
Work to a Heavy 3-RM...if it feels good get after it, if not get as heavy as you can!
(do not dwell too long here12-15min max)

Work to a Heavy 3-Rep... same as above... 1-2s pause on bottom, little or no dip to rise!

KEEP WALKING...some more!!! (repeat, sort of HERE)
5 RFT:
100' Walking OH Lunges (95/65)
20/16 Cal Row
* 16min Time Cap

This is a repeat of last weeks 3 RFT...
So, be conscious of where you are at when you finish 3 Rnds, then keep the work going!

Stan ~ xx / xx / 15:30 (65# / FR Lungewalk ~ 8:50 after Rnd #3...way ahead of last week!)
tb ~ 225# / 260# / 4 Rnds + 97' (one step away from finishing the OH LW / dropped wt to 75#...)
So, I dropped my wt. to 75# and that made a bunch of difference...Was able to go UB on 1 & 5th...
50-50 with 5-7 breaths at the drop/turn-around)
3:18 = 100' UB - 1:14 Row (Mac came in and talked b/t LW & Row for 30s)
6:55 = 50-50 - 1:07 Row (3:37)
10:42 = 50-50 - 1:00 Row (3:47)
14:30 = 50-50 - 1:10 Row (3:48)
16:00 = 97' UB - finished then finished Row in 1:12

ENGINE (during 3rd Hour)
10m Easy Row
3 Rnds:
1 Minute Max Sustainable Pace
6 min Row Recovery
10m Easy Row

tb ~
10m = Approx ~ 2600m Row

Damper #4 = 25 Cal / 303m / 31s/m / 1:39.4 ave / 360 ave Watts
Damper #3 = 25 Cal / 303m / 29s/m / 1:39.0 ave / 360 ave Watts
Damper #5 = 28 Cal / 315m / 33s/m / 1:35.3 ave / 404 ave Watts
about 4600 total meters rowed in 21min
No time for 10m Easy Cooldown...the 6m Recovery Row after the last 60s Row was good

Tuesday, December 10, 2019


Started with the ENGINE today...

12-15 Rounds of:
2m Run
1m Walk

Stan ~ 44 Laps at 10 Rnds... He lapped me 2x's I had to go 3 more rounds to get mine!!!
tb ~ 51 Stairlaps = 5100m (just over 3miles of stair laps)

LATER, if Time (some Gymnastics Stuff):

A) 15m Work on HS Walking

B) 2-3 sets of 3 Weighted Wide-Grip Pull Ups

C) AMRAP in 12m:
2 Muscle Ups (2 Pull Ups + 2 Dips = 1 MU)
2 Deficit HSPU (modify as needed)
1 Legless Rope Climb (6 Strict Rope Pull Ups, 3 each way)
20s L-Sit

Monday, December 9, 2019


5 - 5 - 5 1 1/4 Squat (increase 5-10# from last week)

For Time:
40 Burpee Box Jump Overs (24/20)
30 Power Clean & Jerks (135/95)
20 OHS (135/95)
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs
(16m Time Cap)

Stan ~ XX / 10:35 (95# & BS subbed for OHS)
Ladick ~ 135-145-155 / 10:40 (95# C&J / 75# OHS)
Daliege ~ XX / 13:00 (115#)
tb ~ 185-235-255 / 6 BBJO (finished anyway...)
5:48 done with 40 burpees
12:20 for the 30 C&J (3 & then singles...sheesh was this tough!)
14:34 for  the OHS (ALL UB!!!)
6 BBJO (rested till 15:00 after those OHS, then still couldn't push hard enough)

=========== 1-2 hours Off ===============
10m Easy Bike
3 Rnds:
10m Bike...max effort that you can HOLD for 10m
2m Easy Spin Rest
10m Easy Cooldown

tb ~ Watts / RPM's / Cals  /// AVE (MAX)
WU = 130 (260) / 48 (62) / 66
#1 = 233 (274) / 60 (63) / 118
#2 = 233 (274 / 60 (63) / 117
#3 = 233 (287) / 60 (64) 116
CD = 98 (137) / 43 (49) / 52

Friday, December 6, 2019

Here we go...

C&J Movement Prep
A) Power Clean & Push Jerk*
Build to a Max Heavy 1-Rep
*this is done w/o a hand reset at the top, so more like a G2O that is NOT a snatch!
2 Rnds for Reps:
20s Max Reps Hang Squat Clean (135/95)
40s REST
20s Max Reps Hang Power Clean (135/95)
40s REST
20s Max Reps Hang Power Snatch (135/95)
40s REST
20s Max Reps Hang Squat Snatch (135/95)
40s REST
20s Max Reps Thrusters (135/95)
40 REST + 5m REST
* work so you DO NOT burn out in the first round...leave a little in the tank so 2nd round can be done equally or better.
B1) 15s. Back Bridge, rest as needed
B2) 3 Slow Controlled Jefferson Curls, rest as needed
3 Rounds

Stan ~ 145# / 31 (6-10-6-4-5) & 48 (9-16-10-5-8) @75#
Daliege ~ 195# / 30 (6-10-5-3-6) & 34 (6-11-7-4-6) @95#
tb ~ 215# / 31 (7-9-5-4-6) & 38 (7-11-6-6-8) @135# / B is completed

Thursday, December 5, 2019


Skipped Tuesday workout...
Had a WFCA coaches meeting in Steven Point and had all the intentions in the world of going to Fiternal Crossfit on Tue AM, but Monday Nights meeting went VERY late and lack of sleep cost me!

So...we move on! Extra day of rest...

Squat/CNS Prep
Clean Warm-Up
Build to a Moderate Triple of Low-Hang Squat Clean (below knee)

3 x 3 (87% 1RM / 3m Rest b/t)

3 RFT ~
100' BB OH Lungewalk (95#/65#)
20/16 Cal Row

10m Cooldown Stretch

Stan ~ XX / XX / 10:?? (@65#)
Ladick ~ XX / XX / 2 Rnds in under 6min!!!
Daliege ~ 145# / XX / 9:02 (75#)
tb ~ 195# HSC / 235# FS / 14:24
Splits = 4:30-9:14-14:24 / Rows = 1:17 / 1:23/ 1:12 / Lunges = 75-25 / 50-25-25 / 50-----50
took way to long a break on the last lungewalk

10m Assult Bike easy
3 Rnds:
1m Max Sustainable Pace
6m Slow Spin Recovery
Tips ~ sustainable means hold a pace that you will NOT drop-off of at the end...
Push It, but not so much that you bonk!
STRIVE for 1-2 calories BETTER each round!
10m Easy Cool Down

tb ~ Calories = 22 - 23 - 27 / Watts = Ave 498 (High 714) /  RPMS = Ave 78 (High-89)
RPMs = 73 - 78 - 88 (fell to 75 in last 15s...BONK!) / Watts = 450 - 480 - 640

Monday, December 2, 2019

Wk #3...little de-load

Less VOLUME...
Not less intensity!!!
(at least for the Strength Portion)

Snatch Progression Follow Along...
(basically 3m holding bar, going thru positions & movements)
Triple @ 75-82%
3 x 1 @ 87% & Climb if feels good!
(90s Rest b/t)

5-5-5 (2m Rest b/t) easy / 2nd...difficult / 3rd...really push this!

WOD ~ 
5 RFT ~
10 Power Snatches (95/65)
10 Lat. Burpees over Bar (Rower)
10 Thrusters (95/65)
50 D/U (100 singles)

2-3 Rnds
C1) Seated Swivel Hip Extension x 5 Slow-Controlled, each side; 60s Rest
C2) Seated Stradle Pike Lifts x 15-20 (hold last one 15-20s); 60s Rest
C3) Prone Scorpions x 10 Slow-Controlled, each side; rest as needed

Stan ~ XX / ?? / 16:13 (75# / 100s)
Ladick ~ XX / 155# / 16:53 (75# / 100s)
Daliege ~ SS Positioning @ 95# / 185# / 18:15 (75# / 100s)
tb ~ 185-missed-185# / 165#-225#-245# / 23:23
Rnd Splits ~ 3:58 / 8:21(4:23) / 13:58(5:37) / 18:50(4:52) / 23:23(4:33)
Pwr Snatches = 10 / 10 / 6-4 / 6-4s / 9-1
Thrusters = 10 / 6-4 / 3-3-2-2 / 6-2-2 / 10
D/U = 50 / 30-20 / 20-20-10 / 4-26-8-12* / 50
Burpees were always slow, and the faster I tried to get going on D/U the worse the coordination got (as seen in Rnd #3 & #4)

3 x Row 10m (3s Faster per 500m from TT Pace)
Rest 2m b/t Sets
------------6m REST---------------
2 x Row 10m (3s Faster per 500m from TT Pace)
Rest 2m b/t Sets

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Saturday WOD

Saturdays are for Throwdowns & Teams!!!

Team of 3 WOD ~

For Time:
800m Wreckbag Run (50/35)
80 Cal Row
80 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
80 OHS (95/65)
80 Hang Power Snatches (95/65)
80 OHS (95/65)
80 Box Jump Overs (24/20)
80 Cal Row
800m Wreckbag Run (50/35)
(30min Cap)

I did this with the Wendt Brothers... Which is like a kick to the groin! These two have motors that do not quit!
For instance... I ran the first lap of the 800m Run w/ the 50# Ball, and then could not even keep up with them for the remaining laps... me just running, and them switching off the ball the entire time (approx 670m).
I could however contribute to the OHS, HPS and somewhat to Cal Row...
Box Jumps and Running = Worthless on my part of the team... JUST A BIG ANCHOR!!!

Was fun all CF workouts are, and there is no feeling like being a part of a team!

28:03 for the finish by Wendts, then I finished my 800m in 28:30!

800m #1 done @ 4:50ish
80 Cal Row done @ 7:36 (2:40ish)
80 BJO done @ 9:36 (2m)
80 OHS done @ 12:24 (2:48)
80  HPS done @ 15:38 (3:14)
80 OHS done @ 18:21 (2:43)
80 BJO done @ ?? 20:21 (2m)
80 Cal Row done @ ?? 23:21-35  (approx 3m)
800m #2 @ 28:03 / 28:30 (tb)

Friday, November 29, 2019

Week #2

Continuation from last weeks progression today...

Clean & Jerk Progression (2-3m on bar)
2 Low Hang Cleans + 4 Push Jerks, 90s Rest (across)

5 Singles, 90s rest b/t, work @ 90% last weeks Heavy Single

3 by 4
3 Sets of the Following:
4 RFT:
8 UB Light Power Clean & Jerk (45-95)
20-50 D/U
Rest 4m b/t SETS
Same as last week, choose D/U reps that you can get (i.e. do not take 2-3 minutes to attain 50), also pick a weight for the PC&J that you can cycle fairly quickly, but is challenging...
Think of this as 3 Graces + D/U's

T.Wendt ~ 135# / 225# / (95#+ 50 D/U) 3:57 -  4:09 -  4:20 (22:26)
Z.Wendt ~ 135# / 205# / (80#+ 50 D/U) 4:59 - 5:05 - 5:11 (23:15)
tb ~ 135# / 205# / (80#+ 50 D/U) 5:07 - 5:05 - 5:11 (23:23)

ENGINE (90m-120m Later)
Row 10m easy Row
Row 500m (slightly faster than the easy row)
2m Rest
Row 500m (80-90% effort)
2m Rest
Row 100m (@500m PR Pace)
2m Rest
Row 100m (@500m PR Pace)
Row 500m For TIME
10m Cooldown Row

tb ~ 2400m / 2:02.9 (19) / 1:51.2 (21) / 1:40 pace (31) / 1:40 pace (33) /
1:37.3 (32)
100m Splits = 19.1+18.9+19.2+19.6+20.5
100m Pace (s/m) = 1:35.5(38)/1:34.5(32)/1:36(31)/1:38(31)/1:42.5(32)

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Record Keeping...

Is what we do everyday...
Keep records of what we do, so you can see progress or not!!!

3-5m Easy Bike
GO WOD Mobilize
Squat / CNS Work (Air Squat w/ mobilization + 90*90 Stand Ups + Zig-Zag Banded Walking)
EMOM x 6:
3 Hang Squat Cleans @ 78% (increase from last week, if possible)
B) For Time:
B1) FRONT SQUAT - 5 Reps @ 82% (increase from last week), 30s Rest
B2) SQUAT CLEAN - 3 Reps (quick singles, not TnG)
3 Sets, EACH for Time:
30 Wall Balls (20/14)
20 Power Snatches (75/55)
20 Thrusters (75/55)
- REST AS NEEDED b/t Sets (no more than 15m Rest)
Goal is to hold speed thru this!!!
10m Cool Down Stretch

Stan ~ No A/B / 7:07 - 6:50 - 5:43
Ladick ~ No A/B / 7:59 / 8:37 - 6:31
Daliege ~ No A/B / 7:59 - 8:26 - 8:10
tb ~ A = 185# / B = 235# & 205# 1:11 (21s-30s-20s) / 5:49 - 4:59 - 4:57
WB = 20-10 / 24-6 / 12-12-6
PS = 5-6-5-4 / 8-8-4+ / 12-6-2+
Thr = 11-9 / +8-8-4 / +12-8
+ meant that I did not put the bar down b/t

ENGINE (3 Hrs Later)
10m Easy Bike
14 Sets of:
15s "Sprint" @ 100% Max Sustainable Pace
60s Slow Spin Recover
17:30m of Work
10m Easy Bike Cooldown

Val ~ Watt = 368 Ave (460 Max) / 124 Cals
tb ~ Watt = 705 Ave (841 Max) / Speed = 32.8 (34.6) / Pace = 88 (93) / 5.40 Miles / 179 Cals

ALSO...the Jr. High Crew was in for the TURKEY TROT this AM...
Awesome to see them working together and HARD!!!
pic to come...

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Gym Work

Warm-Up ~ GOWOD
A) 15m HS Walk Skill Work
Vary it up, work on HS Balance, Pirouet, Side walk on wall, shoulder touches, etc
B) L-Rope PULL UPS ~ Max UB
6 sets , Alt. Top Hand, Hands together on rope, pull till chest touches bottom hand.
2m Rest b/t sets
AMRAP in 12m:
10 TTB
30 D/U
10 C2B
10 Box Jumps (24/20 - Jump Up Required)
2 Rounds of:
C1) Shoulder Extension Plank - 40s, Rest 1m
C2) Passthroughs, 3 Slow Controled both ways, Rest 1m
C3) Tuck Front Lever Hold - 30s, Rest 1m

Stan ~ A/B No... Gym WOD ~ 4 Rnds
tb ~ A = done / B = 6's each time / 5 Rnds + 1 TTB (Splits = 2:00/4:20/7:35/9:54/11:55) / C = done, C3 did 10s 10s rest, 10s both times

Monday, November 25, 2019

60 minute WHAT?!?!?

Another GREAT day of Training!!!

Warm-Up ~ 
GO WOD Mobilization
Burgner WU
Snatch Progression build to the wt.
Triple @ 73-79%
Double @ 79-84%
4 x Single @ 85-90%
(should be a bit heavier than last week)
Max Reps (-2 / 15 Rep Cap) @ 20X0 tempo (83% rough estimate)
Every 4min x 8:
12/10 Cal Row
14 Bar-Facing Burpees
(3m cap on working)
2 Sets (Rest as needed b/t exercises):
C2) DB LAT RAISES - 12-15 reps

Stan ~ No A & B / did the Row & Burpees (done around 1:30-1:50 each time)
tb ~ Triple@155# / Double@170# / Singles@ 185# /
1:59 / 1:55 / 1:45 / 1:44 / 1:37 / 1:34 / 1:36 / 1:27
1&2 were step-down, step-up / 3&4 were s-d, jump-up for 8 & s-d, s-u for 6 / 5-7 were s-d, s-u ODD's, s-d, j-u EVEN's / 8 was s-d, j-u for ALL.

Then...later in day...
60m ROW - Time Trial

Stan ~ 13756m - 2:10.8 (29s/m)
12m Splits
2744 - 2:11.1 (27)
2817 - 2:07.7 (32)
2728 - 2:11.9 (30)
2760 - 2:10.4 (30)
2707 - 2:12.9 (30)
tb ~ 13988m - 2:08.6 (23s/m)
12m Splits
2886 - 2:04.7 (24)
2820 - 2:07.6 (24)
2768 - 2:10.0 (23)
2679 - 2:14.3 (22)
2835 - 2:06.9 (23)
1st 5K split was 21:58

I gota tell you, this was just a grind. The butt just hurts 15min into this thing! Then you have to try to avoid all crappy thoughts...Way more mental than physical here!!!

Friday, November 22, 2019

CF Big Dane / FB Championships

In Madison for the WIAA Football State Championships!

That means a "drop-in" at Big Dane...
Watch Tyler Wendt teach his 6:30am class & got warmed-up during it.
He is a great teacher/coach!!!

After there was an Open Gym so we (Zach, Tyler & I) got this workout in:

Mobilize (GoWOD)
Clean & Jerk movements w/ bar

A) 3 Sets of Clean & Jerk Complex
1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Power Clean + 3 Push Jerks (climbing or across)
B) Power Clean & Split Jerk ~ Work to Heavy/Tough Single
18 Minutes of REST
10 Rnds As Fast As Possible (AFAP) of:
10 UB Light Power Snatches (65-115# depending on ur Max)
20-50 D/U
EXACTLY 2 Minutes REST b/t Rnds
*both PS weight & D/U # will be determined by your max working

Tyler ~ 135-155-165 / 245# / 26:40
Zach ~ 135-155-165 / 225# / 27:17
tb ~ 135-155-165 / 225# (245 miss) / 27:43 (75# PS / 2-10 D/U ~ 50 UB)

* on board meant D/U were UB

500m Row
1 Min Rest
1000m Row
2 Min Rest
3K Row
2 Min Rest
1000m Row
1 Min Rest
500m Row

Never got to this, but one I need to do sometime...
Goal is to Row all of these FASTER than 5K Pace (6-8s /500m Split faster than normal)
If you do not have a 5K PR take an educated guess...
It will actually feel slow until the 3K...then that one will be really pushing it!
The work comes for the next 1K & 500 

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Day 3 &...

Looking forward to a REST day after this!

I like the programing after 3 days... Let's hope the next month goes this well too!!!

Mobilize (GO WOD)
Squat/CNS Prep
3-5 Air Squats w/ some time spent in bottom position
3-4 Single leg Stand-Ups (I like these / 90-90 lunge position and stand-up)
3 Cassock Squats
2 x 10' Down and back Zig-Zag Walk (monster walk) w/ Bands
BBWU & Clean WU Progression
A) Hang Squat Clean (Low-Hang / below knees)
3 Reps EMOM x 6min (75% 1RM HSC)
B1) FRONT SQUAT 5 Reps (80%), 30s Rest
B2) SQUAT CLEAN 3 Reps (85%)
For Time:
60 Wall Balls (20/14)
3 Minute REST
40 OHS (95/65)
3 Minute REST
20 Thrusters (135/95)
*20m Cap
Take as large of chunks as you can, really work on the large have the MANDATORY 3m Rest after each of these
10m Mobilize / Stretch after

ENGINE (later in AM)
10m Assault Bike
10 Rnds:
15s Assault Bike at 100% Sustainable Speed (Fast, but a pace you can control/hold)
60s Slow Spin Recover
10m Assault Bike Recovery

Stan ~ XX/XX/XX/ 13:11 / WB = 2:46 (30-??) / 2:19 (FS) / Thr (95#) = 2:02
Daliege ~ 95-145 / 185 FS & 165 SC / 14:32
WB = 2:19 (35-25) / OHS (75) = 3:10  / Thr (115#) = 3:03 (5-5-6-4)
tb ~ 175# / 225# & 195# / 14:26
WB = 3:07 (34-6-10-10) / OHS = 2:06 (UB) / Thr = 3:13 (6-5-3-6)

tb engine ~ 10 Rnd Stats = Ave (MAX)
MPH = 31.0 (34.2)
RPM = 83 (92)
WATTS = 591 (796)
Dist = 4.09 miles
Time = 12:30
Calories = 130
Custom program for 15s Work + 60s Rest for 10 rnds...worked great!!!

Tuesday, November 19, 2019


I like it so far, but some things we cannot do...
Modify and scale...

6 x Ski Erg (We do not have, so bike or something)
20s Hard
40s Easy
HS Progression to 2-3 Strict HSPU
15 Tuck Ups
A) 2 Sets of 2xRope Climbs AFAP, 60s Rest
B) 30 STRICT HSPU for Time (5m Cap)
C) Accumulate 60s of L-Sit in 10s intervals, rest as needed

10m AMRAP:
STRICT Ring Dips

D1) Shoulder Extension Plank 30s
D2) 3 x Pass Thrus, slow and controlled

tb ~ A) NO / B) 18 HSPU (3-3-3-2-2-2-2-1) / C) Complete / 94 Reps (1-8 Pull Ups UB / 2-4-6-8-(6-4)-(4-4-4)-(3-3-3-3-2)-2 / D's Completed

20 Rnds of 1m Run / 1m Walk

Day #1 ~ Wow...

Lots to do w/ DSGN+
They have CrossFit, Strength & Engine tracks going...
Could never get all done in one session, so some planning will need to take place...
My thought is CrossFit, always...then if I can get Engine done a couple days each week, that would be great.
Strength will become a factor as we move forward, but that is not my main there is (seems to be) a strength component weaved into the CF track.


Warm-Up ~ GO WOD & Burgener Warm-Up along with a video Snatch Warm-Up from DSGN+
3 (tng) @ 70-75%
2 (tng) @ 75-80%
4 x 1 @ 80-85%
90s Rest b/t
For Time:
3 x 30 Bar-Facing Burpees (Progressive Pace)
Rest as needed b/t, but no more than 10m
3 x 20 Cal Assult Bike (max recovery rate)
accumulate 60s HS Hold (balance on wall, freestanding if you can)
2 Sets:
15-20 x Elbow on Knee DB External Rotation
30s Single-Arm Hang on Pull Up Bar
60s Rest b/t

Daliege ~ Worked form for SS / 2:50 - 2:39 - 2:09 /
tb ~ 145-155-(165-175-175-175) / 2:34 - 2:15 - 1:50 / 2:31-2:34-2:25 (Bike) / completed

10m Easy Row
2 Rnds:
50 Cal Progressive Row (faster every 10 cal)
1:1 Rest b/t Rnds
2K Progressive Row
1000 @ 70%
500 @ 80%
250 @ 90%
250 @ 100%
2 x 20s Max EFFORT Row
3m Rest b/t
10m Cool Down Row

Friday, November 15, 2019


Ok, gang...
We are going to go for at least one month on a "NEW" training plan.
HERE were the thoughts:
CompTrain Masters...
~ GREAT PROGRAM & PROGRAMMING, but have done that for a few years
~ The loyalty part of me even shudders at NOT going back with them.
Crossfit Invictus (Masters Plan)
~ We have done some of their free stuff too...could be good.
~ These guys seem to have lots of "odd-object & lifts", which is good and bad
Training Think Tank ~ DSGN+ 
~ Have been going with their free version for a while now and seems to fit
~ No specific Masters programming, so we may have to scale/modify

Advantage to ALL these is a monthly membership, so can cancel anytime before next payment is due.
ALL three of these start a new phase on Monday... So we are in for some great stuff!!!

Let's go with DSGN+!!!

Today ~

Mobilize & Warm-Up
2-3 Rnds ~
30s Row
5 Burpees
30-60s Rest
BB Warm-Up
JACKIE (Past HERE about a year ago)
For Time:
1000m Row
50 Thrusters (45/35)
30 Pull Ups

Total Time / Row Time / 200m Splits
Daliege ~ 8:27 (PR) / 3:31.0 (36s/m) ~ 46.5 / 45.9 / 46.4 / 45.8 / 46.4
Previous Best = 9:51 (Pull Ups made the difference!!!)
Ladick ~ 8:21 / 3:46.4 (35s/m) ~ 43.9 / 42.3 / 45.8 / 47.2 / 47.3
First timer on this one
Stan ~ 9:25 (2 years ago, before back) / 3:52.8 (34s/m) ~ 43.9 / 44.5 / 46.9 / 48.4 / 49.1
Previous Best = 9:03 (2-6-17)...he is just getting started again...gonna be back to old self soon!
tb ~ 8:48 / 3:45.1 (23s/m) ~ 40.5 / 43.1 / 45.3 / 45.5 / 50.7
Previous Best = 8:47 (year ago) / ALL TIME PR = 8:05 (2/6/17)

For me...those Thrusters just cycled slow after the first 15!

Thursday, November 14, 2019

CF Open

Daliege...finished 38th in the world in 45-49 Scaled group!!! HERE
That is awesome!!! Unbelievable...Hard work pays off!!! his first open is in the top 500 for Scaled group of OPEN men (18-34)! HERE
Another outstanding performance by an ANYthing Once WR member!!!

Next up is the Annual 12 Days of Christmas WOD (Sat, Dec. 21st)

Then we are all getting in the Bullet Point Open Series HERE.
Check it out! Enter! Use CrossFit WR as your affiliate!
Come and get tested here or submit a video on your own...
Fun, Fun, Fun...

1 Week of de-load, then back to training!!!

Monday, November 11, 2019


Re-Test w/ very different stratagy!

Small chunks of WB (6's) with a Ring MU between...
See if my HR can stay down...
I think the Row took all the Ring MU strength out of me, so I am going to hit as many Ring MU's as I can in first 10min of this, then get to rower with 20 cal rows to break up whatever is left of WB's.

20.5 ~ AGAIN

1st Try ~ 5 MU then ALL the WB & Calories...then finish with however MU I could get.

Re-Try ~ 5 MU to start, then 6's on WB getting a MU or two b/t ever set of 6 WB's... work to the 10m mark and see how far I can get...

Got to 30 Muscle Ups...full 10 more (tie-break was 18:21)...
Cal Rows were 30-30-20...slower and recovering from some larger sets of WB...only had 40 WB's left at the 10m mark, so could just row and keep HR down.

Both Faster I believe as well...
Daliege ~ 12:16
Ladick ~ 11:56

Friday, November 8, 2019

Last test...20.5

Last one... 20.5!

New and exciting...

For Time (20m Cap):
40 Ring Muscle Ups
80 Cal Row
120 Wall Ball
*partition anyway you want
Tie-Break is when you finish 120 WB & 80 Cal Row

This was an interesting one...
10-20-30 for 4 Rnounds ?!?!?
Wall Balls will be my downfall... HR spikes on these after 10-12 tosses...
I like to go 8-7 for a while on these if it is high volume...

Daliege & Ladick did scaled, so Pull Ups vs. RMU...
10-20-30 was the plan...

Daliege ~ UB Rnd #1 & 4
Ladick ~ UB Rnd #1, 2 & 4
tb ~ 20 MU w/ Tie Break of 13:43

Both of them had to break their WB on Rnd 3...
My thought is to always keep moving...switch exercises...

Good first run... Now, stratagize

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Tuesday / Wednesday


For Time (12m Cap)
Wall Ball
Cal Row

tb ~ 30 Wall balls (30 Cal's short of I finished 30 cal row in 2:14... 14:12)
first 30c Row was 2:05 / 2nd = 2:14... All Wall Balls UB till last 30 (12-6-12)

Predatory / Anticipation
With a partner (IGYG Format):
Thrusters & C2B
12...12 /
So...P1 does 6 thrusters and 6 pull ups, then P2 does 6 & 6...then P1 does 9&9, then P2, etc

5 Rnds of:
Row Sprint for 5 Pulls @ 100% (take 3-5 pulls to get to 100%)
60s Rest b/t

We did this as a group  of 4 of us and just rotated thru, REST while other 3 did the work...

Friday, November 1, 2019

Sporadic at best...

Time to find time!
Quick write-up of WODS has been difficult...

Friday (20.4)...Had a good plan in my head and S. Brehm came in and inspired me / pushed me even more!!! It was great!

Daliege & Ladick went at it first, but knew their re-test on Monday would be better!
I had 10 C&J's at 225# (All singles) then got 5 pistols! Man that was good... I did not think I could get better, felt pace and everything was really good.
Watched the video, and thought I could hold same pace but move thru 135#, 185# & first 30 Pistols just a bit faster... The 30 Step-ups wouild remain consistent at 1:40-1:50...tempo & pace!!!

I was right...faster by 60s headed into 225# C&J...then it caught up to me!!! WOW!
I lost ANY advantage I had by 6th rep of C&J at 225#...right back to same LOTS slower in my singles...
THEN, I missed my 9th rep at had to turn around and try to get it again, got it...and had to hustle for 10th Rep with 20s left... MISSED the 10th rep...

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

B Strong...

Warm-Up ~ Mobilize and BB Warm-Up / Burgener WU

Snatchy Snatch
A) Perform 1 Squat Snatch EMOM and add 5-10# each minute till you miss (begin around 60%)

B) 5 Sets of 3 touch-n-go (tng) Squat Snatches AFAP (95-135 / 65-95)
(so...15 Squat Snatches, but you MUST let bar go after every 3)

Cleaning Time
C) 5 Sets of 2 tng (70-80%), 60s Rest b/t

D) PUSH PRESS 3 x 5, climbing, 2m Rest b/t

20m Easy Bike

Daliege ~ 135# / 2:29 @95# / time to go
Ladick ~ 105# / 1:45 @ 75# / time to go
tb ~ 135-45-55-65-75-85-90(miss) / 1:40 @115# / 185# Sqt Cl / 145-155-165

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Work it Out...

Just Keep Moving...

Warm-Up ~
Mobility & Set-Up

Ten Minute #1
AMRAP in 10m:
10 Alt. DB Snatch (50/35)
10 Cal Bike
10 DB Hang Clean & Jerk (50/35)
10 Cal Bike

Ten Minute #2
AMRAP in 10m:
10 DB Clean (50/35)
10 Cal Bike
10 DB OHS (5/side)
10 Cal Bike

Ten Minute #3
AMRAP in 10m:
50' DB Lungewalk (Farmers Carry)
10 Cal Bike
10 DB Box Step Overs
10 Cal Bike

Ladick ~ 2 Rnds + 32 Reps / 2 Rnds + 31 Reps / 1 Rnd
tb ~ 2 Rnds + 23 Reps / 2 Rnds + 32 Reps / 1 Rnd

We did 1 Rnd of #3 due to time to go... possiblly would have gotten 2 rnds, but that last one was TOUGH... Bike after the lunges was SLOWEST of day (1:20)...
MOST Bikes were under 60s, but a few in middle were 1:01-1:05...

Monday, October 28, 2019

20.3 - ReTest

This is DIANE + another 21-15-9... (18.4)

20.3 Retest...
Not including last friday...


Ladick ~ 7:36 (tie-break @ 7:21)
Daliege ~ 6:28 (tie-break @ 6:10)
tb ~ 3 Reps at 315#... 93 Reps total, w/ tie-break time at 7:30
Was just methodical with 3's on HSPU and it saved burn-out and was able to maintain breathing! Maybe could have pushed the DL a bit more, but it felt good! Needed the rest time for HSPU...

AWESOME work by these two... like 60s faster for them both!!! It was great to watch!!!

Friday, October 25, 2019

20.3... 18.4


Looked for the video on my youtube, but could not find any 18's...Huh???

Forgot to even check the blog...still have not, but will AFTER typing this.

For Time:
Deadlift (225/155)
directly into...
Deadlift (315/205)
50' Handstand Walk (5' segments)

Scaled ~ 135# + HR Push Ups / 185# + 50' Bearcrawl

Daliege ~ 7:20 (scaled)
Ladick ~ 8:21 (scaled)
tb ~ Rx ~ 88 Reps (7 HSPU)

I can complete the first one...the BIG question, is can I leave enought to get 1 rep at 315# that will be a big separator in the 50-54 age group!

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


Friday ~
20.2 Test
Retest on Monday...

tb ~ 15 rnds + 10 reps (520 reps) / 14 Rnds + 20 Reps (worse)
Daliege ~ 22 Rnds +?? / 25 Rnds (850 Reps)
Ladick ~ xx / 25 Rnds + 13 Reps (863 Reps)

Tuesday ~ 
3 x 10 Devil's Press (15-30s Rest b/t)

3 x 15 Ring Push Ups (60s Rest b/t)
AMRAP in 10m:
25' Single-Arm OH Lungewalk (50/35)
10 Alt. DB Power Snatches (50#)
25' Single-Arm OH Lungewalk (other arm)
10 DB Hang Clean & Split Jerk

Ladick ~ 20# DP / Push Ups done / 3 Rnds + 5 C&J (5 away from 4 rnds)
tb ~ 35# DP / Push Ups done / 2 Rnds

Thursday, October 17, 2019

One more Day...then Recover!!!

10m GO WOD Warm-Up
A) OHS 15 Reps AFAP x 2 (185#/130#)
90s Rest b/t
B) CLEAN & JERK 10 Reps AFAP x 2 (115#/85#)
90s Rest b/t
AMRAP in 5m:
15 Wall Balls (20/14)
10 Box Jumps (24/20)
10m Row Cool Down

Daliege ~ A) 10-8 reps at 135 ? / B) 35-35 / 4 Rnds + 16 (1 Box Jump)
Ladick ~ A) ?? - ?? (95#) / B) 75# / 5 Rnds (he was able to do emom!!!
tb ~ A) 1:01 - 0:53 (165#OHS) / B) 31s - 30s / 3 Rnds + 16 Reps (1 Box Jump / WB UB, step-down BJ)

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Open Week #2...

Warm-Up ~ 10m GO WOD
2 Sets
50 D/U
50' HSWalk (scaled to 10' HS Walk Practice for us)
50 D/U
1:1 Work to Rest b/t sets
A) Deadlift 3 x 3 (2m Rest b/t)
B) DL 15 Reps AFAP x 2 (225#/155#) 3m Rest b/t
C) 3 Squat Cleans OTM x 5m (185-225 / 130-155)
6 x 15 Cal Row (60s Rest b/t each / increase Pace each Rnd)

tb ~ 1st set in wt. room, 2nd set in Gymnastics Room / DL 275-295-315 / 37s - 31s (15UB) / 185# OTM! / Did not do the Row


Friday we did 20.1 (1st Attempt)...
Then Monday... RE-TEST on 20.1...

Here we go...

10 Rnds for Time (15min Time Cap):
8 Ground 2 Overhead (Rx~95#/65# / Scaled~65#/45#)
10 Bar-Facing Burpees

tb ~
Friday ~ 165 Reps (3 G2O's)
Splits were... 1:15-2:57-4:32-6:11-8:00-9:45-11:37-13:22-14:50
Monday ~ 166 Reps (6 G2O's, but missed 2 BFB on rnd #8)
Splits were... 1:16-2:51-4:28-6:07-7:49-9:38-11:30-13:07*-14:45

Boy oh boy... those Burpees were the end of me... ALL Step-Downs and in the later rounds 7-10 got S-L-O-W!

Daliege ~ Scaled ~
Ladick ~ Scaled ~
AJ ~ Scaled ~

Also a shout out to the Wendt Brothers!!!
T.Wendt ~ 11:29... Holy Cow! That is impressive

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Late Start

Late start day, but also a late start to the WOD...
Fixed a belt for a a new lever belt...

Quick 6
AMRAP in 6min:
18 Wall Balls
6 DL (225/155)
3 Muscle Ups
2m R
AMRAP in 6min:
10 Thrusters (95#/65#)
10 C2B
25' OH Lungewalks
10 Power Snatches (95/65)
25' OH Lungewalks

Ladick ~ 4 rnds (135/ Pull Ups) / 2 + 2 C2B (75# / Lungewalk)
Daliege ~ 3 + 3 DL (pull Ups) / 2 + 1 Thruster (95 / 45 Plate OH Lungewalk)
tb ~ 2 + 18 WB / 1 + 10 Thrusters

8 Minutes

Warm-Up ~ Quick
2 Sets:
10s to transition
50' HS Walk (AFAP) ~ scaled to 15' of HS Walk Attempt
30 Cal Row (100% effort)
4m Rest
EMOM x 16min (8M Work)
1 = 10 Burpees to 6" target
2 = 10-15 Kipping HSPU
3 = 8-12 Bar Facing Burpees
4 = 60 D/U
*30 second CAP on work effort...STOP at 30s each minute!!!

SL ~ XX / 10 Burpees / 15-20 Push Ups / 10 BFB / 30 each time
tb ~ 5 (3-1-1) & 6 (UB) HSPU / 1:04 & 1:07 30 Cal Rows /
10's Burpees / 9-10-10-10 Kipping HSPU / 8's for BFB / 60 each time... All UB for D/U!

Monday, October 7, 2019

PD Day

Professional Development day at school...
No that means we sit in lectures and info sessions...
Time to get better...So we start the day getting better!

Warm-Up ~ 
Snatch-Grip BB Warm Up ~ 5-7 reps of each:
Good AM's
Back Squats
Shoulder Press
Stiff-Leg DL
Sotts Press
Burgener WU 3-5 Reps ea
Muscle Snatch
Jump & Land
Snatch Propulsion (Hang Sqt Snatch)
Squat Snatch Build Up in Wt. for Form
SQUAT SNATCH (2 Choices)
#1 ~ Beginners / Form Workers
EMOM x 10 ~ 2 Squat Snatches (build in wt.)
#2 ~ Advanced / Good w/ Sqt Snatch Form
15 Squat Snatches AFAP (135#/95# / 4m Cap)
...immediately into...
6m to make 3 Attempts at a HEAVY (1-RM) Single
21-15-9 for Time:
Front Squat (185/125)
(10m Cap)

Rickaby ~ #1 - 135# / 7:02(135# from Rack)
Ladick ~ #1 - 95#? / 7:20 (135# from Rack)
Daliege ~ #1 - 135# / 7:37 (135# from floor)
tb ~ #2 - 2:52 - 175/185/185 / 8:09 (165# from floor)
Sqt Snatch ~ 5-3-3-4s / Fr.Sqt - 15-6 / 8-7 / 9UB / All TTB UB

Register for the OPEN HERE
make sure to put CrossFit WR as your affiliate...lets get a little leaderboard going.
Nervous...go Scaled Division!
Just Get In!!! 5 Weeks of some Motivation!!!

Saturday, October 5, 2019


First Saturday WOD for quite a while!

Ethan and I got in at 7am and got going...
Have been following Training Think Tank...
And they do a Throwdown (TD) every Saturday (it seems)...
We did the tttTD20

For Time:
25-20-15-10 Cal Row
16-12-8-4 Burpee Broad Jumps (6'/4')

Ethan ~ 10:19 (w/ 18 Burpee Broad Jumps on Rnd #1...he lost count)
tb ~ 10:58

Friday, October 4, 2019

River Jug...

Gameday w/ SPASH...
River Jug...
LOTS to play for...Hope we are ready!

A) Deadlift ~ Work to a Moderate 1 Rep
B) SQUAT CLEAN ~ 10 Reps As Fast As Possible (70% 1-RM)
For Time (7m Cap):
8 Bar Muscle Ups (scaled is 8 C2B)
30 Wall Balls (20/14)
20 Box Jumps (24/20)
30 Wall Balls (20/14)
8 Bar Muscle Ups
10 DB Hang Clean & Jerks (50/35)
2m Easy Bike
10 DB Hang Clean & Split Jerks
2m Easy Bike
10 DB Cleans (floor)
2m Easy Bike
10 DB Hanging Split Snatches
2m Easy Bike
10 DB OHS (each arm)

Daliege ~ 255# / 145 - 1:47 (3+singles) / 5:08 (C2B/20-10/--/15-8-7/C2B)
Britt ~ XX / 135 - 1:13 (4+singles) / 4:44 (C2B/30/--/30/C2B)
tb ~ 315# / 185 - 52s (7+singles) / 6:57 (6-2 / 24-6 /--/30/8) / 50's @ 13:07 (all 10's UB)

Wednesday, October 2, 2019


Warm-Up ~ Go WOD
3 x 3 (2m Rest b/t)
AMRAP in 10m:
10 Thrusters (95/65)
10 C2B
10 OHS (95/65)
10 TTB
On Your Hands
3 x 15 HR Push Ups (as fast as possible)
3m Recovery Row between rounds (stay active)

Ladick ~ 115# / 2 Rnds + 10 OHS (110 Reps Total / 75# BB)
tb ~ 195-215-225 / 3 Rnds + 8 Thrusters (128 Reps Total)
UB for all but C2B (HR was spiking after 10 Thrusters, so I needed to break the C2B's...
6-3-3 / 5-3-2 / 5-3-2

Britt (10-3) ~ 3 Rnds + 10 Thrusters (130 Reps Total / 75# BB)

Tuesday, October 1, 2019


Burgener WU
3 Fours
4min AMRAP:
10 DB Power Snatch (50/35)
40 D/U
- 4m REST -
4min AMRAP:
10 DB Thrusters (50/35)
10 Cal Row
- 4min REST -
4min AMRAP:
4 Devils Press
4 Strict HSPU

Gym Strength
Strict L-Sit Pull Ups
Max UB Reps x 3 sets (2m R b/t sets)

Ladick ~(35# DB's) 2 + 30D/U / 2 + 3 Cal / 3 + 2 Press /
Britt ~ 35# DB's) 3 + 10 Snatch / 2 + 4 Cal / 3 + 2 Press /
tb ~ 3 + 14 D/U / 2 + 9 Thrusters / 3 (scaled to 2 Strict HSPU vs. 4) / 11-10-9

Monday, September 30, 2019

Sweet 16

16 Minutes of Work
16min AMRAP:
4 Burpee Bar Muscle Ups (Scaled version ~ 4 Burpee Pull Ups + 4 Dips)
25' OH Walking Lunges (95/65)
8 Bar-Facing Burpees

Britt ~ 5 + 3 BFB (75#?)
Ladick ~ 6 + 4 Burpee Pull Ups (75#)
Daliege ~ 5 Rnds (Front Rack Lunges)
tb ~ 3 + 3 BBMU

Friday, September 27, 2019


EMOM x 10m:
EMOM x 9:
1 - 10 Single-Arm DB OHS
2 - 10 S-A DB Alt. Step Ups (24/20)
3 - 6-10 DB Box Step Overs
EMOM x 9:
1 - 12 DB Alt. Pwr Snatches
2 - 10 DB Hang C & J
3 - 6 DB Power Cleans (2 DB's)
+ (into)
EMOM x 9:
1 - 25' S-A OH Walking Lunges
2 - 12 Hang Split Snatches (6L + 6R)
3 - 10 Alt. Hang Clean & Jerks

Britt ~ 135 Sqt Cleans / 35# DB
Daliege ~ XX / Used 45# DB
tb ~ 165 (1-4) 175 (5-10) / used 50# DB

This was a beast...3 rnds of each of these right into each other...
Those DB Box Step!

Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Warm-Up and work up to...

3-5 x Squat Snatch Doubles (70-75% 1RM)
3-5 x Squat Clean & Jerk (70-75% 1RM)
For Time (5m Cap):
Wall Balls
C2B Pull Ups
(did this upstairs)
10m Rest at the 5m Clock...
AMRAP in 10m:
10 Thrusters (135#/95#)
5 Muscle Ups

We could not do the 2nd part (10m work) due to meetings....
Daliege ~ 4:24
Ladick ~ 4:04
Brit ~ 4:48
tb ~ 165# SS / XX C&J / 4:24 (WB = UB / 11-6-4 / 9-3-3 / 9 = C2B)

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Jump Up

400m Warm-Up Run
BB Warm-Up
EMOM x 8m (4 rnds):
Odd = 40-70 D/U
Even = 45s Max STRICT HSPU
immediately into...
EMOM x 8m (4 rnds):
Odd = 30s Max Box Jumps (24/20)
Even = 30s Max Kipping HSPU

D/U ~ 60's (all 4 rnds / UB on Rnds 2-3-4)
STRICT ~ 5-2 / 3-2 / 3-1 / 2-2-1
Box Jumps ~ 10 / 10 / 10 / 12
Kipping ~ 6 / 7 / 8 / 8

Monday, September 23, 2019

Strength & Row

BB Volume
A) Squat Snatch Complex
1 Hang Squat Snatch + 1 Squat Snatch
8 Rounds (approx 60s b/t)
B) Squat Clean & Jerk
10 Reps As Fast as Possible (60-80% 1-RM)
2m Rest
ROW, ROW, ROW & Row some More!
3 Rnds for Time (5m Cap):
15 Cal Row
15 Deadlift (185/135)
~ 3 Minutes Rest ~
3 Rnds for Time (5m Cap)
15 Cal Row
15 OHS (105/75)
~ 3 Minutes Rest ~
3 Rnds for Time (5m Cap)
10 Cal Row
5 Deadlift (275/185)
~ 3 Minutes Rest ~
3 Rnds for Time (5m Cap)
10 Cal Row
5 OHS (155/115)

Daliege ~ 2+4 DL (185) / 2 + 10 Cal (95) / 3:08 (225) / 3:49 (105)
Ladick ~ 2+3 DL (135) / 1+6OHS (95) / 3:08 (185) / 3:49 (105)
Britt ~ 2+10 cal (135) / 2+3 cal (??) / ?? / ??
tb ~ 95-115-125-135-145-155-165-165 / 180# (7 reps in 4min)...then switched to 155x10 @ 3:53
Row row row ~ 2+1 DL / 2+13 Cal Row / 4:35 / 4:49

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Call to ARMS...

Warm-Up ~ GO WOD
For Time:
20 sets of 5 UB C2B Pull Ups
(8min Cap)
For Time (or reps):
30 Shoulder to Overhead (95/65)
(5min Time Cap)
~ 5 Minutes REST ~

Daliege ~ 16 sets (had a few failed attempts at sets) /
Ladick ~ 17 sets (attempted some sets and failed) /
Britt ~ came in 3m late but got as many as he could / 40 reps / had to go...
tb ~ 18 sets (no failed sets) / 35 (18-12 / 5x1) / 32 (30 / 2 singles in 4 min!?!?)
WOW...first rnd of 30 S2O was 1:05, then 1-1-1-1-1, then second round was 57s...but could not get arms recoved for the HSPU...

I debated on doing Kipping for the volume, but felt they wanted some form of pure strength as the S2O was relativly light.
Even attempted a strict shoulder press with 95 after 2nd rnd and could barely move the bar...

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Tuff Stuff

GO WOD Mobilize
EMOM x 9min (3 rnds):
1 = 10 2-Arm DB Front Squat
2 = 25' 2-Arm Front Rack Lungewalks
3 = 10 2-Arm DB Box Step Ups
...immediately into...
EMOM x 9min (3 rnds):
1 = 12 Alt. DB Power Snatches (6 ea way / alt)
2 = 12 Alt. DB Hang Clean & Jerks (6 ea way / alt)
3 = 8 2-Arm DB Power Clean
...immediately into...
EMOM x 9min (3 Rnds):
1 = 25' DB OH Walking Lunges
2 = 10 DB Split Jerks (5 ea arm / not alternating)
3 = 10 Alt. DB Hanging Clean & Jerk
4 ON 8
On the 8 minutes for 4 sets Perform:
14 Burpees to 6" target
28 Wall Balls (20/14)
14 Bar-Facing Burpees
14 Box Jumps (24/20)

Stan ~ did EMOM's at 30#
Britt ~ did EMOM's at 30#
tb ~ 50# DB for EMOM...had to modify #1 group to 8 Step Ups, #2 group to 10-10-6, #3 group was Rx / 6:48 / 6:12 / 6:32 / 6:29 (wall balls were 12-12-4 / 12-12-4 / 9-9-6-4 / 8-8-7-5)

THAT was a GRINDER of a day!!! WOW!!!!

Monday, September 16, 2019

Work Week...

GO WOD Warm-Up
AMRAP in 20min:
40 Cal Row
30 Power Snatches (75/55)
20 Single-Arm DB OHS (50/35)
10 Bench Press (185/125)
Squat Clean & Jerks for Time:
8 Reps AFAP (115/80)
6 Reps AFAP (145/105)
4 Reps AFAP (185/125)
(Can be clustered or quick singles, time will include changing the weights)
EMOM x 5min:
3-5 Hang Squat Cleans (60-70% 1RM)

Daliege ~ 2 Rnds (45# OHS / 135 BP)
Stan ~ 2 Rnds + 22 Cal Row (30# OHS / 135 BP)
Britt ~ 2 Rnds + 40 Cal Row (55# PS / 30# OHS / 115# BP)
Ladick ~ Back hurting...
Felker ~ 2 Rnds + 5 Cal Row (45# PS / 15# OHS / 85# BP)
tb ~ 2 Rnds + 9 Cal Row (1:57 / 2:14 Row times / BP = 10 / 4-4-2) /
C&J Density = 8 @ 1:02...60s to change...6 @ 3:28...1:17 to change...6:15 finish
HSC = 145(5) / 145(5) / 165(4) / 165(5) / 165(5)

Then a bonus with 3rd Hour:
Tabata HR Push Ups (14-11-10-8-7-7-7-7 [71])
Tabata Air Squats (15's ~ 120)
Tabata Strict Pull Ups (8-6-5-4-4-3-4-4 [38])

Friday, September 13, 2019

Open Prep Wk 1

BB Strength
A) Squat Snatch ~ 4-8 Singles (75% of 1-RM)
B) Squat Clean & Jerk ~ 4-8 Singles (75% 1-RM)
AMRAP in 15 min:
75 Bar-Facing Burpees
50 Deadlifts (135/95)
25 Bar Muscle Ups

Britt ~ 135 (8) / 165 (8) / ???
Stan ~ practice / practice / ???
Ladick ~ ?? / ?? / 13 Rnds of 3 Pull Ups & 3 Bar Dips (115# DL)
Daliege ~ practice / practice / 8 Rnds of 3 + 3 (135# DL)
tb ~ 155 (8) / 185 (8) / 16 Bar MU (

Thursday, September 12, 2019


Frustratingly Slow vs. PUMP
For Time (20m Cap):
3 Rnds:
8 DB Cleans (50/35)
12 Kipping HSPU
3 Rnds:
8 DB Cleans (50/35)
3 Rnds:
8 DB Cleans (50/35)
72' HS Walking (6 x 12' walks)

100 TTB for Time (8m Cap)

Stan ~ 16:25
Daliege ~ 16:50
Ladick ~ 15:48
HR Push Ups - Elevated Push Ups - Bearcrawl for their mods
tb ~ 4 Rnds + 5 Strict (modified to 6 Strict HSPU) / 7:57 (10-10-8-8-8-8 (4:10)-5-5-5-5-10-10-8)

I should have modified the reps for kipping to 6 or 8...I was wrecked by strict...
OR could have gone Elevated ~ Kipping ~ Strict for mod...


Late Posts... time, time, time

Warm Up ~ Go WOD

50 HR Push Ups for time (8 min cap)

Row 3m (@ tough aerobic pace)
immediatly after...
2m MAX D/U Reps
~ 2m Rest ~
2m MAX D/U Reps

For Time:
30 Wall Ball
30s Rest
15 Clean & Jerks (95/65)
20 Push Press (135/95)
30s Rest
75 Wall Ball
10 Power Cleans (185/130)
30s Rest
75 Wall Ball

Britt ~ 2:38 / 120ish - 110 / 2:35-10:15-20:20 (mod weigths)
Ladick ~ XX / 53-70 / 2:52-9:55-21:03 (mod weights)
Stan ~ XX / singles-205-281 / 2:45-11:00-21:05 (mod weights)
tb ~ 2:08 (30 @ 57s) / 145-155 / 3:06-(st 2@6:30)14:28-27:54 (took long rests for rest as needed)

Monday, September 9, 2019

Open Prep...

I hope...

Warm Up
400m Run & Go WOD

For Time:
30 Strict Pull Ups
(8min Cap)
12 Min AMRAP:
12 Cal Row
10 TTB
50' Front Rack Lungewalk (95/65)
2min ~
16 Alt. DB Snatch (50#/35)
Max Muscle Ups in remaining time

Britt ~ 3 + 25' Lungewalk
Stan ~ 4 Rnds
Ladick ~ 4 rnds + 3 cal
Daliege ~ 4 + 12 Cal

tb ~ 2:56 (6-6-6-3-3-3-3) / 4 + 11 Cal / 6 MU (3-2-1)

Friday, September 6, 2019

End of Week

#1 is in the books

GO WOD Mobilize

A) 2 x 50' Double DB OH Lungewalk
B) 2 x 50' Single Arm DB OH Lungewalk (1 Right / 1 Left)
C) 2 x 12 DB Alt Leg Step Ups (24/20)
D) 2 x 50' BB Lungewalk (1 = Front Rack / 2 = OH)  (95#/65#)

Within 8m Complete:
3 sets:
6 C2B
6 Squat Snatch (95/65)
3 sets:
7 C2B
5 Squat Snatch (135/95)
....if you complete...ADD 4min and perform:
3 Sets:
8 C2B
4 Squat Snatch (185/??)
...if you complete... WHO ARE WE KIDDING HERE?!?!?

These guys all did various DB's and then the bar for the Front Rack and OH...
Then they all kept same weight on ALL rounds of Squat Snatching...
Britt ~ 75# -
Ladick ~ 75# -
Daliege ~ 75# -
Stan ~ 75# Squat Clean Thrusters ~
tb ~ A1 = 35# / A2=50# / B=50# / C=50# / completed 3+3+1 rnd + 7 C2B...
I modified my 185# to 155

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Quick...Staff Meeting


2 Rnds ~
10 Clean & Jerks (135/95)
15 Deadlift (225#/135#)

60s MAX Strict Pull Ups
30s REST
2m MAX Bar Muscle Ups
30s REST
3m MAX Toes to Bar

Daliege ~ 115/225 - 5:15
Ladick ~ 95/185 - 5:12
tb ~ 5:28 / 19 (16-3) - 7 (1-2-2-1-1) - 45 (8-8-8-8-8-5)

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Day #2 (TTT)

Day Two for Training Think Tank...

400m Run + Go WOD
With a Running Clock:
15 Strict HSPU
50' HS Walk
30 HR Push Ups
(6m Cap)
At 8:00min:
50' HS Walk
30 HR Push Ups
15 Strict HSPU
(6m Cap)
@ 16:00m:
30 HR Push Ups
15 Strict HSPU
50' HS Walk
(6m Cap)
I modified to 10 Strict HSPU / 15' of HS Walking Work...
EMOM x 6m:
1 = 45s Bar Facing Burpees
2 = 30s Box Jumps (24/20)
directly into...
EMOM x 6m:
1 = 45s Burpees to 6" Target
2 = 30s Lateral Box Jump Overs (24/20)
Row & HS Skill Work
3 Rnds:
1m Row
15s Rest
1m to Accumulate HS Holding in 1x2 Box (up on wall)
15s Rest
1m Row

Britt did Spicey as well...killed me in it... he was at like 14's for Burpees each time...
tb ~ 5:30 completed / finished 15'+30HR in 3m, then 4 HSPU / 30 HR in 1:32 then 2-1-1 in remaining time...just cashed...
Bar Facing Burpees ~ 11-10-12 / Box Jumps ~ 10-11-10
Burpees ~ 11-14-15 / Lat Box Jump Overs ~ 7-6-8
21 Cal (1 Fall) 23 Cal / 24 Cal (60s) 19 Cal / 22 Cal (60s) 18 Cal

Monday, September 2, 2019

Training Think Tank...

Giving this a try...
Let's see how it goes...
The guys at Training Think Tank (HERE) have a free program online with options to purchase other programs...coaching, etc...
If I am paying...I would go back to CompTrain...but since I am not...
Lets see how these guys stack up...

3min AMRAP:
Thrusters (95#/65#)
~ 60s Rest ~
Cal. Row
50 D/U after each Rnd
12 Quick Singles Squat Snatch (115#/80#)
30s Rest
3 Squat Snatch (165#)
12 Quick Singles Squat Snatch (115#/80#)
30s Rest
3 Squat Snatch (165#)

the kids subbed SDLHP for Row and did 21-15-9 of Lat. BB Jump Overs also Mod Pull Ups
Hanah F ~ 61-52
Garett J ~ 52-57
Carson J ~ 65-42
tb ~ 57 - 15cal Row (75# Thrusters) / 115#-155#-115#-155# (wow...tough!)

Friday, August 30, 2019


Time to improve...

ALSO...Time to get signed up for the CrossFit OPEN!!!
I'm IN!!!
Let's go people...
Let's represent CrossFit WR...
Register with our Affiliate (CrossFit WR) and come and get tested at LHS!
I want to get some Strength & Fitness kids involved either as judges &/or competitors!!!
If you are interested...take the judges course as well and be a judge... I always need someone judging me!!!

Go WOD warm-up

15 M Handstand Walk Practice
Tried to do a 180* turn around on wall...difficult
Back to front... then from side to other side...
Went in Gymnastics room and did some walking... easier on padded floor...
Soft surface = Stiff joints
Hard surface = soft joints
EMOM x 7 (increase a bit from last week):
1 = 7 Hang Squat Cleans + 1 Push Jerk
2 = 6 Hang Squat Cleans + 2 Push Jerks
3 = 5 Hang Squat Cleans + 3 Push Jerks
4 = 4 Hang Squat Cleans + 4 Push Jerks
5 = 3 Hang Squat Cleans + 5 Push Jerks
6 = 2 Hang Squat Cleans + 6 Push Jerks
7 = 1 Hang Squat Clean + 7 Push Jerks
For Time:
1 Mile Run
Directly into...
10 Rnds of Bergeron Beep Test (7 Thrusters + 7 Pull Ups + 7 Burpees)

Stan, Ladick and Daliege did Heartburn yesterday... No idea on time, but they were all done in under 25m (I believe)...

Z.Wendt ~ 125# / 24:12 (7:33 mile)
tb ~ 125# / 39:37 (8:37 mile / 20:07 with 5 Rnds of BBT to go...)

Bergeron Beep Test is an EMOM by the way... I have only completed 2-3 full rounds of that when I have attempted it...Burpees and Thrusters are my ENEMY (and goat)!

Heart Rate Post WOD for tb ~
10s HR immediatly after ~ 28 (168 bpm)
1m Post Wod ~ 24 (144 bpm)
2m Post Wod ~ 20 (120 bpm)
3m Post Wod ~ 18 (108 bpm)
4m Post Wod ~ 18 (108 bpm)

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Trail work...

Go WOD Mobility
Easy DL build up to 60%
NOT for time:
3-6-9-12-15 UB DL (60% 1-RM)
* b/t each rnd perform 30% Max Strict HSPU
3 RFT ~
800m Run (around school)
80 D/U
21 Push Press (115#/85# - can be taken from rack)

Stan ~ XX / 21:18 (95# / 180 singles)
Ladick ~ 185# / 22:34 (95# / 50 D/U)
DAliege ~ (started at 7:11) ??
ZWendt ~ 260# / 22:31 (7:10 / 7:20 / 8:01)
tb ~ 235# / 24:57 (6:58 / ?? / ?? / 21 UB 1st rnd then 14-7 for 2 & 3)

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Work Day!

GO WOD Pre-Workout
60s Light Bike
60% Max Ring MU
60s Light Bike
12 STRICT Ring Dips
60s Light Bike
50% Max Ring MU
60s Light Bike
9 STRICT Ring Dips
60s Light Bike
40% Max Ring MU
60s Light Bike
9 STRICT Ring Dips
5 Sets of the following Complex:
1 Hang Clean Pull
1 Hang Power Clean
1 Clean Pull
1 Power Clean
For Time (9m Time Cap):
50 Power Cleans (155#/105#)
* EMOM perform 5 TTB (begin on 1:00)

Ladick ~ XX / 155# / 6:36 (115#)
Stan ~ XX / 155# / 5:57 (115#)
Daliege ~ XX / 155# / 5:40 (55 reps / 115#)
Z.Wendt ~ XX / 205# / 5:56 (17-7-6-6-7-7)
tb ~ 5-4-4 MU / 195# / 5:38 (16[12+4s]-6s-6s-7[3+4s]-73+4s]-8[5+3s])

School Starts...

Tomorrow...for teachers...
3 Days of Inservice (getting ready) meetings and other stuff...
Goes by fast...
This summer did as well...

Where does the time go?

GO WOD Warm-Up / Mobility
BB Warm-Up
Easy warm-up on Squats to get to +3% from last week...

Alternating Minutes (OTM) x 12:
3 Front Squats
6 Back Squats
P#1) AMRAP in 3min:
21(15) Cal Row
21 Lateral Burpees Over Rower
Max Reps OHS (75/55)
~ 3m REST ~ 
P#2) AMRAP in 3min:
18(13) Cal Row
18 Lateral Burpees Over Rower
Max Reps OHS (95/65)
~ 3m REST ~ 
P#3) AMRAP in 3min:
15(11) Cal Row
15 Lateral Burpees Over Rower
Max Reps OHS (115/85)
~ 3m REST ~ 
P#4) AMRAP in 3min:
12(9) Cal Row
12 Lateral Burpees Over Rower
Max Reps OHS (135/95)
GO WOD for 15m to finish...

Tonn ~ XX / 3 / 2 / 12 / 12 (45# for OHS)
H.Felker ~ 115# / 2 / 8/ 10 / 17 (45# for OHS)
Z.Wendt ~ 245# / 14 / 15 / 20 / 16
tb ~ 205# (2/5 Reps...not feeling 3/6 today) / 10 / 9 / 18 / 13

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Caught Up!

Been doing GO WOD... I like it a lot...
Reffered to it by Shawn Brehm!!!
They are doing a 5 person WOD this Saturday... I would love to be a part, but am out of town.
That just sounds AWESOME, and knowing Shawn & the family, it will be a real sweat-fest not to mention a GRINDER... I don't thing he ever does anything that is not mentally & physically TOUGH!!!
Lots of positive motivation and pushing beyond the limits!!!

BB Cycling
Beast Builder V.1
OTM x 7m:
1 = 7 Hang Squat Cleans + 1 Push Jerk
2 = 6 HSC + 2 PJ
3 = 5 HSC + 3 PJ
7 = 1 HSC + 7 PJ
(try 50% of C&J Max)
20 Rep Heavy Set
For Time:
200m Run
27 Wall Balls
27 Box Jumps
200m Run
21 Wall Balls
21 Box Jumps
200m Run
15 Wall Balls
15 Box Jumps
200m Run
9 Wall Balls
9 Box Jumps

Z.Wendt ~ 115# (24~ 10s Heart Rate) / 275# 20-Rep / 11:07
tb ~ 115# (26~ 10s Heart Rate) / 235# 20-Rep / 13:24 (all WB UB / 4:11 / 8:11 / 11:21 / 13:24)


This Week...
Monday (8-19)
Alt. Squats OTM x 12 (6 Sets):
1 = 3 F.Squats
2 = 6 Back Squats
(increase 3% from Last Week)
AMRAP in 14m:
15 Thrusters (95/65)
30 D/U
15 C2B
30 D/U

Val ~ 3 + 50 reps (5 Pull Ups)
Z.Wendt ~ 265# / 3 + 32 (17 D/U)
tb ~ 205# / 3 + 12 Reps (Thrusters ~ 15 UB / 6-5-4 / 9-6 / 12 / C2B ~ 6-5-4 / 6-5-4 / 9/6)

Tuesday (8-20)
ROW 2K... yearly test!
Gymnastics Conditioning
With a 10m timecap:
30 Strict HSPU
30 Kipping HSPU

Z.Wendt ~ 7:25.7 / 8:10 (Strict 6x5 [3:17] Kipping was 9-8-7-5-1)
tb ~ 7:19.0 / 37 Reps (Strict 8x3-2-2-2 (7:57) Kipping 2-3-2)
I was actually at 15 Strict at 2:05...then the slow-down, does it catch-up fast!

Rowing Breakdowns
ZW ~ 1:49.6 (28) / 1:50.6 (27) / 1:52.5 (25) / 1:52.9 (28) / AVE ~ 1:51.4 (27)
tb  ~ 1:42.6 (27) / 1:52.9 (25) / 1:55.7 (23) / 1:47.9 (28) / AVE ~ 1:49.7 (25)

Time Gets Away...But workouts do not...

WOW... Just no time to post for over a week...
Week #1 Game Prep has been TOUGH...

Last Wed (8-14)
For Time:
50/35 Cal Bike
100-80-60-40-20 ~ D/U
50-40-30-20-10 ~ Abmat Sit Ups
50/35 Cal Bike

tb ~ 19:03 (3:54 / 4:00 Bikes)


Last Friday (8-16)
SNATCH on the 2:30 x 5:
3-Pos. Power Snatch (Pockets - Knees - Floor)
3-Pos. Squat Snatch (Pockets - Knees - Floor)
3 x 12
Same volume & load as last week, but varied Rep scheme
(consider this "for time" / take rest but as minimal as needed)
Team of 2:
Ascending Ladder in 25 min:
Cal Row
KB Swings (50/35)
Wall Ball (20/14)
~ One person completes a full round then the other...

Borski (Betsy) joined in for this one!!!

Borski ~ XX / 115# Stam Sqt (3:26) / Thru rnd of 21 then 24 Cal Row
Z.Wendt ~ 115# / 255 (4:50) /
tb ~ 135# for 3-4-5 / 195# (4:36) /
Zach and I completed Rnd of 21 plus ZW got 10 Cals on Rower... He was #1

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Old School...

Warm-Up ~ 
Go WOD for 10 Min...
(Young Kids did SmashwRx)
60s Light Row + 60% Max Strict HSPU
60s Light Row + HS Walk Work (suppose to be 50' HSW)
60s Light Row + 50% Max Strict HSPU
60s Light Row + HS Walk Work
60s Light Row + 40% Max Strict HSPU
60s Light Row + HS Walk Work
4 Rnds ~
200m Run
8 Bar Muscle Ups
200m Run
12 Alternate DB Power Snatches (70/50)

GJune ~ 16:32 (50# / Pull + Dips)
CJune ~ 14:20 (45# / Pull + Dips)
AJ ~ 13:55 (60# / Pull + Dips)
Drake ~ 16:48 (70# / Pull + Dips)
Wendt ~ 23:19 (70# / MU)
MU ~ 4-2-1-1 / 4-2-1-1 / 2-3-2-1 / 4-2-1-1
Val ~ 17:09 (??# / Pull Ups + Dips)
tb ~ 5-4-4 & 10' HS Walk (kikin' up and 2 hand moves...weak, but worked) /  19:20 (70# / MU)
MU ~ UB / UB / UB / 7-1
DB 12 / 12 / 8-4 / 12

Monday, August 12, 2019

Go Wod

New warm-up Routine...made just for you at GOWOD

then ...BB WU
EMOM x 12 (6 Sets):
3 Front Squats
6 Back Squats
(63% 3-RM)
Squat Clean (135/95)
Ring Dips

ZW ~ 225# / 8:44 (HUGE PR)
Drake ~ 240# / XX
tb ~ 185# / 10:28 (not so hot)

ZW ~
7-6-5-1-1-1 / 8-7-6
6-5-1-1-1-1 / 6-5-4
6-1-1-1 / 6-3

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Mix it Up

Warm Up Quick... Got to get back to a good warm up!!!

30 Clean & Jerks (135/95)
1 Mile Run
10 Rope Climbs
1 Mile Run
100 Burpees

ZW ~ 44:34 (2:57-13:46(10:49) - 23:00(9:14) - 33:30(10:30) - 44:34(11:04))
tb ~ modified to 30 C&J+1Mile Run + 100 Burpees ~ 29:06
(3:52 for 30...15 reps completed at 1:30
11:00 mile
14:14 for 100 Burpees...

Then I did 50 extra burpees to finish after the time!!!

Wednesday, August 7, 2019


Well this one was a little sneaky...

SmashweRx WU


On the 2:30 x 5 rnds
Snatch Complex
3-Pos. Power Snatch
3-Pos. Squat Snatch
(55% 1-RM)
~So it will be High-Hang(pockets) Pwr Snatch + Low-Hang (knees) Pwr Snatch + Pwr Snatch from floor + HH (pockets) Sqt Snatch + LH (Knees) Sqt Snatch + Squat Snatch from floor ~ 6 total reps!
Every 4 minutes begin (5 Sets total):
9 Box Jump Overs (30/24)
15 DB Front Squat (50/35)
15/12 Cal Bike

ZW ~ 105-105-105-115-115 / 2:07(1:05B) - 2:14(1:15) - 2:19(1:16) - 2:28(1:18) - 2:53(1:36)
tb ~ 95-95-115-125-135 / 3:00(1:21) - 3:06(1:21) - 2:56(1:14) - 3:00(1:17) - 2:55(1:17)

Drake (8.8.19) Leg Work ~ (35#DB) 2:01-2:23-2:23-2:20-2:24

Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Quads feelin' it...

Quads are feeling it today... just sore and slow to start...
Plus Football is a go today... Tonight we start... exciting and burdensome all at same time...
Paperwork and the drudgery of getting started... two more days and we will be back to good!

Mobilize & SmashweRx Warm-Up

3 x Tempo Romainian DL (4s down + 1s Hang)

Strict Pull Ups
Strict HSPU*
*modify/scale as not waste 10m on a set!
For Time:
21 DL + 400m Run
15 DL + 400m Run
9 DL + 400m Run

ZW ~ 12:34 / XX
21's ~ 8-4-3-6s / 8-7-6
15's ~ 4-3-3-5s / 9-6
9's ~ 5-4s / 4-4-1 (failed on 5th attempt on both sets of 4 during 9...)

tb ~ 16-18+ish(under 20min) / 13:07 (sucked)
21 Guns...Drake shut off his timer on me! Modified HSPU to 15-9-6
21's ~ 11-4-3-3 / 3-3-3-5(kipping)-1
15's ~ 12-3 / 2-1-2-2-2
9's ~ 9 / 2-2-1-1
SD ~ 15 Jefferson DL, then 3-3 traditional / 5-10s / 3-6s

Drake did Yesterday Fish out of H2O ~ 17:03 (135#)
Row = 8:20.2 (24) / Splits~2:00.3(27)/2:05.4(24)/2:07.3(24)/2:07.2(24)
Garrett J ~ 19:28 (9:16.9 Row / 115#)
Carson J ~ 16:45 (8:45 Row / 95#)

Monday, August 5, 2019


Been a while for some squats...coming off last week as a de-load week...

Warm-Up ~ Mobilize

EMOM x 12m (alt. these):
odd = 3 Front Squats
even = 6 Back Squats
(use 60% of 3-RM Back Squat ~ 7.22.19)
For Time:
2K Row
10 Rnds:
3 Power Clean (155/105)
6 Push Ups
9 Air Squats

Z.Wendt ~ 215# / 15:15 (stopped after 5 Rnds of 3-6-9...back was sore...)
7:47.2 Row / Ave~1:56.8(26) / Splits~1:53.2(25)/1:54.4(25)/1:57.0(27)/2:02.7(28)
tb ~ 175# / 17:02 (Quick Singles on 1-2-3-7 / UB on 4-5-6-8-9-10)
7:36.2 Row / Ave~1:54.0(23) / Splits~1:49.4(23)/1:52.3(22)/1:57.0(22)/1:57.5(25)

Saturday, August 3, 2019

CF Games Week...

This week is the CF Games in Madison, WI

Shawn Brehm was down there to watch some of them workouts and just "take-in" the events

He did #1 last night and I did them both today...

We were able to get together this AM and do WOD #2 ~ Two Ropes
It was fun!

WOD #1 ~ Row Burpees
For Time (6m Cap):
500m Row
30 Bar-Facing Burpees

5 Rnds for Time:
3 Rope Climbs (12')
15 Front Squats (115/85)
60 D/U

SB ~ 3:52 (1:47 Row) / 12:19 (95#/90 singles)
tb ~ 4:19 (1:44 Row) / 19:12

How about that for a times ~ 12:19 & 19:12...
I may have done a few extra D/U in Rnd 1 & 2... The 3's from Front squat got in my head and I was off on counting.
Brehm was Rockin' this one!!! Stud in both #1 & #2!!!

Thursday, August 1, 2019

Where did summer go...

Some have a month left of summer... But August means Football Starts...

#1 ~ AMRAP in 4m:
27 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)
27 Lateral Burpees over Rower
27 Cal Row
4 Minute REST
#2 ~ AMRAP in 4m:
21 Hang Power Cleans (115/85)
21 Lateral Burpees over Rower
21 Cal Row
4 Minute REST
#3 ~ AMRAP in 4m:
15 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
15 Lateral Burpees over Rower
15 Cal Row

Val & I did this one...

Val ~ 55 Reps (1 Cal) / 58 Reps (16 Cals) / 1 Rnd + 13 HPC
tb ~ 74 Reps (20 Cals) / 65 Reps (1+2 HPC) / 62 Reps (1+2 Burpees)
Transitions (tb)
#1 ~ 45s (UB)-2:55
#2 ~ 40s (UB)-2:32-3:54
#3 ~ did not look until after the 15 HPC (1st was 9-6, 2nd was UB...didn't think I would finish in time, so I just gripped and ripped)...completed the HPC...looked at clock ~ 3:54 got over to 2 burpees.

Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Time Flies...

Getting to be that time of year... Where does the time go...
Getting ready for Football and I get nothing else done...
And still don't feel ready for FB...

Pausing OHS
5-7 sets of the following:
1s Pause at EACH Spot:
1/4 + Parallel + Rock Bottom + Parallel
Pausing Hanging Squat Snatch
On the 2min x 5:
3-Pos. Pausing Hanging Squat Snatch (2s Pause in Bottom "Catch" Position at each)
#1 = Pockets
#2 = Hang (just above knees)
#3 = Low Hang (below knees, not touching ground)
5 RFT ~
400m Run
15 OHS (95/65)

Drake ~ 245# OHS / 95-115-135-145-155 / 15:32
tb ~ 225# OHS / 95-115-135-145-155 / 16:43
Tennis court 200m and back...OHS done on Grinder (outside Wt. Room)

I was in MUCH better shape one year least from this test!!!

Friday, July 26, 2019

Getting Warmer...

Warm-Up ~ Mobilize

Find a Heavy 1-Rep
then a 10-Rep
El Nino
For Time:
1 Mile Run
50 Alt. DB Snatches (50/35)
400m Med-Ball/Plate Carry (50/35)
30 Pull Ups
20 Burpee Box Jumps (24/20)

Libby ~ ???
Carson J ~ 17:20 (25# DB / 45# Plate)
Big Blok ~ 29:37
Sam S ~ 31:47
Ren ~ 18:20 (20# / 30#)
Mitch B ~ 23:40 (25# DB/ 30# Ball)
Jack B ~ 23:05 (25# / 30#)
Garrett J ~ 19:27 (35# DB / 30# Ball)
Drake B ~ 21:25 (50# DB / 40# Ball ~ 7":17-12:03-16:19-18:30-21:25)
tb ~ 356# / 275# (Jefferson DL) / 23:45 (55# DB/50# Ball ~ 9:08-14:00-19:38-21:15-23:45)